Enrollment is a headcount of students receiving primary educational services from a school district as of the 3rd Friday in September.
- For interactive data outputs, see WISEdash Public Portal
- For Private School data, see the Private School Enrollment page
About the files
All public enrollment reports start with PE in the file name. The last two digits of the file name indicate the end of the school year. For example, 01 represents the 2000-2001 school year. Data is provided at various levels, such as statewide, district, or school. The data was collected from school districts as part of the ISES (Individual Student Enrollment System) based on WSLS (Wisconsin Student Number Locator System).
2016-17 and beyond public school enrollment files may be found in the WISEdash Public Portal
Disclaimers and Errata
- For school year 2004-2005, major changes in Wisconsin data collection systems were implemented. The 2004-05 enrollment data were included in this transition year collection and are not comprehensive and so should be interpreted with caution.
- Corrections to Public Enrollment data by school districts
Public Enrollment Master (PEM) files
Master public enrollment files are based on grade level data by gender and ethnicity/race within individual schools. Enrollment is a one-time count on the third Friday in September. The file includes district name, district number, district type, county code, county name, CESA, WTCS district code, school code, and school name.
- pem16.xlsx
- pem15.xlxs
- pem14.xlsx
- pem13.xlsx
- pem12.xlsx
- pem11.xls
- pem10.xls
- pem09.xls
- pem08.xls
- pem07.xls
- pem06.xls
- pem05.xls
- pem04.xls
- pem03.xls
- pem02.xls
- pem01.xls
Rankings by Enrollment Size (PEDR)
This is a district-level enrollment report. It ranks districts by size based on the third Friday in September enrollment count. The report lists school districts starting with the largest and ending with the smallest. It also includes the county code, county name, and CESA.
- pedr16.xlsx
- pedr15.xlsx
- pedr14.xlsx
- pedr13.xlsx
- pedr12.xlsx
- pedr11.xls
- pedr10.xls
- pedr09.xls
- pedr08.xls
- pedr07.xls
- pedr06.xls
- pedr05.xls
- pedr04.xls
- pedr03.xls
- pedr02.xls
- pedr01.xls
Rankings by Enrollment Size (PEDR) web file
- pedr01
- pedr99
- pedr98
Public Enrollment by District by School by Gender (PEG)
This report is arranged several different ways (district, CESA, or county). The data is based on the third Friday in September. Each school within the district is listed. An enrollment count by gender and total is listed. Depending on the sort type selected, CESA or county totals are available.
Combined District, CESA, County
District | pedg10.xls | pedg09.xls | pedg08.xls | pedg07.xls | pedg06.xls |
CESA | peceg10.xls | peceg09.xls | peceg08.xls | peceg07.xls | peceg06.xls |
County | pecog10.xls | pecog09.xls | pecog08.xls | pecog07.xls | pecog06.xls |
District | pedg05.xls | pedg04.xls | pedg03.xls | pedg02.xls | pedg01.xls |
CESA | peceg05.xls | peceg04.xls | peceg03.xls | peceg02.xls | peceg01.xls |
County | pecog05.xls | pecog04.xls | pecog03.xls | pecog02.xls | pecog01.xls |
Public Enrollment by District by Grade (PEDGr)
Counts enrollment by grade by district based on the third Friday in September enrollment. This report is sorted by district name and provides PK through grade 12 totals for each district.
- pedgr16.xlsx
- pedgr15.xlsx
- pedgr14.xlsx
- pedgr13.xlsx
- pedgr12.xlsx
- pedgr11.xls
- pedgr10.xls
- pedgr09.xls
- pedgr08.xls
- pedgr07.xls
- pedgr06.xls
- pedgr05.xls
- pedgr04.xls
- pedgr03.xls pre-k grades totaled
- pedgr03.xls pre-k grades listed individually
- pedgr02.xls
- pedgr01.xls
- pedgr00.xls
- pedgr99.xls
- pedgr98.xls
Public Enrollment by District by School by Grade (PESGr)
Counts enrollment by grade by school by district based on the third Friday in September enrollment. This report is sorted by district name and provides PK through grade 12 totals for each school. Includes county code (based on district office location), CESA, low and high grade of the school.
- pesgr16.xlsx
- pesgr15.xlsx
- pesgr14.xlsx
- pesgr13.xlsx
- pesgr12.xlsx
- pesgr11.xls
- pesgr10.xls
- pesgr09.xls
- pesgr08.xls
- pesgr07.xls
- pesgr06.xls
- pesgr05.xls
- pesgr04.xls
- pesgr03.xls
pre-k grades totaled - pesgrp03.xls
pre-k grades listed individually - pesgr02.xls
- pesgr01.xls
- pesgr00.xls
- pesgr99.xls
- pesgr98.xls
- pesgr97.xls
- pesgr96.xls
- pesgr95.xls
- pesgr94.xls
Public Enrollment by District by Ethnicity (PEDE)
Counts enrollment by ethnicity and gender by district based on the third Friday in September. For each district an ethnic category percentage is included. CESA, county codes, and WTCS district code are included.
- pede16.xlsx
- pede15.xlsx
- pede14.xlsx
- pede13.xlsx
- pede12.xlsx
- pede11.xls
- pede10.xls
- pede09.xls
- pede08.xls
- pede07.xls
- pede06.xls
- pede05.xls
- pede04.xls
- pede03.xls
This report is arranged by district. It lists each school within the district and provides enrollment count by ethnicity and gender based on the third Friday in September. For each school an ethnic category percentage is included. CESA, county codes, and WTCS district code are included.
- pese16.xlsx
- pese15.xlsx
- pese14.xlsx
- pese13.xlsx
- pese12.xlsx
- pese11.xls
- pese10.xls
- pese09.xls
- pese08.xls
- pese07.xls
- pese06.xls
- pese05.xls
- pese04.xls
- pese03.xls
Public Enrollment Statewide by Grade (PEStGr)
This is a statewide summary of the third Friday in September enrollment. It counts enrollment by ethnicity, gender, and grade.
- pestgr16.xlsx
- pestgr15.xlsx
- pestgr14.xlsx
- pestgr13.xlsx
- pestgr12.xlsx
- pestgr11.xls
- pestgr10.xls
- pestgr09.xls
- pestgr08.xls
- pestgr07.xls
- pestgr06.xls
- pestgr05.xls
- pestgr04.xls
- pestgr03.xls
- pestgr02.xls
- pestgr01.xls
- pestgr00.xls
- pestgr99 webpage
- pestgr98 webpage
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