Event Date
Event Description
The goal of this training is to teach you how to navigate the WISEdata Portal, troubleshoot errors/warnings in your data, and submit a helpdesk ticket. It will also touch on helpful resources on the DPI site and a few other WISE applications, such as WISEid and WISEsecure. This course is geared towards new users at the school and district level or those unfamiliar with the WISEdata Portal.
Before attending this course, it would be a good idea to have access to the WISEdata Portal for following along or to ask questions in the Q&A portion; however, it is not required. I will also be screen sharing the test site version of WISEdata for you to follow along.
The first hour of the course will be the training material followed by thirty minutes of Q&A. We’re excited to offer this new and highly requested training. Hope to see you there!
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