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Months in School/District/State

Months in School/District/State: WISEdata

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Continuous (or near continuous) enrollment of a student in a school, measured in months. Months accumulate from school term to school term. If during any school term or successive school terms a student exits then re-enrolls at the same school and the interruption in enrollment status exceeds a month, then Months in School starts over at zero. School term is defined by s. 115.001, Stats, to mean "the time commencing with the first school day and ending with the last school day that the schools of a school district are in operation for attendance of pupils in a school year, other than for the operation of summer classes."

To determine Months in School for each student-school combination, compare the school enrollment period(s) with the district's school term(s) as reported on the PI 12031. Count all overlapping calendar days. (Note that the overlap of interest is between the specific student-school combination and the school term.) If the student has multiple enrollment periods at the same school, then start with the earliest enrollment period at that school and continue through the count date, exit date, or school term end date, whichever occurs first.

Any break in a school enrollment period during a district's school term or successive school terms that is greater than 30 calendar days starts the count of days for that student-school combination over at zero. The number of months would be determined by dividing the accumulated calendar days by 30. 


Continuous (or near continuous) enrollment of a student in a district, measured in months. Months accumulate from school term to school term. If during any school term or successive school terms a student exits then re-enrolls in the same district and the interruption in district enrollment status exceeds a month, then MONTHS_IN_DISTRICT starts over at zero. School term is defined by s. 115.001, Stats, to mean "the time commencing with the first school day and ending with the last school day that the schools of a school district are in operation for attendance of pupils in a school year, other than for the operation of summer classes."

To determine Months in District for each student-district combination, compare the district enrollment period(s) with the district's school term(s) as reported on the PI 12031. Count all overlapping calendar days. (Note that the overlap of interest is between the specific student-district combination and the school term.) If the student has multiple enrollment periods in the same district, then start with the earliest enrollment period in that district and continue through the count date, exit date or, school term end date, whichever occurs first.

Any break in a district enrollment period during a district's school term or successive school terms that is greater than 30 days starts the count of days for that student-district combination over at zero. The number of months would be determined by dividing the accumulated calendar days by 30. Months in district is cumulative from year to year. For 2r charter schools, Months in District will equal Months in School. 


Continuous (or near continuous) enrollment of a student in the state, measured in months. Months accumulate from school term to school term. If during any school term or successive school terms a student exits then re-enrolls in a WISEdata-covered school and the interruption in enrollment status exceeds a month, then Months in State starts over at zero. School term is defined by s. 115.001, Stats, to mean "the time commencing with the first school day and ending with the last school day that the schools of a school district are in operation for attendance of pupils in a school year, other than for the operation of summer classes."

For each student, compare the WISEdata enrollment period(s) with the relevant district school term(s) as reported on the PI 12031. Count all calendars days in the WISEdata enrollment period(s) that overlap with days between the school term begin and end dates. If the student has multiple enrollment periods in WISEdata, then start with the earliest enrollment period and continue through the count date, exit date, or school term end date, whichever occurs first.

Any break in enrollment period during the school term or successive school terms that is greater than 30 days starts the count of days for that student over at zero. Months in state is cumulative from year to year. The number of months would be determined by dividing the accumulated calendar days by 30.

USES: Months in School/District/State is used to determine a student's "full academic year" status in a school, length of continuous enrollment at a school, and English proficiency acquisition rate. 9.25 months=1 full academic year. 


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