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Farm to Early Care and Education

Farm to Preschool Program Banner
Picture Source: National Farm to School Network

What is Farm to Early Care and Education?

Farm to early care and education (Farm to ECE) is a natural extension of farm to school that offers increased access to healthy, local foods, gardening opportunities and food-based activities to enhance the quality of the educational experience in all types of ECE settings (e.g., preschools, child care centers, family child care homes, Head Start/Early Head Start, programs in K-12 school districts).

Farm to ECE activities are a natural fit for the 0-5 age group and offer extensive benefits in these young years. Children are developing taste preferences and eating habits that will impact their health for a lifetime. Farm to ECE activities not only integrate seamlessly with the learning style of young children, but are also an evidenced-based approach to meeting educational standards and improving the quality of ECE environments. In addition to promoting health, wellness and high quality educational opportunities in ECE settings, Farm to ECE expands healthy food access and family engagement, provides additional market opportunities for farmers and supports thriving communities. Farm to ECE is truly a win for kids, families, farmers and communities. National Farm to School Network

Tips for Getting Started


If you are interested in starting a Farm to Early Care and Education program, please feel free to contact our Farm to Early Care and Education Specialist with questions. We also love sharing your success stories in our quarterly newsletter, so make sure to call or email Dana with exciting updates on your Farm to ECE program!

Dana Reedy, RD, CD
(608) 266-3874

For questions about this information, contact CNT (608) 267-9129