Current In-Person and Virtual Venues for Your Students to Share Their Projects
- Capital (Madison area) Science and Engineering Fair - high school science fair for the Madison region, held at the Madison Central Library on the 3rd Saturday of February
- MASTERS - Madison Area Science, Technology, and Engineering Rising Stars Program - a new middle school science fair for the Madison region and beyond, happening on the first Saturday in May in the Madison area
- Waukesha Colleges Science and Engineering Fair - high school fair for students in Waukesha region
- Fort Atkinson Regional Science Fair - includes a t-shirt design contest (K-12), a science essay contest (9-12), a science fair (K-12), and a college scholarship
- BSSEF - the high school Badger State Science and Engineering Fair - held in March, generally in the Eastern part of the state.
- Wisconsin State Junior High Science and Engineering Fair - for all students in grades 6-8 in March at UW-Milwaukee, any STEM subject(s)
- eCybermission - virtual science and engineering fair for grades 6-9, coordinated by NSTA and sponsored by the U.S. Army EOP
- Junior Science and Humanities Symposium - opportunity for Wisconsin high school students to share original research, generally in Tomahawk in January
- Wisconsin Youth Institute - Students research a global issue and write a paper under the supervision of a teacher or mentor. They then submit the paper and apply (due in March) to present the paper at this Institute at UW-Madison. The program is linked to the World Food Prize.
- Intel Science and Engineering Fair - national level high school fair for which state BSSEF and CSEF winners qualify
- Regeneron Science Talent Search - national level fair for high school students
- Google Science Fair - national fair open to individuals and teams from age 13-18
- 3M and Discovery Education Young Scientist Challenge - grades 5-8 students create a video showcasing a solution to an everyday problem
- Exploravision from Toshiba and NSTA - K-12 students research and present what an innovative technology might look like in 20 years
- National Geographic Geochallenge - 4th-8th grade teams of students develop a creative solution to a real-world problem (for 2019-20 it's plastic in waterways)
For questions about this information, contact Kevin Anderson (608) 266-3319