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Exhibit A1

Exhibit Instructions - Continuous Nondiscrimination Notice (Title IX; 34 CFR 106.9, Section 504: 34 CFR 104.8, Title II: 28 CRF 35.106)

All items from this exhibit will be retained by DPI Review Team.  If any items are not available, provide a printed statement to that effect.

Purpose of this exhibit

The demographic materials will be used to identify groups within your community that may indicate a specific area needing to be addressed by the district. For example, a large minority population that could have corresponding English Language Learner students enrolled in the district.

The labor market information will be used to see how the district is aligning student advisement, programming, and curriculum, particularly in the Career and Technical Education areas, with local workforce needs.

Items needing to be provided

You need to provide basic demographic information about the community in which your school district is located.  You can get this information from the US Census Bureau website and simply print it out.

  1. Go to Census Bureau QuickFacts website:
  2. Enter your state, county, city, town, or zip code in the search box
  3. Print information

You also need to provide basic demographic data on the area labor market. This is available from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development.

  1. Go to the WisConomy Affirmative Action website
  2. Select your county from pull-down menu
  3. Print spreadsheet

Sample Materials

Not applicable to this exhibit