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Follow-up Webinar Shares What’s Working in CTE and Assessments

Thursday, December 10, 2020

For those who were not able to tune into the November 19 webinar, CTE Back-to-School: Follow-Up and Assessment Strategies, the video has been posted.

After a well-attended CTE Back-to-School webinar series in August, CTE teachers and administrators from around the state returned for a follow-up webinar on November 19. This installment gave attendees a chance to hear about the successes and challenges in CTE programs around the state. The second half of the webinar focused on assessments.

Panelists presented in two groups by instructional model: virtual or hybrid, though switching models within a district was not uncommon among the panelists.

One theme echoed by panelists was a return to foundational teaching. “We identified priority standards across the district,” said Megan Burdick, Academies of Racine Health Pathway Teacher at Horlick High School, who was in the group that started virtually. “We’ve basically gotten back to the basics of teaching. ‘What’s important? What did we just learn?’”

Panelists also discussed how they were addressing the hands-on nature of CTE. The model that the Wausau School District put into place enabled some students to get experience. Jon Winter, Wausau’s CTE coordinator, said their “hubs” allowed “small groups coming into labs and completing some of those competencies in CTE classes.”

Brett Lesniak, FCS and health sciences educator at Stevens Point Senior High School, who was working in a hybrid model, added that while kids in class were getting hands-on experience, taping demonstrations added to the experience for e-learners. She’s been playing educational games, asking lots of questions, and using the chat feature often. To learn more, go to the webinar linked above.

Assessment Strategies

The second half of the webinar addressed the following key questions on assessment strategies. To learn about effective strategies for CTE, go to the time stamp indicated for each question:


Time stamp

1. How have you delivered or modified your assessments to overcome challenges for your district’s learning model (in-person, hybrid, and virtual)?


2. How do you plan for online and in-person assessments to meet course standards when the landscape is changing on a daily basis?


3. How did you or your district provide accommodations with remote assessments for CTE students to demonstrate technical skill-based standards?


4. What new or innovative project-based learning assessment practices were implemented?


5. What technology tools are you using for your CTE formative and summative assessments?


We hope to offer more opportunities to come together and discuss the Wisconsin CTE community’s most pressing challenges. Watch the Wisconsin CTE Facebook and Twitter feeds @WisconsinCTE for future promotions.