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What Do Students Think About Career Education?

Thursday, June 6, 2024

This article originally ran in November 2023. Enjoy one of our top stories!

Teens talkingStudents had plenty to share through DPI’s youth voice in career readiness project. They want MORE career readiness, and they want it to start earlier. Fortunately, Academic and Career Planning (ACP) is designed to prepare students for the world they will graduate into. And bonus, it starts in sixth grade with students learning about careers, and moves through grade 12. It is a good thing it is required for all districts.

ACP is intended to equip students and their families with the tools necessary to make more informed choices about postsecondary education, training, and careers for life after high school. Helping students understand how their learning connects to potential careers is an important classroom engagement strategy that is often overlooked.

In other words, ACP answers the need that students have for engaging career learning early on. ACP is part of the Education for Employment (E4E) state statute. E4E was established in 1985 in response to the growing concern over the number of youth who failed to make a successful transition from school to postsecondary endeavors. ACP went into effect in the 2017-18 school year. Because E4E and ACP had compatible goals, the administrative rule for E4E was updated and revised to include the required ACP components:

  • Required in all Wisconsin school districts
  • E4E plan, sometimes referred to as an ACP plan, must be updated every year
  • Must be approved by the school board, posted on the district’s website, and shared with parents and caregivers

However, the recent pandemic has left many school districts out of compliance with the Education for Employment and ACP state statute. Luckily, help is available for Wisconsin school districts.

Let’s work together so that every Wisconsin school district has an updated, board-approved ACP/E4E Plan posted on their website by the end of the year. In the process, we’ll be making sure all students in Wisconsin have the opportunity to graduate ready for their career, their community, and lifelong learning!

For more information, contact Karin Smith, Education Consultant - ACP, Dual Enrollment, and Career Pathways at