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Exhibit C – Counseling and Promotional Materials


  • C1 Career development program descriptions
  • C2 Student pre-enrollment counseling materials & descriptions
  • C3 Counseling programs, forms, procedures, & reports
  • C4 Counseling, promotion, & recruitment materials
  • C5 Counselor methods for exploring diversity, etc w/students
  • C6 Stereotype review & elimination methods description
  • C7 Counseling steps to address disproportionate enrollment
  • C8 EL/hearing impaired comm. means with counselors OR
  • C8 EL/hearing impaired interpreters/aids/services list
  • C9 EL/student w/disabilities means of receiving counseling services
  • C10 Means of providing career info to all students
  • C11 Evidence of steps to open CTE courses to EL students
  • C12 CTE promotional materials
  • C13 Nontraditional career awareness activity materials
  • C14 CTE evaluation or improvement plans and results
  • C15 Career & Technical Student Organization demographic data