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Help Center for Support of Frontline EEM Platform - Evaluator

support for administrators who conduct evaluations


Detail View

Purpose: Best used to find the status of a specific form. Several functions or actions can also be performed here in bulk.

For optimal use: Save specific filtered views for referencing again in the future instead of resetting the filters each time.

To Access follow the path:   Evaluations > ADMINISTRATION > Detail View

The filtering and sorting tools in the Detail View enable you to format the information to create your own custom views for different purposes.

You can save each view with a name that makes sense to you, so that you can quickly and easily access the views that you need most often.

The Detail View can also be used to complete actions in bulk, such as assign forms to the responsible administrator at the beginning of the year, as well as finalize forms in bulk at the end of the year.(see the "Mass Finalize Forms in the Detail View" of this Finalizing Forms

screenshots of actions dropdown in detail view

Views and reports can be exported or downloaded as PDF, Microsoft Excel, or .csv using buttons at the bottom.
screenshot of bottom bar in detail view