This resource consists of a series of descriptions of the work of scientists and engineers from across the world! Each includes a brief description of what inspired them to become scientists, which came from their writing or a direct contact from them. We note classroom resources that relate to their research area or the country-of-origin of the person. Resources are mostly 3-12, with some K-2 and include related non-fiction reading for students, videos, and instructional materials. These STEM professionals are organized below by country or continent, with disciplines and disciplinary core ideas (DCIs) noted. DCIs for each person are ordered by relevance. At the bottom of this page there is an example of one of these resources. Thanks to Dr. Emily Miller, Dr. Melina Lozano, and Alice Severson for their work on this resource.
Here is a series of lesson and instructional ideas for how to use these multicultural scientist connections in your classroom. Another great related resource is the If/Then Project that features diverse female scientists from across the U.S.
- Africa
- Nidhal Guessoum - physical science/physics, waves - PS3, PS4, ETS2 (Algeria, Muslim)
- Fina Opio - life science, agricultural science - LS1, LS2, ETS1 (Uganda)
- Sidat Yaffa - life science, ag science, climate change - LS1, LS3, ESS3 (The Gambia)
- V. H. Kabambe - earth science, soil science - ESS2, ESS3, ESS1, ETS1 (Malawi)
- Ilesanmi Adesida - electrical engineering - PS3, PS1, ETS1, ETS2 (Nigeria/U.S.)
- Winston Oluwole Soboyejo - mechanical engineering and materials science - PS2, PS3, ESS1, ETS1, ETS2 (Nigeria/U.S.)
- Asia
- Charles Kao - physical science/physics/engineering, fiberoptics - PS4, PS1, PS3, ETS1, ETS2 (China)
- Anya Lim - life science, ecosystems - LS2, LS3, LS4, ETS2 (Laos/United States)
- Yuji Niino - earth science, soil science - ESS2, ESS3, ESS1, ETS1 (Thailand)
- Yariv Bash - aerospace science/engineering, moon lander - ESS1, ETS1, PS2 (Israel)
- Central America and Mexico
- Miguel Alcubierre - physical science/physics, speed of light - PS2, PS3, PS4, ETS1 (Mexico)
- Alejandro Corichi - physical science/physics, gravity - PS2, PS3, ESS1 (Mexico)
- Mario Molina - physical science/chemistry, environmental - PS1, ESS3 (Mexico)
- Alfredo Alvarado Hernández - earth science, soil science/sustainabilty - ESS2, ESS3, ESS1, ETS1 (Costa Rica)
- Europe/Australia
- Jane Goodall - life science, ecosystems, evolution, conservation - LS2D, LS4A, LS4B, LS4D (Great Britain)
- Elizabeth Blackburn - life science, cellular biology, chromosomes, bioethics - LS1, LS3, ETS2 (Australia)
- South America
- Modesto Montoya - physical science/nuclear physics, fusion - PS2, PS3, PS4, ETS1 (Peru)
- Ana María Rey - physical science/physics, atomic structures - PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, ETS1 (Colombia/U.S.)
- Manuel Patarroyo - life science, pathology, immunology, malaria - LS1, LS3, ETS2 (Colombia)
- Sergio Barrientos - earth science, earthquakes - ESS2, ESS3, ETS1, PS2 (Chile)
- Fernanda Viégas - design, data and visual information processing - ETS1, ETS2, PS4 (Brazil)
- United States
- Ignacio Chapela - life science, ecology, mycology, genetics - LS1, ESS3, ETS1, ETS2 (links to indigenous peoples and regions of Mexico)
- Aprille J. Ericsson - aerospace engineer at NASA - ETS1, PS3, PS4
- Helen Quinn- theoretical physicist - PS1, PS2, PS3
- Hannah Spaul - land management/engineering at The Nature Conservancy (Wisconsin) - ETS1, ETS2, ESS1, LS2, LS4
- Lisette Titre - computer/software engineering, video games - ETS1, ETS2, PS4
Example - Dr. Miguel Alcubierre - Theoretical Physicist
DCI Physical Science
PS2 Motion and stability: Forces and interactions
PS3 Energy
PS4 Waves and application
ETS1 Engineering design
Country: MEXICO
Bio and Projects:
Miguel likes to look at questions about how a spaceship could travel faster than the speed of light, and think about time/space ‘bubbles’ in outer space! He works at the University of Mexico.
Phone: 5622-4739 ext. 2253 Email:
What inspired me to go into science?
“I was always a very curious child from an early age, and was also very good at math. I started reading science fiction when I was about 12 years old. I also discovered at about the same time that I loved books about astronomy, and I read all the ones I could find at my school. I wanted to understand and learn everything I could about the planets, the Sun and the stars. Later I learned that all, or at least most, astronomers first study physics, so I became a physicist. And, I fell in love with the ideas and theories of Einstein.”
Children Text Resources
Image of the Alcubierre warp drive concept
Books for children about time travel (grades 4-6)
Another list of time travel books (grades K-6)
Interview w/ Dr. Alcubierre on Once Noticias (Spanish)
Teacher Materials
Links for teaching about space (mostly 3-5, some lower)
Lesson plan (9-12) about going faster than the speed of light (from PBS)