Grant Opportunity: Enhancing Social and Emotional Skills in Students with IEPs (ES3) Three Year Grant
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s Special Education team is accepting applications for the Enhancing Social and Emotional Skills in Students with IEPs (ES3) Three Year Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) discretionary grant.
The goal of the ES3 Three Year grant is to provide public school districts with the structures and processes to identify and support the beliefs, skills, and systems needed to improve academic and functional outcomes for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). This is done through direct, ongoing support and a prescribed action plan. The focus population for this grant is students with IEPs that present with significantly divergent social and emotional learning needs. This may include students identified for special education as having autism, an emotional behavioral disability, an other health impairment, or other students with IEPs with social and emotional disability-related needs. This goal is achieved by enhancing existing district-level initiatives with the support of embedded coaching to improve outcomes for students with IEPs. Districts receiving this grant are directly supported by a statewide coordinator and dedicated district coordinator who will guide district and school based teams through coaching, training, and resources to implement evidence-based improvement strategies to support the growth of both students and educators. Selected districts will be awarded three years of grant funding based on meeting grant activity requirements. Four grant awards are available.
The deadline to apply for this grant is midnight on April 25, 2025.
Application Instructions:
To see if this opportunity matches the needs and readiness for your LEA, please review the ES3 Grant Application Instructions.
To complete the application please go to the ES3 Grant Application form. All fields must be completed.
When completing the application, it is important to use the provided guidance questions and template from the ES3 Grant Application Instructions.
Questions regarding the ES3 Three Year Grant may be directed to Eva Shaw at
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