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Annual Monitoring of all LEAs

Annual Monitoring Portion of the Integrated Monitoring System

Indicators 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20

Data on these State Performance Plan (SPP) indicators are annually collected from each local educational agency (LEA) and monitored by DPI. The results are reported in the Annual Performance Report (APR) to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) on February 1. Click on the indicator number above for detailed information about that indicator.

Policies and Procedures and IEP Forms

As a condition of funding under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to establish written policies and procedures for implementing federal special education laws.

Special education forms assist local educational agency (LEA) staff and parents in implementing federal and state special education law. In addition, the forms serve as a LEA’s primary documentation tool for demonstrating compliance with many of the requirements of federal and state special education law.

DPI requires LEAs to submit an assurance that the LEA adopted the model special education policies and procedures and forms developed by DPI or submitted its own locally developed special education policies and procedures and forms for DPI review. As part of the annual monitoring activities, DPI requires LEAs to submit for review any subsequent substantive modifications to their policies and procedures and to their forms.

IDEA Formula Funding

Funds under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are provided to local education agencies through formula for programs and services to students with IEPs. Funds may be used for staffing, educational materials, equipment, and other costs to provide special education and related services, as well as supplementary aids and services, to children with disabilities. LEAs must submit assurances and budgets applications for their flow-through and preschool IDEA funds by July 1 each year. DPI reviews and approves these budgets and any subsequent revisions.