Preschool Outcomes
Indicator 7: Percent of preschool children aged 3 through 5 with IEPs who demonstrate improved:
A. Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships);
B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy); and
C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.
For current information regarding this indicator please review the APR.
Indicator 7 Data Collection System
The Indicator 7 Child Outcomes Application is available through the Special Education Web Portal. Application access is limited to authorized users.
Districts will report Indicator 7 entry outcome ratings for all children in grades prekindergarten and four-year-old kindergarten receiving special education and related services through an individualized education program (IEP). This will include children receiving initial services from the district and those children who transfer into the district from another district in which they were receiving services. For Indicator 7 purposes, a child’s entry date is the projected IEP implementation date for children receiving initial services or the date the child enrolls in the district for transfer children.
Training and Technical Assistance
- Indicator 7: The Basics Webinar
- The Three Outcomes, June 2018
- Child Outcomes Decision Tree
June 2020
Indicator 7 Child Outcomes Timeline, June 2021
Indicator 7 Child Outcomes Frequently Asked Questions, September 2021
Child Outcomes Rating Preparation Tool, March 2017
Indicator 7 Inventory of Practice, May 2018
LEAs and families…working together
- Introduction to Child Outcomes is a downloadable brochure for parents and family members to explain what the child outcomes indicator is, how the information is used and how families are involved in the process. Note: For best printing results print two-sided and "flip on the short-edge".