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Professional Learning Events

Equitable Multi Level Systems of Support (EMLSS) Project Conference, August 8-9, 2023

CESA #1 is excited to announce an amazing summer learning opportunity through a partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction! The EMLSS Project Conference will be held August 8-9 at the Kalahari Resort. This year's conference experience will have a focus on supporting the whole child - meeting all students' academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs. The conference will be an opportunity for participants to learn from experts in the field and one another as we share best practices and network with fellow educators across the state. Conference details, including registration and keynote information, are available on the EMLSS conference flyer  or on CESA 1’s website.

College and Career Ready (CCR) IEP Trainings

CCR IEP Training and Support is available through the CESA Regional Special Education Network (RSN). Each CESA Regional Special Education Network (RSN) will provide an introductory CCR IEP training during the 2023-24 school year. To register or find out more information, visit the Statewide CCR IEP Introductory Training Opportunities Flyer to register or for more information, or contact your local Regional Special Education Network (RSN) Director. In addition, free DPI web trainings on CCR IEP have been recorded and posted to the CCR IEP Learning Resources web page.

Early Childhood Technical Assistance and Implementation (EC-TAI)

The Early Learning Technical Assistance and Implementation (EL-TAI) grant provides technical assistance at no cost to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) and community partners to support positive outcomes for preschoolers with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in Wisconsin. The grant provides training and technical assistance to support preschoolers with IEPs.  For updated training calendars go to the DPI Early Childhood Special Education webpage.

Supporting Neurodiverse Students (SNS)

The Supporting Neurodiverse Students (SNS) Professional Learning System provides learning events, virtual cohorts, coaching, resources, and technical assistance to support educators and families serving students with disability-related needs in the area of social and emotional learning (SEL). The goal of the SNS is to support a skills-based approach to challenging behaviors that will improve a student’s social understanding and emotional management skills. The SNS System provides learning opportunities with a focus on regulation, social communication, flexibility, resilience, sensory processing, and executive functioning.

The SNS Learning Events provide in-person events, live virtual events, and virtual four-session cohorts that support learning about disability-related needs that often occur for students with differences in social and emotional skill sets (e.g. students with autism, students with emotional behavioral disabilities, and students with other disabilities that impact social and emotional learning competencies). For more about these events and registration information, please visit the SNS Learning Events Registration webpage.

The Network Educational Equity Institutes

These unique offerings are designed to increase educators' capacity for co-creating belonging in all learning spaces. The Institutes support inclusive learning for authentic self-reflection and engagement while exploring the application of "difficult conversations" about race, equity, inclusion, and systemic oppression. Participants are challenged to understand the dynamics of race and racism in education and other forms of exclusion/oppression and transform their educational practices.

The Institutes provide learning opportunities around educational equity and justice from multiple perspectives. Institutes will be delivered through a virtual platform, with opportunities for discussion and resources. The learning is tailored to increase capacity for racial equity leadership among Wisconsin educators and centering belonging for all students.  Go to The Network webpage for upcoming learning opportunities.

Transition Improvement Grant (TIG)

The Transition Improvement Grant (TIG ) provides support for continuous improvement and technical assistance in order to change adult practices and district policy that will positively impact the graduation rates and post school outcomes for all students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) with an increased focus on closing gaps in access and achievement for students of color.  For upcoming events go to the TIG Event webpage.

Assistive Technology Forward Community of Practice Meetings

The AT Forward Project supports educators, practitioners, caregivers and families to increase student autonomy in utilizing Assistive Technology tools to support access, engagement, and progress in learning. It provides a statewide, virtual Community of Practice (CoP) to support AT, and by joining this Community of Practice (CoP), members will have the opportunity to learn from experts in the field and network with colleagues through statewide meetings, participate in free AT micro-credentialing opportunities, and receive monthly AT email updates. From AT beginner to experienced implementers, the AT Forward CoP welcomes all knowledge background levels to join!  Find upcoming and recorded AT Forward meetings on the DPI Assistive Technology Forward webpage.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Forward Community  

The UDL Forward Community is an asynchronous and universally-designed environment in which educators engage in sense-making and resource sharing for UDL implementation. Committing to UDL means creating expert learners, designing environments and experiences with the UDL Guidelines and expert learner characteristics, and supporting systems change ensures equitable educational opportunities and helps Wisconsin educators operationalize the Wisconsin vision for equity. Join the UDL Forward Community to engage in learning conversations, participate in events, and amplify how UDL is working in your school community. Content, events, and discussions will advance UDL in your practice and in your own professional learning experiences. Go to the UDL Forward webpage for upcoming events and asynchronous learning content.  Go to the UDL Community webpage to join.

Special Education and Pupil Services New Leaders Academy

The Special Education and Pupil Services New Leaders Academy consist of a series of virtual meetings specifically designed for Special Education Directors and Pupil Services Leaders in their first three years of leading. The purpose of these meetings is to build awareness and understanding on technical topics related to those new to the Special Education and Pupil Services field/position. For upcoming events go to the DPI Special Education and Pupil Services Leadership webpage.

Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative (WSPEI) 

WSPEI's vision is to for each and every family and school community will have the beliefs, capabilities, connections, and confidence to communicate effectively, meaningfully engage, and partner to improve systems that ensure student success in all aspects of their lives.  WSPEI supports the development of strong relationships to build effective partnerships.  For more information on upcoming events, go to the WSPEI learning opportunities webpage.

Related Service Provider Community of Practice Meetings 2020-2021

Click on the following resource document to view all recorded Related Service Provider Community of Practice Meetings from 2020-2021 School year.  Link to Archived The grant provides training and technical assistance to support preschoolers with IEPs. Link to Archived Community of Practice Related Service Provider Meetings 2020-2021.  

Additional Information on DPI Funded Special Education Professional Learning Opportunities

To learn more about the various DPI grant projects that provide professonal learning to the field, view videos and descriptions on the DPI Supports for Educating Students with Disabilities webpage.


Wisconsin Familly Assistance Center for Education, Training, and Support (WI FACETS) is Wisconsin's Parent Training and Information Center.  WI FACETS offers professional learning events throughout the year as well as on demand recordings of past learning events.  See the WI FACETS training calendar for upcoming events.