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Teens talking

What Do Students Think About Career Education?

This article originally ran in November 2023. Enjoy one of our top stories! Students had plenty to share through DPI’s youth voice in career...

Unlocking Success: The Value of IT Credentials in High School

In Wisconsin, IT-related careers are expected to grow 2.9 percent between 2018 and 2028, so graduating students skilled in this sector is vital. As...

Reintroducing Personal Financial Literacy

The Wisconsin Standards for Personal Financial Literacy were released in June 2020, just after COVID-19 shut everything down—an anticlimactic launch...
simple chart

What Counts as "Work-Based Learning"?

Since the 2019-20 school year, when work-based learning (WBL) was first recorded across the state, student participation has increased substantially...

Listening Your Way to Stronger CTE

The turn of a year is a good time for reflection, especially when it comes to CTE programs. In this article, we look at recent survey data from...
student nurse

Act Now to Offer More Health Science Programming

When you think about your future healthcare needs, does it ever cross your mind that you may not be able to get the care you need when you need it...
Wooden walkway

Top 5 Things to Know About Career Pathways

In this article, the State Director for Regional Career Pathways, Beth Kaminski, provides the information she gets asked about most frequently.  1....

What Do Students Think About Career Education?

Students had plenty to share through DPI’s youth voice in career readiness project. They want MORE career readiness, and they want it to start...

Supercharge Your Students’ Computer Science Learning

Ben Nowotny Hortonville High School has always prided itself on offering a wide variety of courses for its computer science students, according to...
Two of the first place finishers in the JunkYard Wars competition

Who Says Welding Isn’t Creative?!

Educators are often challenged to come up with activities that are engaging. Here’s one that’s not only engaging, but also tests skills and calls on...