Ongoing Professional Learning is a Necessity for Educators
Resources for individual or group learning related to the Wisconsin Standards for Science (WSS) - many resources are labeled for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and are also relevant for our WSS:
- Learning modules - guided learning supports, including Wisconsin-created "Train-the-Trainer" modules
- Webinars - a range of information about the WSS and NGSS, including how the WSS and NGSS are different and an overview of the WSS
- Classroom videos - while hard to find, there are some initial videos highlighting NGSS/WSS-connected instruction
Learning Modules
- WSS Train-the-Trainer Modules - link to a Google folder containing slides, facilitator guides, and participant note pages for five modules: 1) Vision and Overview, 2) 3D Lessons, 3) Assessment, 4) Strategic Planning, and 5) Doing 3D Science.
- *Thanks to CESA leadership and the following individuals for their work on these modules: Darcy Budnik (CESA 1), Jen Breezee (CESA 1), Fayme Evenson (CESA 4), Amy Jonas (CESA 5/MMSD), Ellen Mihm (CESA 10), Thersea Burzynski (Tomahawk), Laura Cerletty, Cathy Drago (Hamilton), Chris Pratt (Kenosha), and Patti Schaefer (MMSD).
- California Academy of Sciences - Understanding NGSS modules - includes facilitators guides and has overviews of the structure, practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts.
- Stanford NGSS Assessment Project (SNAP) - free MOOCs on NGSS assessment
Introduction to the Wisconsin Standards for Science - recording of webinar from Oct. 12, 2018 (download to view - large file). Slides from the webinar (notes provide the transcript).
Short video describing the differences between the NGSS and WSS - You can also download the PowerPoint slides from this video here in .pptx format w/ the notes, or here as a pdf.
- Overview of NGSS and Resources - various resources from NSTA on the NGSS, which are just as relevant for the Wisconsin Science Standards
- NGSS@NSTA Video Archive - archive of introductory NGSS videos from the authors and committee members. There's also an NGSS mix from NSTA on YouTube.
- NSTA NGSS Webinars - thoughtful, Carnegie-funded webinar series on 1) selecting and using phenomena, 2) modeling, 3) student discourse, and 4) unit storylines.
- Archive of NGSS Webinars from NSTA - includes specific webinars by grade level, all practices, all crosscutting concepts, big ideas of science, assessment, engineering, and more! Curated by Lauren Kaupp of Hawai'i.
- Bozeman Science, Paul Andersen - short videos on LOTS of aspects of NGSS, plus other great resources
- Talk from Helen Quinn - Dr. Helen Quinn (Stanford physics professor) facilitated the development of the NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education that provided the foundation for the NGSS. In this talk she discusses the Framework and implications for instruction.
Classroom videos

- Ambitious Science Teaching - Includes classroom videos and a variety of resources and classroom tools on designing lessons, dialogue, and modeling. For example, they have a great 2nd grade video on modeling and argumentation.
- Videoverse from BSCS - this collection of science classroom and professional learning videos requires a free registration. These 2-20 minute videos also include teacher support materials.
- NSTA Videos
- 2nd grade bilingual classroom, Changing land and Erosion (Madison, WI) - Video #1: Overview; Video #2: NGSS Practices and how they change; Video #3: NGSS disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts.
- 8th grade Ecosystems (Madison, WI) - focus on bats as the model species. Video #1: NGSS and phenomenon-based learning; Video #2: Supporting students ideas about DCIs; Video #3: Student ideas about science practices; Video #4: Phenomenon-based learning supporting 3D understanding.
- 5th grade Evolution and Ecosystems (Madison, WI) focus on redwing blackbirds as the model species. Video #1: Unit overview; Video #2: Student focus - Sidney; Video #3: Student focus - Ellen; Video #4: Student focus - James; Video #5: Focus on teacher moves.
- Teaching Channel - has classroom videos and NGSS overview videos, but you or your school/district now has to have a paid subscription. Search for NGSS and grade levels for videos.
- STEM for English Learners - UW-Madison Resource - videos are located at the bottom of the pages, the includes a couple of classroom videos showcasing effective dialogue practices in science and math with more on this page. There are also various resources for supporting dialogue in science and math classes.
For questions about this information, contact Kevin Anderson (608) 266-3319