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School Type

School Type: School Directory Public Portal, PI-1207


This data element provides descriptions for the available types of schools: elementary, combined elementary and secondary, middle, junior high, or high school.

Grades are defined in §115.01(2). The educational work of the public schools is divided into four-year-old kindergarten, five-year-old kindergarten, and 12 additional grades numbered from one to 12 beginning with grade one being the lowest and grade 12 being the highest.

In the PI-1207 Private School Report, this is the next option after the question on School Status data element if a school selects:

  • The school will be in operation during the 20XX-(XX+1) school year.

USES: This data element is part of the School Directory, used to provide detailed information about schools in Wisconsin.

School Type: School Type Description & Guidance
School Type School Type Description School Type  Guidance
6 Elementary School The first eight grades are the elementary grades. Where reference is made to “elementary grades", the reference includes kindergarten, where applicable.
7 Combined Elementary and Secondary School A school combined of some Elementary school and secondary (middle, junior and/or high school). 
5 Middle School A middle school is a school in which grades 5 to 8 are taught.
4 Junior High School A junior high school is a school in which grades 7 to 9 are taught.
3 High School The last four grades are the high school grades.  A senior high school is a school in which grades 10 to 12 are taught.

FAQs, Details, and Points to Note


  1. State statute defines the parameters for public schools. However, there are many more types of schools besides public schools (e.g., private school, tribal schools, independent charter schools...). Non-public schools do not tie directly to the school types described in §115.01(2). DPI uses the school type guidance to help all schools use the most appropriate school type.
  2. For more information on grade levels, please visit the Grade Level Placement data element page

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