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Occupational Therapist and Physical Therapist Evaluation System


The Wisconsin Occupational Therapist (OT) and Physical Therapist (PT) Evaluation System is an optional professional evaluation system for the OT and PT professions that is parallel in format and rigor to the Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness System. The system is designed and intended as a learning-centered continuous improvement system that provides meaningful and relevant feedback for the therapist, and also supports guided, individualized, and self-determined professional growth and development. The Wisconsin created evaluation tools are available in the Frontline Education Platform and Google format that may be used through the individual district’s storage options.  

Wisconsin OT and PT Evaluation Rubric

The Wisconsin OT and PT Evaluation Rubric is a set of therapist standards and descriptive indicators derived from the literature and expertise of Wisconsin therapists on OT/PT practice. The rubric is designed to help OTs and PTs identify and reflect on their typical current practice and map a path for continued reflection and growth.

The rubric is not intended to be used as a stand-alone evaluation tool, rather as a part of a collaborative effort to demonstrate an individual's growth and development over time.

Wisconsin OT and PT Evaluation User Guide new

The OT/PT Evaluation User Guide was created to help OTs and PTs and their evaluators to plan and carry out evaluations specific to their unique professional roles.

The guide provides a foundational understanding of Wisconsin’s OT and PT Evaluation System. Districts may augment this guide with additional local, regional, or state professional development and training opportunities in order to continuously improve the quality and efficacy of the WI OT and PT Evaluation System.

Forms: Google Sheets Versions

OT/PT Evaluation Self Review

To be completed by the therapist at the beginning of the last (summary) year of the evaluation cycle and shared with the evaluator for discussion/dialogue. Therapists or their evaluators may want to complete it more often.

OT/PT Goal Setting

Professional Practice Goal (PPG)
Completed annually by the therapist.
Student or Program Outcomes (SPO)
Completed annually by the therapist in collaboration with evaluator, peer, or coach. The therapist may choose to write a change goal for student learning or a program based on need and role of the therapist.

Announced Observation

Scheduled observation should be completed at least once during the evaluation cycle. The therapist will complete the Planning form and share it with the observer. Then the observer and the therapist should meet to discuss what will be observed. Observer collects observable evidence on the Evidence Collection Sheet and shares it along with the Observer Feedback form before or during the Post-Observation meeting. The therapist completes and shares the OT/PT Reflection form.
Observation Evidence - Aggregating
Used to collect evidence from all observations throughout evaluation cycle. May also be used to collect evidence in unannounced observations, known as Mini-Observations, if appropriate to the therapist role.


Unannounced observation completed as is appropriate to the role of the therapist. Observer collects evidence using the Observation Evidence Collection Sheet above. Then the observer completes and shares with the therapist the Observer Feedback.
Post-Brief Consultation Observer Feedback
Used to document evidence of an observed consultation. No minimum requirement. Completed as appropriate.
            Post-Brief Consultation Observer Feedback      

Artifact Evidence

The therapist should collect documents aligned to all of the components of the rubric as evidence of practice throughout the evaluation cycle. Evaluators may have guidance regarding local policy on allowable student confidentiality requirements within these documents.

End-of-Cycle Summary

Completed at the end of the one to three year evaluation cycle. A collaborative meeting should occur between the therapist and evaluator to review the final documentation and to discuss level growth (scores) and possible areas of focus for improvement in the next evaluation cycle.
End-of-Cycle Reflection
Completed by the therapist and shared with the evaluator prior to the End-of-Cycle Conference.
End-of-Cycle Summary
Completed by the evaluator after reviewing all forms of observation evidence, the therapist’s artifact evidence aligns to rubric components, as well as the therapist’s self-scores and reflections. Evaluator documents summary practice component scores and a holistic SPO score on this form.


We recognize and extend thanks to the small writing group of statewide OTs, PTs, and Special Education Directors who committed extensive time, energy, and expertise to make this evaluation system available to OTs and PTs statewide.