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School Directory Management Portal User Guide for: County CDEB

Click the headers of the accordions below to navigate to different sections of this page:

Introduction to the Newly Updated School Directory Management Portal

The School Directory (SD) Management Portal (formerly called the School Directory Update application) has been updated for your convenience and to give it a more modern look, matching its ‘sister’ application, the Wisconsin School Directory Public Portal.

It is very important that every tile appearing on the home screen of the Management Portal is clicked, read, reviewed and edited as needed so that DPI has accurate and current data.

The tiles appearing on a home screen, and their sub-tiles/screens for a county Children with Disability Education Board (County CDEB), are listed within each accordion below.

NOTE: The person making changes to the School Directory Management Portal application must have the user role of “Directory Update." If you do not hold this user role, you must request it from your agency’s District Security Administrator (DSA) or your agency’s Application Administrator. You can make the request, and they can assign this role to you all within WISEsecure.

The 'Opening' screen provides users with tips and general knowledge. Read over the information and then click the "Go to Home Page" button.

Screenshot of the School Directory Management Portal opening screen.

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User Guide

The Home Screen

“Application Open/Closed”

Each year the information submitted to DPI from the school Directory applications is used for a wide variety of purposes. Many people throughout the state create external data requests for Directory based information. Additionally, Directory information is compiled in over 80 reports that get submitted to the U.S. Department of Education.

Screenshot of the SD Management Portal banner, displaying the agency, school year, 'Application Open' button, user, and 'logout' button.

In order to process data as it changes from one school year to the next, the Wisconsin School Directory Management Portal application has to ‘close,’ meaning that it cannot accept submitted data for that time. This annual event usually takes place sometime between mid-December until about mid-January, when the application re-opens.

If you log into the application during a ‘closed’ period, the icon that appears green and says “Application open” in the screenshot above will instead be a red color and will state “Application closed.” While you will be able to log in and view the home screen, as long as the icon reads “Application closed”, users will not be able to make any data edits within the application.

If you have an urgent change to be made to your Directory information, but the application is Closed, please submit a Help Ticket. Select ‘School Directory - Updates” from the application drop-down list, and explain your needs in the free text field.

It is also important to note that when the School Directory Management Portal reopens (again, roughly in January of each calendar year), that the Directory is then accepting information for the following school year. For example, when the School Directory Management Portal opens in February of 2024, it is open to accept data for the 2024-25 school year (even though February, 2024 is still in the calendar time frame for the 2023-24 school year).

“Manage Data” Icon and the “Submit Review” Button

Follow all the steps provided within the User Guide sections below. To edit and update information in the School Directory Management Portal, you'll need to click the purple pencil icon in the upper right corner of each tile that appears on your home screen. This is referred to as a 'Manage Data' icon through the user guide. Clicking this icon will bring you to screens where you can edit and update your School Directory data. 

Do not click the 'Submit Review' button until you have reviewed and updated data on all tiles and screens within the School Directory Management Portal application. If you submit data that has not been reviewed, you will likely receive validation messages.

The Home Screen and Breadcrumbs as Navigation:

The home screen of the SD Management Portal displays all of the tiles you are responsible for reviewing with each new school year. Smaller changes that occur through the year can be made periodically during the application’s “Open” time frame. To edit information on any tile, you must click the ‘Manage’ icon: a small pencil in the upper right corner of each tile. Clicking the Manage icon in the upper right corner of each tile will open a new screen. All screens are editable except for the basic information screen.

Screenshot of the entire home screen when a county children with disabilities education board is logged in.

A message across the top of the Home screen will inform you of the progress of your data review. If you have not started your data review, the Home screen will indicate that you data has not been verified.

Screenshot of the message displayed on School Directory Management Portal when data review has not yet begun for the current school year.

Once you begin your data review, the Home screen message will change to indicate your progress.

Screenshot of the message displayed on School Directory Management Portal when data review has begun for the current school year.

To edit information on any tile, you must click the ‘Manage’ icon. Clicking the Manage icon in the upper right corner of each tile will open a new screen. All screens are editable except for the basic information screen.

The tile headers are used to create the ‘breadcrumbs’. Breadcrumbs are a list of screen names, separated by a ‘caret’ (>) symbol. They will appear across the top of every screen. Use the breadcrumbs to navigate through this application.

Screenshot of the the breadcrumbs feature that allows users to navigate throughout the School Directory Management Portal.

Clicking a word in the breadcrumb trail will take you to that screen. The breadcrumbs displayed are dynamic and change as you navigate screens. The breadcrumb path always starts from the ‘Home’ screen. Click the word ‘Home’ to return to the home screen at any time.

The number of tiles appearing on the home screen depends on the type of agency accessing the SD Management Portal (i.e., public LEA, CESA, County CDEB, private school, State Agency Institute, or ICS Governance Board). For information on Agency Types that report through the School Directory Management Portal, visit the School Directory Management Portal: User Guide landing page.

Every time the “Manage” icon appears in this user guide, you will get a numbered list of tasks to complete on that screen:

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Pay attention to the “Manage” icon throughout this user guide.
Basic Information Tile

Screenshot of the county children with disabilities education board Basic information Tile on the SD management portal home screen. This is an editable tile. It allows users to edit displayed information after they click the “Manage” button.

The information on this tile and its corresponding screen reflect agency level information

Basic Information Tile Screen

This is a view only screen. Changes needed to the items bolded at the top (School District, Legal Name, Agency Type, LEA Code, CESA, and County) must be requested through a Help Ticket. The person submitting this ticket must have the user role of “Directory Update” because this role signifies they have authority to request these changes. This is indicated by the message highlighted across the top of the dark gray section of the screen:

Screenshot of Basic Information screen for a county children with disability education board when logged in to the school directory management portal.

Low Grade and High Grade:

These values are set based on the parameters given from each of the schools within your agency. This is done on the Basic School Information screen by clicking in the fields for Low Grade and High Grade, and making your selection. Selections will be highlighted in blue.

Screenshot of School Directory Management Portal agency level, basic Information screen, high grade, low grade display..

NOTE: The lowest possible grade is four-year-old kindergarten. PK is not a grade level, as it is not defined as a grade by state statute 115.02.

Grades Offered: 

You’ll notice an expander icon for this section. It looks like a ‘plus’ sign. The plus sign indicates there is more to see. Once clicked, the window expands and displays a list of all the grade levels offered across all the schools within your agency, again, based on the parameters given from each school within your agency.

Screenshot of School Directory Management Portal agency level, basic Information screen, Grades Offered display.

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Make note of anything from this screen that is incorrect and submit a Help Ticket to get changes made to any content on this screen besides grade level.

    • Remember, the person making changes to the School Directory Management Portal application must have the user role of “Directory Update." If you do not hold this user role, you must request it from your agency’s District Security Administrator (DSA) or your agency’s Application Administrator. You can make the request, and they can assign this role to you all within WISEsecure.

  2. Ensure your grade level information is accurate.

  3. Click 'Save' if you make any changes.

  4. Click ‘Home’ from the breadcrumbs, and move on to the Address and Contact Person Tile on the home screen.

Address and Contact Person Tile

Screenshot of the county children with disability education board Address and Contact Tile on the SD management portal home screen. The Address and Contacts tile is below the Basic Information tile on the home screen.

The information on this tile and its corresponding screen is agency level information.

Update Address and Contact Tile Screen

This screen is editable. Changes need to be made to any and all fields that require updating.

Screenshot of Update Address and Contact screen for a county children with disability education board  in school directory management portal.

For the Contact Information section, remember to provide agency level information for the following fields: Phone, Fax, Email, Web address.

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Review the accuracy of your contact information.

  2. For County CDEB, the person listed here should be either for the CCDEB Administrator. This is the name of the person who will appear on the home screen Staff Contacts tile.

There are also three address types to manage on this screen: physical, mailing, and shipping.


For the Physical Address section, remember to provide agency level information for the following fields: Prefix, Street Address, Location, City, State, Zip Code.

Notice the boxes at the end of the physical address section. Some County CDEB also use their agency level physical address (e.g., ‘Central Office’ or ‘Main Office’ address) as the mailing address and the shipping address for the agency.

You may choose to check one, both, or neither of these boxes as they apply to your agency level needs.

  • Mailing Address: check box available if same as physical address
  • Shipping Address: check box available if same as physical address

If both boxes are left unchecked, you will need to enter information for both the mailing and shipping address.

Screenshot of Mailing and Shipping Address screen for a public school district in school directory management portal.

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Review the accuracy of your address/es.

  2. Make sure you follow the details provided about location if your agency's location is in a difficult to locate area.

  3. Either click the buttons to make the mailing/shipping address the same as the mailing address, or enter separate mailing/shipping address information.

  4. Save changes.

  5. Click ‘Home’ from the breadcrumbs, and move on to the Staff Contacts Tile.

Staff Contacts Tile

Screenshot of Staff Contacts tiles on the home screen for a county children with disability education board in school directory management portal.The Staff Contacts tile displays the agency level contact that was provided on the previous tile, the Address and Contact Person tile. This should be the person holding the role with the most authority within your school/ agency. For County CDEBs, the person listed here should be the CCDEB Adinistrator.

This tile brings you to the Staff Contacts screen. There are a number of mandatory contact types required by DPI. If you are missing any, you will see a notification on the home screen Staff Contacts tile.

Mandatory Contacts Tile Screen

This screen is editable. Make changes to any and all fields that require updating. Address any notifications posted across the top of the screen for missing contact types.

Screenshot of the Mandatory Contacts screen for a county children with disability education board in school directory management portal.

For the Mandatory Contacts section, remember that this is still information required for the agency level. This will likely be the same as school level contacts. 

Mandatory Contacts for a County CDEB Include:

Screenshot of Update mandatory contact type in school directory management portal.Based on state statutes and other regulations, collecting contact information from various staff positions is required of DPI. These positions can and should be edited to ensure you submit current and accurate contact information to DPI. These same contacts cannot be deleted because they are required. As such, the edit icon is visible, but the trash can (‘delete’) icon is not available. When a specific contact type, such as the District Administrator, displays these icons, it indicates that it is a required position.

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Review the accuracy of your mandatory contact information.

  2. Click the purple edit icon to make changes.

  3. Click the “+Add Contact” button to add any missing mandatory contacts. Steps provided below.

Add Contacts Screen

Screenshot of the Add Contacts button in school directory management portal. Each Agency Type has a specific list of mandatory contacts, as listed above. If your agency does not have anyone listed for a given mandatory contact, you will need to provide the information into the Directory. You can do this by clicking the “+ Add Contact” button. Once you click the “+ Add Contact” button from the Staff Contacts screen, the Add Contacts screen will display. This should be annotated in the breadcrumbs: Home > Staff Contacts > Add Contact.

To add a new contact, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Contact Type for all required mandatory contacts, especially if they are missing.
  2. Select an appropriate Local Title. If your specific Local Title is not available in the list, please submit a Help Ticket to the Customer Services Team.
  3. Enter: First Name*, Last Name*, Middle Name, Gender, Suffix, Position Status*, Phone Number*, Phone Extension, Fax Number, and Email* for the current contact person. Items marked with an asterisk are required.
  4. For position Status, if the position is neither vacant nor an interim, leave that field blank.
  5. Below these fields there will be three buttons: Cancel, Clear, Add.
  6. Click the “Add” button to save the new Mandatory Contact.

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Add all required contacts.

  2. Return to the Staff Contacts screen using the breadcrumbs to make sure your new contact appears in the listing.

  3. Repeat as needed until all mandatory contacts are listed.

  4. Return to the Staff Contacts screen using the breadcrumbs to review the Other Contacts section.

Other Contacts

Below the list of mandatory contacts are additional positions that you can post as other contacts. Again, make sure you are adding agency level contacts on this screen.

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Ensure all other contacts listed are accurate and current. 

  2. Edit or delete as needed for an accurate display of agency level staff positions.

  3. OPTIONAL: Add additional other contacts.

NOTE: Click ‘Home’ from the breadcrumbs, and move on to the CCDEB Schools Tile when all Staff Contacts have been managed and updated to reflect current school year data.

CCDEB Schools Tile

Screenshot of CCDEB Schools tile for a county children with disability education board  in school directory management portal.The CCDEB Schools tile displays on the bottom row, fbelow Staff Contacts on the home screen.

Notice the small number in brackets next to the header of the CCDEB Schools tile (e.g., [1]). This is the total number of schools within your agency. Each school within your agency will appear on the Schools screen when you click the ‘Manage’ icon.

The home screen tile displays the names of the first six schools in the agency, listed alphabetically. If there are more than six schools within the agency, then underneath these six schools is an indicator of how many more schools exist that are not displayed on this tile (e.g., + 32 More). This number added to the six schools on display should add up to the total number of schools in your agency (e.g., 6 + 32 = 38 total schools).

Enter school level/building level data on the screens available from this tile. Each school needs to be updated each school year.

Click the ‘Manage’ icon to view the Schools screen.

Schools Screen

This screen displays all of the schools associated with your agency, displayed across two panels. The panel on the left side of the screen provides a search bar and a school type code. The panel on the right displays all of the schools in alphabetical order. Notice also that a number appears at the bottom of the results, indicating the total number of schools (e.g., 1 of 1 displayed).

To locate a school, you can scroll through the alphabetical listing on the right side of the screen. The search bar, however, allows you to locate a specific school in your agency by typing the name. This helps larger school agenies find a specific school more quickly.

You can also use the School Type filter to locate all the schools of each type (elementary, combined elementary/middle, middle school, high school). Clicking the school type from the left panel will display all of those school types in the right panel, alphabetically. When using this search method, a number will appear at the bottom of the results, indicating how many of the total schools belong to the type you searched (e.g., when this agency clicks the high school type, search results display 9 of 38, meaning this agency has 9 high schools).

Screenshot of Schools screen for a county children with disability education board  in school directory management portal.

To proceed with your data management of each school, you must edit this building level data one school at a time. Locate the school you want, and click on its hyperlinked name from the panel on the right. Notice how the breadcrumbs expand on the screen that now displays building level data for the school you have selected (e.g., Lakeland School).

Screenshot of the Home, Schools, selected school screen for a county children with disability education board in school directory management portal.

This school-specific screen displays three (familiar) tiles:

  • School Basic Information
  • Address
  • Staff Contacts

The data displayed on these tiles is all school building level information.

Click the School Basic Information tile to view that screen.

School Basic Information Screen for a Selected School:

This screen is editable. Make changes to any and all fields that require updating.

Screenshot of School Basic Information screen for a selected school within a county children with disability education board  in school directory management portal.

The top eight fields are view only. If changes need to be made to the items bolded at the top (School District/Agency Name, Legal Name, Agency Type, LEA Code, CESA, and County), this must be requested through a Help Ticket. The person submitting this ticket must have the user role of “Directory Update” because this role signifies they have authority to request these changes.

Use the drop-down menus to provide current and correct building-level information for the following data elements:

Same as the view only, Basic Information screen, the Grades Offered section has an expander icon that looks like a ‘plus’ sign. The plus sign indicates there is more to see. Once clicked, the window expands and displays a list of all the grade levels your independent charter school offers.

Click the checkboxes to select or unselect grades for this specific school.

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Enter current and correct data for each of the fields.

  2. Click 'Save'.

  3. Click the School Name from the breadcrumbs, and move on to the Address tile.

School-specific Update for Address and Contact Screen:

This screen is editable. If there is only one school within your county CDEB agency, clicking the manage button on this tile will take you back to the agency level Address and Contact Person screen, which you have already edited, earlier in this user guide. Otherwise, if there are multiple schools within your county CDEB, make changes to any and all fields that require updating for each school. 

For the Contact Information section, remember to provide building level information for the following fields: Phone, Fax, Email, Web address. As explained above, if there is only one school, the building level information may be the same as the agency level information.

For more details about these fields, please visit the Contact Information data element page.

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Review the accuracy of your contact information.

  2. Provide contact information for the front office of the school building, or it's equivalent if there is no front office.

There are also three address types to manage on this screen: physical, mailing, and shipping.

For the Physical Address section, remember to provide information specific to the school named in the breadcrumbs. Complete all of the following fields: Prefix, Street Address, Location, City, State, Zip Code.

For more details about these fields, please visit the Address data element page.

Notice the boxes at the end of the physical address section to repeat the physical address as either or both the shipping and mailing address. You may choose to click one, both, or neither of these boxes as they apply to your school building level needs.

  • Mailing Address: check box available if same as physical address
  • Shipping Address: check box available if same as physical address

If both boxes are left unchecked, you will need to enter information for both the mailing and shipping address.

Screenshot of Mailing and Shipping Address screen for a public school district in school directory management portal.

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Review the accuracy of your addresses.

  2. Make sure you follow the details provided about location if your school’s location is in a difficult to locate area.

  3. Either check the boxes to make the mailing/shipping address the same as the mailing address, or enter separate mailing/shipping address information.

  4. Save changes.

  5. Click the School Name from the breadcrumbs, and confirm that everything in the Address tile is displaying correctly.

  6. Click the School Name from the breadcrumbs, and move on to the Staff Contacts tile.

School-specific Staff Contacts Screen:

This screen is editable. If there is only one school within your county CDEB agency, clicking the manage button on this tile will take you back to the agency level Staff Contacts screen, which you have already edited, earlier in this user guide. Otherwise, if there are multiple schools within your county CDEB, make changes to any and all fields that require updating for each school. Add any missing contact types indicated by notifications posted across the top of the screen.

For the Mandatory Contacts section, remember that you are now entering school building level contact information.

Mandatory Contacts for a County CDEB:

Screenshot of Update mandatory contact type in school directory management portal.Based on state statutes and other regulations, collecting contact information from various staff positions is required of DPI. These positions can and should be edited to ensure you submit current and accurate contact information to DPI.

These same contacts cannot be deleted because they are required. As such, the edit icon is visible, but the trash can (‘delete’) icon is not available. When a specific contact type, such as the District Administrator, displays these icons, it indicates that it is a required position.

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Review the accuracy of your mandatory contact information.

  2. Click the purple edit icon to make changes.

  3. Click the “+Add Contact” button to add any missing mandatory contacts.

Add Contacts Screen

Screenshot of the Add Contacts button in school directory management portal. When clicking the “+ Add Contact” button from the Staff Contacts screen, the Add Contacts screen will display. This should be annotated in the breadcrumbs: Home > Schools > Name of Selected School > Staff Contacts > Add Contact.

To add a new contact, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Contact Type for all required mandatory contacts, especially if they are missing.
  2. Select an appropriate Local Title. If your specific Local Title is not available in the list, please submit a Help Ticket to the Customer Services Team.
  3. Enter: First Name*, Last Name*, Middle Name, Gender, Suffix, Position Status, Phone Number,* Phone Extension, Fax Number, and Email* for the current contact person. Items marked with an asterisk are required.
  4. For position Status, if the position is neither vacant nor an interim, leave that field blank.
  5. Below these fields there will be three buttons: Cancel, Clear, Add. 
  6. Click the “Add” button to save the new mandatory contact.

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Add all fields for the required contact.

  2. Return to the Staff Contacts screen using the breadcrumbs to make sure your new contact appears in the listing.

  3. Repeat as needed until all contacts are listed.

  4. Return to the Staff Contacts screen using the breadcrumbs to review the Other Contacts section.

Other Contacts

Below the list of mandatory contacts are additional positions that you can post as other contacts. Again, make sure you are only adding school building level contacts on this screen.

To Manage:

'Manage" icon - please manage the following data in School Directory Management Portal.
  1. Ensure all other contacts listed are accurate and current.

  2. Edit or delete as needed for an accurate display of agency level staff positions.

    • OPTIONAL: Add additional other contacts.

  3. Return to the School-specific screen (e.g., Lakeland School) to review that the CCDEB Administrator's (primary contact person): name, school phone number, and email address all appear accurately in the Staff Contacts tile.

NOTE: Click ‘Home’ from the breadcrumbs, and return to the home screen when all Staff Contacts have been managed and updated to reflect current school year data.

Return to Home Screen: Submit Review Button

Across the very top of the home screen is an instructional message.

It reads:

Data has not been verified for the 2024-25 school year. Review the data on all tiles and subsequent screens, make changes as needed, and save your changes. Areas with missing mandatory data will display an error message. When done, click the Submit Review button to mark that your data has been managed.

Clicking this “Submit Review” button indicates to DPI that you have reviewed (updated and saved) all data for the current school year. You have clicked every tile from the home screen and gone through every screen, saving changes as updates along the way.

Clicking this “Submit Review” button means it’s time to celebrate Data Quality! Woo Hoo!!

Once you click this button, you can still make changes with the SD Management Portal as needed until the application closes (typically, at the end of each calendar year). The application opens again within a few weeks of the closing.

For more information, visit the School Directory Management Portal: Annual Required Updates webpage.

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