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WI State Performance Plan (SPP), Indicator #11

Cyclical Monitoring

Eligibility Determined in a Timely Manner


Exceptions to the 60-Day Timeline
Data Collection
Annual Performance Report / District Profile
Training and Technical Assistance


Indicator 11: Percent of children who were evaluated within 60 days of receiving parental consent for initial evaluation or, if the State establishes a timeframe within which the evaluation must be conducted, within that timeframe.

Indicator 11 is a report of performance on a requirement of special education law. A local educational agency (LEA) must determine if a child is a child with a disability within 60 days after the local educational agency receives parental consent for administering tests or other evaluation materials. If the IEP team determines no tests or other evaluation materials need to be administered, the LEA must complete the evaluation within 60 days of providing the parents a notice that no tests or evaluation materials will be administered.

Exceptions to the 60-Day Timeline

There are three exceptions to the 60-calendar day timeline:

  1. The first involves a student who transfers from one LEA to another after the 60-day timeline has begun and prior to a determination of eligibility by the previous LEA. For the exception to apply, the LEA must have completed the evaluation within a specific time agreed to by the parent and LEA.
  2. The second exception is if the parent repeatedly fails or refuses to make the student available for the evaluation. This is determined on a case-by-case basis, and what constitutes "repeatedly failed" or "refuses to make the student available" will vary depending on the specific circumstances in each case.
  3. The third exception applies to students being evaluated for a specific learning disability for the first time and the timeline is extended by mutual written agreement with the parent.

Data Collection

Data for this indicator will be collected through the Special Education Web Portal via the Indicator 11: Timely Initial Evaluations application. Each LEA reports data for Indicator 11 once during a five-year cycle. Indicator 11: Timely Initial Evaluations Application User Guide.

DPI collects this information at the student-level via the student's WISEid. The following data elements are captured in the application:

  • WISEid
  • Student Name
  • Date Consent Received
  • Is the evaluation complete?
  • Date Eligibility Determined
  • Eligible
  • Days to Determination (calculated)
  • If evaluation is incomplete or was completed past the 60-day timeline one of the following pieces of information must be supplied before the report can be submitted:


The goal is 100% of children with parental consent evaluated and their eligibility determined within 60 days of LEA's receipt of parental consent.

The measurement is as follows:

Total number of initial evaluations completed within the 60-day timeline (numerator)
Total number of initial evaluations (denominator)

The result is multiplied by 100.

Both the numerator and denominator do not include initial evaluations where an exception to the timeline applied.

Annual Performance Report / District Profile

For current information regarding this indicator please review the APR and/or the District Profile.