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Free FinCamp to Prepare PFL Educators

Thursday, May 16, 2024

piggy bankIt’s May—the official “home stretch” of the school year. Seniors are counting down the days to graduation, and everyone is focused on making sure the work gets done before school lets out for summer.

Before you go, there’s one thing on the “to-do” list that you may want to take care of before you hang up your chalk and eraser for the season. It is personal financial literacy (PFL). The recently passed Act 60 requires students to earn one-half credit of PFL to graduate. The requirement begins with next fall’s freshman class.

The reason you may want to handle it now is that a free two-day event for PFL educators or those who may be tapped to teach PFL is being offered June 24 and 25 at Edgewood College in Madison. And it includes free meals and a free one-night stay at the college as well.

What is this perfectly timed event? FinCamp 2024. This one event will bring together several organizations as sponsors and partners. The Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions is hosting it. On the first day (12 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.), the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction discuss Act 60 and its connection to the Wisconsin Standards for Personal Financial Literacy. The Jump$tart Coalition will round out the day with curriculum resources. The second day (8:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.), Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) will share its highly regarded curriculum and resources to reinvigorate educators for the classroom.

Whether you have taught PFL before or not, FinCamp 2024 is for anyone who may be teaching PFL. NGPF and Jump$tart provide top-notch information, and you will have the opportunity to connect with the people who understand the PFL classroom the best. Either way, you don’t want to miss this opportunity.

Once you complete FinCamp 2024, you’ll be better prepared for the fall and can enjoy summer.

Register today and check it off your list.