Learning Modality Type

As of the 2024-25 school year, this data element is not required. It was previously required under ESSER and is no longer needed for federal reporting. WISEdata Portal validations have been turned off for the 2024-25 school year, and this data element is not needed for 2023-24 year end (YE) reporting.
Learning Modality Type is defined as the method of student participation in instruction: In-person, Remote, or Hybrid. School districts operating under the COVID-19 pandemic have adapted quickly to collect information on how each student is participating in instruction for each school day. Many schools are continuing to provide choices in learning modality as a form of best practice, outside of the pandemic/health needs.
This data element can be viewed in WISEdata Portal on the student detail level, on the Programs - Other tab. This data element is submitted on the Student Program Association endpoint.
Code | Short Description | Long Description |
Remote | Remote Instruction |
Remote modality refers to any form of instruction obtained where the student is not in a traditional brick-and-mortar classroom. Remote modality implies receiving instruction via technology, and goes by many names: virtual / online / distance learning to name a few. Remote learning can either be synchronous or asynchronous, and can look and be accomplished differently among schools/LEAs. Synchronous-remote learning occurs when the student is attending class as the teacher is providing the instruction, live through the use of technology, and is not located in a brick-and-mortar classroom. Asynchronous-remote learning occurs when students access their learning/instruction via technology at a time other than when live instruction was provided (for example, by watching a recorded video, or accessing an online course). Work is completed and submitted via technology within a timeframe established by the school/LEA. |
In-Person | In-Person |
This modality means the student is attending school by physically sitting in the classroom inside the school building and receiving face to face instruction. |
Hybrid | Hybrid |
Hybrid learning modality refers to a blend of in-person and remote learning. This may be scheduled (i.e., A day / B day schedules) or may be only temporary due to quarantine scenarios. |
USES: This data element allows for tracking of the different types of learning modalities (In-Person, Remote, Hybrid) used in schools to understand the impact modality has on student performance and other indicators for student improvement planning. This data element is student-level information, and is associated with enrollment and attendance reporting, as well as the third Friday of September. Initially, collection of this data was in conjunction with ESSER III reporting requirements. ESSER III is the main funding course for LEAs in the American Recovery Act, which provides LEAs emergency relief funds to address the impact of COVID-19 on elementary and secondary schools across the nation.
FAQs, Details, and Points to Note
- Why does this data need to be reported? Learning Modality data is collected currently because it provides key data to help researchers correlate the impact of modality to other student outcomes or behaviors. Post-pandemic life in education reveals that many schools/LEAs continue to provide different forms of learning modality as best practices for their student population. Initially, this data was collected in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, when schools provided alternate learning modalities to "brick and mortar." As per reporting guidelines of ESSER III, the number of schools in Wisconsin that are offering fully remote instruction, both remote and in-person instruction (hybrid model), and/or full-time, in-person instruction is required. The data will be used to analyze holistic student (all students) enrollment trends and disaggregated data trends for specific data groups (e.g., students from low-income families, students with disabilities, etc.) for each mode of instruction.
- What is the difference between in-person and remote (virtual) learning?
In-person modality means the student is attending school by physically sitting in the classroom inside the school building (aka - ‘brick and mortar’). Remote modality means that the student is located somewhere outside a traditional classroom (home, daycare, family member’s house) but is receiving the teacher’s instruction via technology.
- What are the different types of remote (virtual) learning? Remote learning can either be synchronous (attending class live, at the same time as other students, as the teacher is providing the instruction) or asynchronous (teaching and learning are not occurring at the same time, but the same work is assigned and expected to be completed).
- What if my school offers both remote (virtual) learning and in-person learning? Hybrid modality refers to a blend of in-person and remote instruction.
- What data do schools need to submit about Learning Modality?
- Public schools need to submit a student program record through WISEdata detailing what modality each student is in. This data is tacked to understand the impact between learning modality and student outcomes (performance, attendance, behavior, etc).
- Public schools will submit the school-level indicator through WISEgrants in which they can indicate which learning modalities the school is offering and if that modality is offered to all students, some students, or to no students.
- What if I do not enter a Learning Modality in WISEdata? When a Learning Modality is not present for a student in WISEdata, it is assumed that the student is in the default modality for the school: a regular (non-virtual) school would have a modality of “in-person” and a virtual school would have the modality of “remote” (virtual).
- What if there are students who change modality throughout the school year?
Student-level indicators will be reported through WISEdata only when there is a long-term shift to a new modality. A long-term modality shift would mean that there is no expectation the student will move back to the modality that currently applies. A temporary modality change does not warrant a burden for the LEA to report the change, as it implies that the student is expected to return to the modality that currently applies, for example, a student is in-person, shifts to remote for a quarantine period, and then returns to in-person. Whenever a shift in modality occurs, (i.e., from ‘remote’/virtual back to ‘in-person’), the previous modality should be changed to reflect the current modality, and an updated student record should be submitted.
For more information and use cases, see the Roster page.
For more information about Learning Modality and Multi-District Charter Schools refer to:
- Uncommon WISEdata page for Multi-District Charter Schools
- School-Level Learning Modality (ARPA-ESSER III Technical Assistance) document
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