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Highest Degree

Highest Degree: WISEstaff

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The Highest Degree value reflects the code that corresponds to the highest level of education the staff member has attained.

You're required to report only staff with assignment type of codes of “0” Professional - Special Education and “1” Professional - Regular Education.

You're NOT required to report for subcontracted individuals or staff with assignment type codes of: “2” Short-Term Substitute - Extra Curricular Activities, “3” Support - Regular Education, and “4” Support - Special Education.

The format is two digits with padded leading zero accepted, but not required, e.g., 03. Submit one of the valid codes below. Leave the field blank when it does not apply to a specific assignment area and position code combination.

Highest Degree Code Description/Comments
03 Associate degree
04 Bachelor's degree
05 Master's degree
06 6 - Year Specialists
07 Doctorate degree
08 Other

USES: This data element is used for WISEstaff assignments and licensing and for SDPR reporting.


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