Transition from Part C to Part B
Indicator 12: Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthdays. For current information regarding this indicator please review the APR.
Data - District Profiles
Indicator 12 Data Collection System
Preschool Transition Application
The Preschool Transition Application is used by a Local Education Agency (LEA) to access all notifications and referrals received from the Birth to 3 Program. The Preschool Transition application is also used to complete the required Indicator 12 reporting for each referred child.
Web Access Management System (WAMS) - How to get a WAMS ID
Use this site to create a WAMS User ID. This is needed to access the Special Education Portal and the Preschool Transition Application. This is a one-time activity.
Training and Technical Assistance
LEAs and families…working together
Journey to 3! A Transition Roadmap for Families is a downloadable infographic for parents and caregivers that explains the process when a child is referred by the Birth to 3 Program to the local educational agency (LEA) for special education/related services.
Birth to 3 Program Transition Timeline for Families is a downloadable infographic that outlines the timeline and transition steps from when a child begins receiving Birth to 3 Program early intervention services to the child receiving early childhood special education services from a school district.