- WDPI notifies public agencies required to participate in the Disproportionality - Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment
- Disproportionality-PCSA materials available for use
November 15
(or next business day)
- DUE: LEAs submit Disproportionality-PCSA results to WDPI via the web application
(or next business day)
- Public agencies are notified of noncompliance and actions required for verification of correction
- Public agencies begin correction of noncompliance
- Validation activities begin
January 15
(or next business day)
- DUE: Public agencies submit assurance indicating all student-level noncompliance has been corrected
- DPI notifies public agencies of verification procedures
- Sampling period (3 months) for verification of current compliance begins
- Verification activities for all public agencies begin
April 15
(or next business day)
- Sampling period for verification of current compliance ends
April 15
(or next business day)
- List of students for verification of current compliance due to DPI
November 1
(or next business day)
- All verification activities must be complete
- Disproportionality-PCSA closed