Samples & Examples of Compliant District Documents
The resources found here include sample complaint documents, third party materials, and other resources which can assist districts in working with their own documents and materials to bring them into compliance with federal civil rights laws and guidelines.
Exhibit A – Policies, Procedures, Site Selection, & Admin
- A1 Community demographics, brief description
- A2 District policy and administrative procedures handbook
- A3 Handbooks (student, staff, etc. at district & school levels)
- A4 Course catalogs/offerings booklets
- A5 Current communication related to nondiscrimination
- A6 Pubs with Title IX & 504 coordinator(s) contact info
- A7 CTE annual public notification
- A8 Nondiscrimination complaint procedures and records
- A9 Equity Plans or the Pupil Nondiscrimination Self Evaluation
- A10 District/program promotional materials
- A11 Business, education, and community partner materials
- A12 Harassment & bullying prevention policies, procedures, etc.
- A13 Title IX & 504 coordinator job descriptions
- A14 School clubs & organizations and their entrance req’ts
Exhibit C – Counseling and Promotional Materials
- C1 Career development program descriptions
- C2 Student pre-enrollment counseling materials & descriptions
- C3 Counseling programs, forms, procedures, & reports
- C4 Counseling, promotion, & recruitment materials
- C5 Counselor methods for exploring diversity, etc w/students
- C6 Stereotype review & elimination methods description
- C7 Counseling steps to address disproportionate enrollment
- C8 EL/hearing impaired comm. means with counselors OR
- C8 EL/hearing impaired interpreters/aids/services list
- C9 EL/student w/disabilities means of receiving counseling services
- C10 Means of providing career info to all students
- C11 Evidence of steps to open CTE courses to EL students
- C12 CTE promotional materials
- C13 Nontraditional career awareness activity materials
- C14 CTE evaluation or improvement plans and results
- C15 Career & Technical Student Organization demographic data
Exhibit D – LEP/EL
- D1 EL identification & assessment procedures, etc.
- D2 Most recent EL census
- D3 Description of bilingual plans, programs, etc.
- D4 EL language support & services description
- D5 EL student CTE enrollment data
- D6 EL language related supports for CTE participation
- D7 Non-English materials for designated groups (10 or more)
- D8 EL nondiscrimination notification evidence
- D9 Non-English CTE policies, prerequisites, etc.
Exhibit E – Financial Assistance
- E1 Student prize/scholarship/grant information
- E2 Student award demographic trend data
- E3 Financial assistance info dissemination description w/EL
- E4 Financial assistance promotion materials
- E5 Non-English financial assistance materials
- E6 District created financial assistance applications forms
- E7 Financial assistance non-discrimination review plan
Exhibit F - Counseling & Guidance Issues
- F1 Evaluation plan for counseling materials and activities
- F2 Course and/or program selection process and their counseling practices
- F3 Procedures used to identify courses with disproportionate enrollments and strategies to balance the enrollment
- F4 Process by which school counselors routinely evaluate their own counseling practices, programs, and activities
Exhibit G – Students with Disabilities (SWD)
- G1 SWD enrollment data including CTE
- G2 Course & program eligibility criteria
- G3 SWD career awareness & skill development materials/info
- G4 SWD work-based learning opportunities
- G5 SWD identification & assessment procedures
- G6 Student 504 plan and IEP samples
- G7 SWD services, programs, modifications descriptions
- G8 District Special Education Local Performance Plan (LPP)
- G9 Most recent special education monitoring report
- G10 Equipment/facility mod/addition description & dates
- G11 Regular & CTE teacher PD & support activities for SWD
Exhibit K – Employment Opportunities
- K1 Employment application (professional & non-professional)
- K2 Current or past job postings (5 or so)
- K3 Promotional opportunity announcements
- K4 Job applicant evaluation criteria
- K5 Person with disability accommodation process
- K6 Accommodation requests from past three years
- K7 Job performance process & forms
- K8 Employment non-discrimination policy notice methods
- K9 Discrimination complaint grievance procedures
- K10 Employee handbooks or access to same (if electronic)
- K11 Staff demographic data
- K12 Wisconsin fair employment law poster location description