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District Library Plan Link

District Library Plan Link: District Library Plan


District Library Plan Link data element refers to the URL for the webpage that displays a school/district District Library Plan.

This link needs to be entered in a text field in WISEadmin Portal. The URL entered into the text field must begin with the text: https://

The District Library Plan is referenced in Wisconsin Administrative Code PI8.01(2)(h). For current library planning resources, visit the DPI Future Ready Libraries webpage, paying special attention to the Library Planning Infographic.

District Library Plan data elements are collected within the WISEadmin Portal. Updates for the Last Modified version and the last Submitted version of the District Library Plan are marked with an auto-generated date-time stamp.

USES: Libraries with well-developed, long-range library plans, implemented with fidelity, effectively increase student achievement, provide equitable resources to all, and be a key collaborative element of district learning initiative.



FAQs, Details, and Points to Note

  1. The URL entered into the text field MUST BEGIN with the text: HTTPS:// – if it does not, a Validation Message will appear on screen: Please Enter District Library Plan Link

  2. As links get changed, does an archive of previous links need to be maintained? No -- maintaining an archive of previous links is not required. Only the current URL for the current plan needs to be in place.

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