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Lean on WISELearn for Top-Notch Resources

Thursday, December 10, 2020

One of the handiest ways to get top-notch resources is through the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s WISELearn database. Whether you want a couple solid recommendationsor would rather luxuriate in a waterfall of options, this article offers you resources in each of the six CTE content areas! If you still have questions, we invite you to contact the content specialist in your CTE area.

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Bioethics Discussions (article & questions): This lesson asks students, grades 10-12, to read through a bioethical scenario related to biotechnology and answer a few discussion questions. Students read both on their own and discuss as a group.

Career E-Portfolio: The students create an E-Portfolio Using Google Sites, students create an e-portfolio, including a resume, a cover letter, and six artifacts from a list provided on the rubric.

Business and Information Technology

Public Speaking: This 11-minute video, prepared by Wisconsin FBLA state officers, is supplemented by a student worksheet and teacher lesson plan aligned to Wisconsin’s state academic standards.

Business Communications: Market Research Report “Donut Taste Test” – Targeted to an 11-12 grade business communications course or unit of study, students will sample two companies’ donuts and complete a survey. Students create a formal report on their findings using the template provided.

Family and Consumer Sciences

Financial literacy: Making Change – Districts are required to have a K-12 plan to meet the new standards for financial literacy. This lesson, for grades 3-5, can help districts meet the K-5 requirements for that plan.

Financial literacy: Credit Card Comparison – For grades 10-12, this lesson helps students in Wisconsin make informed decisions about incurring debt and managing indebtedness.

Health Science

What is the Coronavirus? – Students use the CDC website to explore Coronavirus and analyze how it is affecting healthcare.

Health Science Public Service Announcement (PSA) Podcast – Students create a podcast to educate and create awareness about a medical/health organization that is of their choosing. They research the organization, funding, and causes to create a powerful podcast.

Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship

BM&IT Quality Modules - The purpose of these modules is to illustrate quality examples of each of the 2018 ACTE Quality CTE Framework elements. Regardless if you are in pre-service education program or an experienced educator, these modules will benefit your future and business and marketing program.

School Based Enterprise Work Group – Not sure how to set up a school-based enterprise? This is your go-to site for all things SBE.

Technology and Engineering

Woodworking Materials and EstimatingThis resource is fairly basic but well laid out and can be readily adapted to a virtual classroom.

Machines used in Metallurgy – This resource includes some very good videos demonstrating principles from the lessons along with a well-done PowerPoint presentation, worksheet, and discussion questions.