Ongoing Professional Learning is a Necessity for Educators
Resources for individual or group learning related to the Wisconsin Standards for Science (WSS) - many resources are labeled for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and are also relevant for our WSS:
- Learning modules - guided learning supports, including Wisconsin-created "Train-the-Trainer" modules
- Webinars - a range of information about the WSS and NGSS, including how the WSS and NGSS are different and an overview of the WSS
- Classroom videos - while hard to find, there are some initial videos highlighting NGSS/WSS-connected instruction
Learning Modules
- WSS Train-the-Trainer Modules - link to a Google folder containing slides, facilitator guides, and participant note pages for five modules: 1) Vision and Overview, 2) 3D Lessons, 3) Assessment, 4) Strategic Planning, and 5) Doing 3D Science.
- *Thanks to CESA leadership and the following individuals for their work on these modules: Darcy Budnik (CESA 1), Jen Breezee (CESA 1), Fayme Evenson (CESA 4), Amy Jonas (CESA 5/MMSD), Ellen Mihm (CESA 10), Thersea Burzynski (Tomahawk), Laura Cerletty, Cathy Drago (Hamilton), Chris Pratt (Kenosha), and Patti Schaefer (MMSD).
- California Academy of Sciences - Understanding NGSS modules - includes facilitators guides and has overviews of the structure, practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts.
- Stanford NGSS Assessment Project (SNAP) - free MOOCs on NGSS assessment
Introduction to the Wisconsin Standards for Science - recording of webinar from Oct. 12, 2018 (download to view - large file). Slides from the webinar (notes provide the transcript).
Short video describing the differences between the NGSS and WSS - You can also download the PowerPoint slides from this video here in .pptx format w/ the notes, or here as a pdf.
- Overview of NGSS and Resources - various resources from NSTA on the NGSS, which are just as relevant for the Wisconsin Science Standards
- NGSS@NSTA Video Archive - archive of introductory NGSS videos from the authors and committee members. There's also an NGSS mix from NSTA on YouTube.
- NSTA NGSS Webinars - thoughtful, Carnegie-funded webinar series on 1) selecting and using phenomena, 2) modeling, 3) student discourse, and 4) unit storylines.
- Archive of NGSS Webinars from NSTA - includes specific webinars by grade level, all practices, all crosscutting concepts, big ideas of science, assessment, engineering, and more! Curated by Lauren Kaupp of Hawai'i.
- Bozeman Science, Paul Andersen - short videos on LOTS of aspects of NGSS, plus other great resources
- Talk from Helen Quinn - Dr. Helen Quinn (Stanford physics professor) facilitated the development of the NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education that provided the foundation for the NGSS. In this talk she discusses the Framework and implications for instruction.
Classroom videos
- Ambitious Science Teaching - Includes classroom videos and a variety of resources and classroom tools on designing lessons, dialogue, and modeling. For example, they have a great 2nd grade video on modeling and argumentation.
- Videoverse from BSCS - this collection of science classroom and professional learning videos requires a free registration. These 2-20 minute videos also include teacher support materials.
- NSTA Videos
- 2nd grade bilingual classroom, Changing land and Erosion (Madison, WI) - Video #1: Overview; Video #2: NGSS Practices and how they change; Video #3: NGSS disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts.
- 8th grade Ecosystems (Madison, WI) - focus on bats as the model species. Video #1: NGSS and phenomenon-based learning; Video #2: Supporting students ideas about DCIs; Video #3: Student ideas about science practices; Video #4: Phenomenon-based learning supporting 3D understanding.
- 5th grade Evolution and Ecosystems (Madison, WI) focus on redwing blackbirds as the model species. Video #1: Unit overview; Video #2: Student focus - Sidney; Video #3: Student focus - Ellen; Video #4: Student focus - James; Video #5: Focus on teacher moves.
- Teaching Channel - has classroom videos and NGSS overview videos, but you or your school/district now has to have a paid subscription. Search for NGSS and grade levels for videos.
- STEM for English Learners - UW-Madison Resource - videos are located at the bottom of the pages, the includes a couple of classroom videos showcasing effective dialogue practices in science and math with more on this page. There are also various resources for supporting dialogue in science and math classes.