Supports for Educating Students with IEPs
In order to support the education of students with IEPs and help close gaps for each and every student, the Department of Public Instruction uses federal funding to develop a variety of projects, tools, and resources. Learn More about Statewide Projects that Support Educating Students with IEPs. Assistive Technology (AT) Forward Resources: AT Forward is a Wisconsin DPI federally funded project that includes: Assistive Technology Lending Center (ATLC): Web Page. This web page can help educators know where to trial assistive technology devices that are matched to student needs. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): Web Page. This page provides links to resources for AAC. Advancing Equity through Social Emotional Learning: Document. Wisconsin’s State Superintendent’s Equity Stakeholder Council (Council) studied Social Emotional Learning through an equity lens from January to June of 2018. This resource assists in understanding how social and emotional learning can advance equity work in schools and districts. Answers to Frequently Asked Compulsory School Attendance Questions: Document. This resource provides educators with frequently asked questions about school attendance. Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA): Web page. This web page includes resources and sample worksheets to conduct Functional Behavioral Assessments. Inclusive Strategies to Support Behavior Needs of Students with IEPs*: Web page and documents. The Inclusive Strategies to Address Behavioral Needs for Students with IEPs Professional Learning Series provides adults with a variety of tools to examine their own biases, mindsets and beliefs about student behavior as well as how to build strong relationships, apply a proactive and positive approach, and identify the needs of students to better plan instruction and support. Also included are “Reflection and Application Activities” for adults on each topic to build knowledge, skills, and systems to assist students with accessing, engaging, and making progress in age or grade level curriculum, instruction, environments, and activities. Resources for Health and Safety of Students with Disabilities*: Web page. This web page has links to external state and national resources to assist administrators, general and special education teachers, parents and family members, and others that support the education of students with disabilities to foster self-determination and understanding of safety, well-being, and rights individuals have to report and communicate crimes including violent victimization such as physical or sexual abuse. Social and Emotional Learning: Web page. This web page links to several resources to help educators incorporate social and emotional learning into their instruction and curriculum. In addition, the Wisconsin Social and Emotional Learning Competencies can be used by IEP teams to understand a student's current levels of functional performance in the area of social and emotional learning that may lead to identification of a student's unique disability-related needs, and IEP goals and services. Supporting Neurodiverse Students: Web page, resources, videos. The Supporting Neurodiverse Students (SNS) Professional Learning System provides statewide and district level technical assistance, which includes consulting, coaching, professional learning, and resource brokering to educators, families, and community organizations who support students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) that have neurodiverse needs. Neurodiverse needs include disability‐related needs in regulation, sensory, social and communication skills, flexibility, resilience, and executive functioning. These disability-related needs may be identified in any student with an IEP regardless of the student’s disability category and are commonly associated with autism, emotional behavioral disability, and other health impairment. The SNS improves adult practices through the lens of equity and culturally responsive practices, and the implementation of high leverage practices in special education and evidence‐based improvement strategies. The SNS provides in-person and virtual professional learning opportunities, coaching and consulting to meet the needs of educators as they develop positive behavioral interventions and supports for students with IEPs, whose behaviors interfere with the student’s learning or learning of others. The SNS also provides targeted support to school teams engaged in either a three-year systems change grant or one-year intensive grant. The three-year and one-year grants provided to local education agencies (LEAs), known as the Enhancing Social and Emotional Skills in Students with IEPs (ES3), embeds coaching, training, and resources to implement evidence‐based improvement strategies matched to student needs, and make connections to existing district‐level initiatives and continuous improvement plans. Supporting Neurodiverse Students Root Cause Analysis Video: Video. Staying curious about why we see behaviors that are challenging to adults is foundational in supporting students with neurodiverse needs. This video provides an explanation of how to stay curious through the root cause analysis process. Asking and understanding the "why" gives adults a skill to target when identifying support for future growth. The video was co-created with individuals with autism. Wisconsin School Mental Health Framework: Web page resources, video. This webpage includes Wisconsin's roadmap for mental health and several resources that schools and districts can utilize to learn and address mental health needs of students. Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Wisconsin Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health (IDD-MH) System Improvement Wisconsin Office of Children's Mental Health (OCMH) US Dept of Ed Supporting Child and Student Social, Emotional, Behavioral and Mental Health Needs Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners (WECCP) was started in 1994 and focuses on collaboration among diverse early childhood partners and exists now as a ‘braided’ funding effort among state agencies. The web page has resources on the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards, Pyramid Model, inclusive strategies, and other resources. Wisconsin DPI federally funded project that provides coaching, technical assistance, and free online professional learning to improve inclusive learning environments and social and emotional learning outcomes for young learners with disabilities. Click on the following link to subscribe to the DPI Early Childhood Special Education email list: Best Practice When Assessing English Learners: Document. A structured approach for the assessment of students identified as an English Learner. This resource was created as a reference to the recorded presentations Best Practices. Disability Category Criteria in Wisconsin: Web page and documents. This web page links to individual assessment criteria to identify a child with a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Wisconsin administrative rules for disability category criteria. When Assessing English Learners (4-part video series): Video. These videos were developed to help IEP teams understand the unique assessment considerations when conducting comprehensive special education evaluations for English Learners. Considerations for Students who Speak Nonmainstream Dialects of American English: Document. A resource with assessment considerations for children who speak non mainstream dialects. Dr. Markeda Newell: Culturally Responsive Problem Solving Video: Video. This video was recorded in Milwaukee Public Schools as part of a professional learning event on how to engage in culturally responsive problem solving when conducting comprehensive special education evaluations. English Learners and Disabilities: Chapter 11 of DPI English Learner Handbook: Webpage and document. This chapter outlines some considerations when assessing English Learners for special education eligibility and discusses this intersection. The chapter is found on the Wisconsin DPI English Learner Policy Handbook webpage. Additional resources can be found on the Wisconsin DPI Special Education and Multilingual Learners webpage. Evaluation of Emotional Behavioral Disabilities “Digging Really Deep”: Slide deck. This slide deck was presented by Wisconsin DPI at statewide conferences in Spring 2022. The slide deck includes content and activities to identify Vulnerable Decision Points, and activities and resources related to culturally responsive interviews as part of a comprehensive special education evaluation. Speech and Language Assessment Linguistically Culturally Diverse: Spanish Speaking: Document. This document is a technical assistance guide to provide IEP teams with a basic understanding and resources to appropriately differentiate language impairment from typical language development and second language acquisition. Twice Exceptional Students: Web page. This web page has resources to highlight how students with disabilities may also require services as a twice exceptional student such as gifted and talented services from the school district. Bulletin 21.01 Special Education Evaluation A Framework for Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation: Overview Special Education Evaluation Timeline* Distinguishing Difference from Disability: The Common Causes of Racial/Ethnic Disproportionality in Special Education: A resource from the Great Lakes Equity Center developed by Edward Fergus in 2009. Cultural Competence Check-In: Culturally Responsive Practice : A resource developed by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to assist in improving awareness of how service delivery providers view their awareness of culture and language related to service delivery. Cultural Competence Check-In: Self Reflection: A resource developed by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to assist in improving awareness of individual awareness of the influence of culture and language. Cultural Competence Check-In: Policies and Procedures: A resource developed by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to assist in improving awareness of policies and procedures and influence of cultural and linguistic factors. Self Reflection: Gender Inclusivity : A resource developed by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to assist in improving awareness of gender inclusivity. Check Yourself: A quick self-check on common biases related to students with disabilities from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to assist with cultural competency in providing services. That’s Underheard Of Web Site: A web based resource from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association to assist with cultural competency in providing services. DSM 5 Cultural Formulation Interview Template found on the American Psychiatric Association DSM-5-TR Online Assessment Measures webpage. Jones, J. “Best Practices in Multicultural Counseling.” In Best Practices in School Psychology V, edited by Alex Thomas and Jeff Grimes, Ch. 111. Bethesda, MD : National Association of School Psychologists, 2008. Jones, J. “Best Practices in Providing Culturally Responsive Interventions,” in Best Practices in School Psychology ed. A. Thomas & P. Harrison (Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists, 2014). Hammond, Zaretta L. 2015. Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. An Introduction to Special Education (En Espaniol): Document. This resource provides a general overview of the structure of IEP meetings and the basics of special education processes. College and Career Ready IEP Family and Community Engagement. Web page. This web page links to several documents and resources to support family and student engagement in IEP meetings. Confidentiality, Consent, and Student Records: Web page and document. This web page has several resources related to confidentiality, consent, and student records including the DPI Student Records and Confidentiality document that outlines questions and answers related to confidentiality of student records including requirements related to confidentiality and sharing of student records such as the Individualized Education Program (IEP). Communication Options for Families Family Engagement in Special Education Parental and Adult Student Rights Positive Student Profile (resource document) Special Education in Plain Language Print Version (Introducción a la Educación especial) Spanish Special Education Resources for Families Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative IEP Resources (webpage) WSPEI CCR IEP Resources for Family Engagement (livebinder) CCR IEP Family and Community Engagement Special Education Family Support and Advocacy Organizations: There are many regional and statewide family support and advocacy organizations in Wisconsin, the below organizations are listed based on their statewide focus and state and federally funded or mandated services. College and Career Ready IEPs (CCR-IEPS) CCR IEP Learning Resources (webpage with links to videos, slide decks, and additional resources) DPI Sample IEP Forms (webpage) Sample IEP Form Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (resource document) Co-teaching Resources: Includes self-guided online modules, videos, and co-teaching practice profile, and links to national co-teaching resources. Early Learning Inclusion Video Educational Environment Decision Tree for Children 3-5 not in Kindergarten Inclusive Learning Communities: Includes link to inclusive learning community practice profiles. Inclusive Strategies to Support Behavior Needs of Students with IEPs* Guidance for Use of Paraprofessionals to support Speech and Language Print Disability/Accessible Educational Materials (AEM) Reading Teachers in the Provision of Specially Designed Instruction Resources for Health and Safety of Students with Disabilities* Special education paraprofessionals Teleservice Considerations for Related Services During the Current Public Health Emergency Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Forward!* What is Specially Designed Instruction and Who Can Provide It? Bulletin 00.04: Least Restrictive Environment Bulletin 18.02: Free and Appropriate Public Education Guidance Related to OSEPs Letter to Couilliard on Incidental Benefit Special Education Laws, Procedures, Bulletins main page Answers to Frequently Asked Compulsory School Attendance Questions Resources for Health and Safety of Students with Disabilities The following resources support students 3 through 21 with vision or hearing needs. The Wisconsin Deafblind Technical Assistance Project (WDBTAP) also provides services for infants and toddlers ages birth to three. All other birth to three services are provided through county agencies supported by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS). Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired: An integral part of the Wisconsin DPI, working in partnership with local education agencies and other service providers to promote excellence in educational programming and expanded opportunities for students who are blind or visually impaired. Click to sign up to the WCBVI Outreach Weekly Update Email List. WCBVI VIISA and INSITE webpage: The INSITE model focuses largely upon students who have multiple disabilities, including deafness and blindness. American Printing House for the Braille: Provides funding to counties for learning materials, including braille, for qualifying infants and toddlers. Expanded Core Curriculum for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired: Includes essential life skills including social interaction, independent living, career education, and communication modes such as braille that should be considered by IEP teams. Vision Forward Wisconsin: Serving people throughout the state of Wisconsin, Vision Forward empowers, educates, and enhances the lives of individuals impacted by vision loss through all of life’s transitions. Click on this link to view the Vision Forward Screening Tool. Wisconsin Education Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (WESP-DHH): Provides comprehensive education and support services to all Wisconsin children who are deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind, their families and their service providers. Click to sign up to professionals or families email lists. Expanded Core Curriculum for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: The expanded core curriculum targets areas of functional skill development that are required for students who are deaf or hard of hearing to access the general education curriculum and achieve the Wisconsin Academic Standards. Wisconsin Sound Beginnings: Early Detection and Intervention Program, Department of Health Services Described and Captioned Media Program: Provides a streaming library of accessible education videos, teaching tools, and professional development opportunities. Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center Wisconsin Deafblind Technical Assistance Project (WDBTAP): Improving services and support for children who are deafblind and their families resulting in increased participation in family, community and employment settings. Cultural Responsive Problem Solving: Includes links to Culturally Responsive Problem Solving Guide and self-guided online module, culturally responsive problem solving video, self-guided module on microaggressions, link to Promoting Excellence for All ecourse, link to culturally responsive problem solving in special education evaluations. Disproportionality in Special Education Educational Equity Leadership Series Equitable Multi-Level System of Supports Model to Inform Culturally Responsive Practices Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Forward!* Special Education Acronym Glossary Statewide Data Collections: Local Educational Agencies Required Data Collection and Indicators for Wisconsin Annual Performance Report Advancing Equity through Social Emotional Learning Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Special education paraprofessionals Teaching our readers who struggle Role of Special Education in an Equitable MLSS Wisconsin Alternate Assessment (Dynamic Learning Maps) Students with Disabilities and Statewide Assessment DPI Web page for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disability Guide to Determining Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities 1% Alternate Assessment Participation Threshold Wisconsin Alternate Academic Achievement Standards Students with Disabilities and Statewide Assessment Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards High Leverage Practices in Special Education High Leverage Practices and Students with Extensive Support Needs Understanding Standards Based IEPs, National Center for Learning Disabilities Supporsts for Educating Students with IEPs: These projects include universal and targeted Supports for Students with IEPs distributed for statewide systems change initiatives to ensure the greatest impact on the maximum number of children who receive special education services in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin DPI Resources
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Wisconsin DPI Resources
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Wisconsin DPI Resources
Wisconsin DPI Resources
Wisconsin DPI Bulletins and Compliance Resources
State or National Resources
Recommended Texts to Engage with a Book Study for Educators
Wisconsin DPI Resources
State and National Resources
Wisconsin DPI Resources
Wisconsin DPI IEP Forms and Bulletins
Wisconsin DPI Resources
Wisconsin DPI Bulletins and Compliance Resources
Wisconsin DPI Bulletins and Compliance Resources
Blind, Visually Impaired, and Low Vision
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Wisconsin DPI Resources
State or National Resources
For more information, visit the special education A-Z topic index.
Special Education Professional Learning Events
The Wisconsin DPI has a number of resources available for professional learning and connections. Events include Community of Practice meetings, recorded professional learning across projects, and links to other professional learning resources.