Indicator 8 Survey Management Application
Parents Please Take the Family Engagement Survey
Indicator 8 Survey Management Application implements all functions of the Indicator 8 data collection. Each LEA Director of Special Education can access the application through WISEhome using the Special Education Director WAMS ID.
Until the Director of Special Education enters the survey manager application and assigns other users, only the Director of Special Education can access the Indicator 8 Survey Manager Application. Thus, Directors should consider immediately entering the application with their WAMS ID to assign access to those in the district that will assist with this data collection.
Each school district received an e-mail from the Department if they are among the Local Education Agencies (LEAs) required to conduct the Family Engagement Survey for Indicator 8 this year. The e-mail instructs LEAs to enter the Special Education Portal using the access login ID and password assigned to the director of special education role to access the Indicator 8 Survey Manager application. The Indicator 8 Survey Manager application provides LEAs with the student names and codes that are necessary to complete a mailing to parents of students with IEPs requesting their participation in the survey. If you have questions about the e-mail, the file, or your participation in the process, please see Frequently Asked Questions.
Key Resources
- Indicator 8 Family Engagement Survey Timeline
- Frequently Asked Questions About the Family Engagement Survey Data Collection
- Indicator 8 Step by Step Directions
How to Send Paper Surveys
- If a parent requests a paper survey or the LEA chooses to send paper surveys, enter the Survey Manager application through the Special Education Web Portal and go to the Students menu option or choose the Student List link in the Student List section of the home page.
- Any of the survey codes that appear as a hyperlink on the Student List and Survey Codes page can be clicked to generate a paper survey (Code 1 and Code 2 columns). If the survey code is not a hyperlink, it has already been used and a paper survey cannot be generated. If you are looking for a specific student, enter part of the student’s last name or first name and/or the student’s WSN to go straight to that student.
- Once you click a link in the Code 1 or Code 2 columns, a page will open that allows you to change the language of the survey if necessary. Click the Generate PDF button to generate the paper survey.
- The Username (Survey Code) and Password will be pre-populated into the paper survey PDF at the bottom of every page.
- Record that you sent that parent a paper survey. This is an added safeguard against losing data.
- All paper surveys must be sent to WI DPI for collection and entering into the survey manager system. LEAs may not enter paper surveys into the system. When mailing paper surveys to parents, include a return envelope addressed to:
WI Department of Public Instruction - Special Education Team
Parent Survey
PO Box 7841
Madison, WI 53707
Requests for Telephone or In-Person Assistance
Some parents may ask for or find it easier to take the survey if provided assistance with entering the survey responses into the survey system. By request or permission from a parent, WSPEI family engagement coordinators, Wisconsin FACETS staff, or other District Family Engagement Liaisons or Support Staff that do not work directly with the student can assist a parent by reading or explaining survey questions and entering the parent survey responses into the survey system for the parent. To protect confidentiality, teachers, administrators, and those working directly with the child should not ask the parent the survey questions or enter information directly from parents into the survey system.
Parents must provide their verbal consent to have another person enter the survey into the system as well as have the consent statement for the survey read to them before answering questions and having them entered into the survey system. The consent statement for the survey appears when the login to the survey is activated, and there is a question at the end of the survey asking if someone assisted the parent in taking the survey.