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Help Desk for Support of Frontline EEM Platform - Educator

support for educators and school administrators who are evaluated


Upload URL/link as an Artifact

Purpose:  The upload function in the Artifact Files allows for a web link to be entered and aligned to rubric components, instead of a document upload.

For optimal use:

  • Google Drive files should use the "anyone with the link" sharing option or your evaluator and/or other district administrators may not be able to access the file.
  • Google Drive files can continuously be edited/revised/added to. Google Drive files may also be deleted at a future date and no longer be available in the evaluation record. Consider linking to or uploading a PDF of the file to adequately archive the content/information.

To Access follow the path:   My Info > MY INFORMATION > My Evaluations   or   the "upload artifact" section of a form

  1. Click the "Upload" button.

    screenshot of artifact upload window


  2. Complete the "Name" for your artifact.
  3. Complete the "Description" with details of where to look in the file for demonstration/evidence of the relevant rubric components or SLO.
  4. Complete the "Artifact Types" and "Artifact Categories" (if enabled by the district or charter).
  5. Complete the "Alignment" section, adding all of the relevant rubric components or SLO tags using the "Add Criteria" after each one.
  6. You will then have to select FILE or URL depending upon the source of your artifact.
  7. Select URL and copy/paste the URL (web address) of your artifact into the "File Url" box.
  8. Click "SAVE".
  9. The link now lives as an artifact and will be listed in the Artifact Files and display in artifact reports on forms.