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Help Center for Support of Frontline EEM Platform Technical Assistance - Educator

support for educators and school administrators who are evaluated


Form Buttons

Purpose:  Functions of the buttons at the bottom of forms.

Form Buttons include:

screenshot of form buttons

  • Submit - if you are completely finished with the form and ready for it to be reviewed.
  • Save - to save as a draft to finish later (or press CTRL+SHIFT+S)
  • Save & Notify - to give an administrator a “heads-up” to review the form before submitting the form – allows for a two-way feedback process prior to submitting form (This works for both evaluatee to admin feedback OR admin to admin feedback)
  • Reset - to clear/delete the form
  • Print - to print a hard copy of the form
  • Comment - to add a comment about something on the form, which will be attached to the form, but not part of the form itself

Some forms require the evaluatee to acknowledge.

screenshot of buttons including acknowledge


Acknowledge - Clicking the Acknowledge button is the equivalent of an online signature. The user's acknowledgment indicates the form information has been received. It does not necessarily indicate agreement.