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Elementary Science

Effective science instruction at the elementary level is essential for preparing scientifically literate citizens as well as future scientists and engineers. I hear from many parents and educators that meaningful and/or sufficient science instruction doesn’t happen in elementary school, particularly at the lower grades. This page includes links to resources to support quality elementary science programs.

Why? - Not only does state law require weekly science instruction in grades K-5, but research suggests that students’ core attitudes about science develop during elementary school.

When and How? - There are many competing demands on class time. Structures and strategies for integration can support that work. Being flexible with "fidelity" helps. 

What? - Lesson ideas based on new standards can support the process. This site includes a series of elementary lessons created by Wisconsin educators!

How do I learn more? - Several webinars and articles to support elementary teachers’ learning are listed here.

Assessment - How does assessment look different with these new standards?

Materials - Choosing instructional materials is a challenge - suggestions here to support this difficult process.

For questions about this information, contact Kevin Anderson (608) 266-3319