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Archive Release Notes for WISEid and WISEstaff

Archive Release Notes for WISEid and WISEstaff

For release notes on WISEid and WISEstaff prior to those listed here, refer to the Historical WISEid and WISEstaff Release Notes page.

Release Notes from 4/16/2024


WISEid: Fix to Remove Student Email Validations for Email Uniqueness in Match Review

We fixed an alignment in logic that allowed us to resolve a glitch. Previously, when we removed the student email uniqueness check in the WISEid system, we forgot to remove the logic from the Match Review process.  Logic has now been removed from the Match Review process, and Students will no longer need an unique email to be resolved by Match Review.


WISEstaff: Fix Download Staff Files – Snapshot Data for Final Snapshot

We fixed an issue where the Final Snapshot was really the Preliminary Snapshot.

Release Notes from 4/2/2024


  • We fixed an issue where leading zeros in Local Person ID are getting stripped out of Person Uploads. If you have a lot of these that need to be corrected from before this bug, submit a Help Ticket. We can remove all Local Person IDs for your agency so that you can upload the corrected Local Person IDs that include the leading zeros.
  • We fixed an issue where when the main name (new first, new middle, former last names OR new first, no middle, former last names) was changed for a person, it saved multiple variations of all their names in the Other Names as new Other Names. Now only exactly the main name that is replaced gets sent to the Other Name area.
  • Expect to see greatly improved WISEid Person Upload performance. It should resolve production-only file upload faults and speed up all Person file uploads. Note, uploads with many duplicate WISEids are still slow, so we recommend not uploading a lot of the same WISEid rows in the same file until we resolve.



  • We added text with a link to the Contract Salary page on the Staff Edit Contract Details Contract Salary field and on these Public Staff Report pages About the Data:
    • Public Administrative Salary Report
    • Public All Staff Report
    • Public Teacher Salary Report
  • This page explains how the Contract Salary is calculated and links to the WUFAR handbook details on which codes are included.
  • We fixed steps 2b and 3c on the Staff Collection Checklist Contract task which were incorrectly saying not completed because the Contract Final = No shouldn’t be a factor.
  • We fixed the Add/Edit Assignment page License Requirements which were incorrectly showing license types that are no longer valid options.
  • We fixed the Staff Data Quality Dashboard in the Assignment Count and Licensed Assignment Count tile downloads. If the agency or school names had commas in them, it would make the CSV file download off. Instead, we stripped the commas from the names, so it would not break the CSV file columns.
  • We fixed  performance issues with WISEstaff validation 4230 and 5900.
  • We fixed Download Staff Files Snapshot Data downloads to exclude duplicates. However, the drop-down for Final is currently only providing Preliminary results. That will be fixed in the next release.
  • On the Staff List, when deleting a person, we now have text on the confirmation pop-up making it clear you are only deleting the current assignments and contracts.
  • We fixed the issue that users still had access to delete Contracts, Assignments, and Aggregate Assignments when the system was locked down from edits.
  • We changed the Manage Staff Data / Licensing Download AND Expiring Background Check widget download on the Data Quality Dashboard drill-in for the Background Check Expires column date so it is always June 30th.
  • We fixed performance issues with validation 4054. Note, validations 4055, 4056, and 4057 also have similar issues which we will fix for the next staff collection year.
  • We modified the WISEstaff system, so when the system is locked down from Contract and Assignment edits, district users can still drill into the details to see what they reported. This will be very useful after the final staff snapshot each year until the next year’s collection opens.
Release Notes from 1/25/2024


WISEstaff: Create a Download of Each LEA's Preliminary Snapshot Data

We created  a download of each LEA's preliminary snapshot data. This WISEstaff screen where this file is located has been renamed the “Download Staff Files” (formerly called the “Copy Staff Files” page).  We also added a new section at the bottom of this screen, called “Snapshot Data”.  This section contains downloadable files  for Contracts and Assignments (current as of the snapshot date) which are used for the preliminary and final audits.  There are still a few bugs to work out in these download files, however. Currently in testing we still found some Contracts appearing as duplicate rows for the same person. We have a plan in place to fix this in the near future.

WISEstaff: Update Checklist Logic for Audit Reports Tasks

We changed the logic for the Staff Collection Checklist (Step 3a and 4a) using a new audit report system to show if/when the preliminary and final audit reports are ready.

WISEstaff: Updated Title of Assignment Count Report to Match the Report Type

We fixed the title on the Assignment Count Report, as it had been displaying incorrectly when drilling in from the Data Quality Dashboard.

WISEstaff: Validate Staff Data Screen - Refresh Fixed

We improved the display of our system status messaging when clicking the "Refresh Validation" button. We fixed an issue where the Validate Staff Page would temporarily post incorrect results while it was still running.  We also added a "wait indicator" while the validations are running, and are delaying the results from displaying until the job is done.


WISEstaff: Change Agency Screen - Performance Improvement

For users with multiple agencies, the Change Agency page was quite slow to load sometimes. We have improved the performance so that it loads much faster now.

WISEstaff: Miscellaneous Messaging Repairs

We fixed some miscellaneous typos, including incomplete directions and out of date directions.

WISEstaff: Errors 5876 and 5877

We updated the validation KBAs for 5876 and 5877 for assignment 53-0050. It now reads more clearly, better explaining how to resolve the error when there are invalid grade levels uploaded.

WISEstaff: Errors 4611 and 4610

We added better directions to resolve incorrect grade levels for validation 4611 for assignment 53-0800 and 4610 for 53-0808. 

  • 4611 is now “53-0800 cannot be used for grade levels PK or K4. Assignment code 53-0808 Early Childhood Special Education is valid for PK or K4”. 
  • 4610 is now “53-0808 can only be used for grade levels PK and K4 so the assignment is not allowed for this school. Please either change the assignment (53-0800 may apply) or change the school to one that has PK or K4.”


WISEid: Fix Person Upload

We fixed a few errors that occasionally occur when the same Local Person ID is in the Person Upload more than one time (i.e., the Person Local Row Key Unique Constraint Error). 

Release Notes from 1/9/2024


WISEid: Change Request Created for No Middle Name and Last Name

We fixed an issue involving the syetm creating a Change Request when the middle name is null (blank). It should not have been doing that and now it isn't.

WISEid: Fix Timeout of "Update From Collections" Job

We increased the amount of time needed for the nightly job that transfers student WISEid data between WISEdata and WISEid to run. This should make it so the job completes entirely even when there is a lot of data to transfer or server performance issues.

WISEid: Fix Fix Person Upload Faults

We optimized the system to better handle large Person Upload files from MPS. Typically,when uploaded, the large size would "break" the Person Upload processing for other agencies. This has been resolved.

WISEid: Person Upload, Stop Middle Initial Match to Full Middle

We adjusted the "Change Person Upload" matching system. When a match is made on someone based on their middle initial or middle initial plus period, the system first matches the first letter of the middle name, and then it should allow the match without updating the main middle name. For example: the uploaded middle name was given as either, "A" or "A." An existing person is matched has a middle name of  "Anna." When updates takes place, the middle name should remain "Anna" and the system will ignore the less complete info ("A" or A.") for the middle name. 

Release Notes from 12/6/2023


WISEstaff: Easy Way to Mark All Contracts Salary Final for Year

Buttons associated with the “Contract Is Salary Final?” question are now preset to “Yes” for all records. This new setting appears in two different places on WISEstaff for your convenience:

  • On Upload Staff Data page when the blue ‘Contract Upload’ type button is chosen.
  • On Staff Collection Checklist page step 3c red button to update all current year Contract records to Y for is salary final question. Button only appears when you have any Contracts not set to yes for the current year otherwise button is hidden.

WISEstaff: Speed up Performance of the Data Quality Dashboard Widgets for Expiring Background Checks and Expiring Staff Licenses

We have improved the speed of both of these widgets by means of a mechanism that caches licensing data.

WISEstaff: Update Checklist Help Content for New Audit Reports

The Staff Collection Checklist, Steps 3 & 4, now display updated Help content for the new audit report info. NOTE: The actual audit reports are not ready yet, but the Help info has been added.

WISEstaff: Hotfix - Some Districts Can’t Preliminarily Certify

We released a hotfix on 11/15/23 to repair a preliminary certification block caused by unrequired validations that were unresolved.


WISEid: Remove Final Student Email Uniqueness Check on Person Uploads

The final check for student email uniqueness within the Person Upload tool is being removed. Emails are reused over time in some districts and WISEid did not have a way to measure the timespan between when an email was repeated and issued to a different user, and the repetitions caused confusion within the system. The collection of student emails will be removed from WISEid for the 2024-25 school year. This makes updating student emails in WISEid an unnecessary task, so you don’t need to spend any time this year updating student emails in WISEid.



Release Notes from 10/31/2023


WISEstaff: All Staff Report & Staff Corrections Performance Increased and Turned Off Results Auto-Loading

We have optimized the performance of both the All-Staff Report and Staff Corrections report. Additionally, we have turned off auto-loading of report contents before filters are applied. More work on this will continue in the near future to provide better results for large district downloads.

WISEstaff: Preliminary Audit Filters Added

We added a new filter on the Validate Staff Data page, “Show Only Validations Required for Preliminary Certification”.

  • This was added so districts can save time by entering only data required for the preliminary audit.
  • Validations that are specific to non-licensed assignments and all Contracts are hidden with a button.
  • The validations displayed include: 3100, 4034, 4600, 4610, 4700, 4900, 4901, 5700, 5701, 5760, 5761, 5800, 5801, 5820, 5830, 5833, 5834, 5866, 5867, 5875, 5876, 5877, 5878, 6200, 6210, 6309, 6332, 6335, 6336, 6337, 6342, 6352, 6353, 6354, 6355, 6358, 6359, 6360, 6361, 6362, 6363, 6380, 6386, 6387, 6389, 6404, 6411.
  • Note that some basic checks for complete assignment record validations are necessary for both licensed and unlicensed assignments, and, therefore, some unlicensed assignment validations may appear. Turn off the filter by clicking the “Show All Validations” button.  
  • We also changed the previous button, “OK Warnings by Code” to “Acknowledge Warnings by Code.”

WISEstaff: Improved Handling of Error When User Doesn't Have WISEid User Role

We have added a user warning message on the Staff Collection Checklist. When users click on Step 1b to enter and edit WISEids, if the user doesn’t have a sufficient WISEid security role needed to do their work, a warning will throw. New users need both a WISEid and a WISEstaff security role (usually admin) to do their full work.

WISEstaff: Removed Commas in Contract Salary and Fringe Uploads

We are removing commas from the Contract uploads for Salary and Fringe. Our format doesn’t allow them, but very often commas are automatically added when opened in Excel. We are changing our upload processes to instead remove the commas, which will no longer create an error.

WISEstaff: Updated Checklist Step 3h When Snapshot is Complete

We have fixed step 3h to update itself when the final year- end snapshot is taken and verified.

WISEstaff: Updated “Identity API - Local Person ID Already Used” Error Message

The error message will now include “the Local Person ID that is being used by someone else in the same LEA” within the message.

  • The new message will read,  
    • “Validation Errors Encountered - WISEid not created. WISEid errors: Local Person Id: xxxxxx already exists for this Agency (WISEid: xxxxxxxxxx/Agency Key: xxxxxx).”

WISEstaff: Clarified Content of KBA for Validation Error 4610

This error is about a misalignment between a staff code (53-0808) that signifies teaching a grade below 3rd grade in a school that does not offer grade levels below 3rd grade.

  • 53-0808 does not allow KG.
    • For KG, use the assignment code 53-0800.
  • Updated error message reads, "Assignment code 53-0808 can be used only for grade levels PK and K4. If you select one of those grades on the Edit Assignment page, the system will remove the invalid grade when saving the assignment. If KG is the correct grade level, then 53-0800 may be the correct assignment code."

WISEstaff: Added Instructional Messaging to Split Assignment Page

We added an instructional section to the Split Assignment FTE page. Assignments that have district 0000 school can be split into multiple assignments with selected schools from the Staff Edit page.

WISEstaff: Added Instructional Messaging to the Split Assignment Page

We have fixed step 3h to update itself when the final year- end snapshot is taken and verified.

WISEstaff: Assignment Edit Grade Question Clarification

 We have clarified the Assignment- related question for grades to read, "Grade levels of the curriculum taught for this assignment."

WISEstaff: Assignment Edit Subcontracted Question Clarification.

We have clarified the Assignment- related question for subcontracted staff to read, "Is this assignment being performed by a subcontracted / contractor (1099) individual or a teacher of RCC public school students?"

WISEstaff: Fixed All Staff Report Filters

Last year the filters for the All-Staff Report for working school were not working correctly. This was fixed at some point since last year and verified in testing.

WISEstaff: Synced Aggregate Staff FTE Upload Changes with UI

We have updated the Aggregate Staff FTE user screen, “Contracting Agency Name” to allow up to 100 characters. The “Update Aggregate Assignment Upload” now allows the Contracting Agency Name to be null.

WISEstaff: Created a New Version of the Audit Results Report

On the Audit Results page, we moved the past reports to a new section near the bottom: “Audit results prior to the 2023-24 school year.” We also created a new report with filters for this year going forward. There are no results until later in the year when we publish the preliminary audit results.

WISEstaff: Updated FTE Help Link

We have updated the “Add/Edit Assignment” link for "FTE Help" to go to new URL.



WISEid: Removed Limit on Change Request Appeals

Removing the limit on change request appeals allows users to Appeal Denied Change Requests as many times as necessary to resolve the situation. Previously, DPI limited users to ‘Appeal’ one time and then referred customers to open a CST Help Ticket.

WISEid: Improved Auto-Matching on Person Upload

Improvements have been made to the WISEid Person Upload for auto-matching. Auto-matching will now auto-match also use the middle initial (with or without a period, e.g., Jane A Smith, or Jane A. Smith) when there is one exact match on name and birth date.


Release Notes from 9/29/2023


[WISEstaff] Aggregate Assignment Upload

  • On the "Upload Staff Data" page under WISEstaff - Manage Staff Data, Upload Staff Data:

    • We have added an option for Aggregate Assignment Upload along with a template and "Tips for Uploading Aggregate Assignments.’

    • It has the same requirements as the Enter Aggregate Staff FTE page.

  • Tips for uploading aggregate assignments:

    • Aggregate Assignments are only allowed for the following assignments:

      • 98-0857 Other Support Staff - Bus Driver - Special Education

      • 98-9067 Other Support Staff - Bus Driver

      • 98-9072 Other Support Staff - Plant Maintenance and Operation Personnel

      • 98-9073 Other Support Staff - Cafeteria Worker

    • Enter FTE totals for subcontracted staff when you are not able to obtain enough information to create WISEids and enter individual data.
    • NOTE: The equivalent of one FTE should be entered as "1" to indicate one FTE and not "100" to indicate 100% of an FTE.
      • Example: If you have bus drivers whose combined contracted hours total 10,400, then your bus driver total FTE would be 5 (10,400 divided by 2080, which is the number of hours used to define one FTE).
  • More information can be found on the “File Layouts and Templates” page.

[WISEstaff] FTE Summary Report by School

  • Changes have been made to the FTE Summary Report. The changes make the report more flexible for data inquiries by districts. 
  • The "Position Classification" filter within this report is now simply labeled as, "Position."
  • Another feature was also added. Users can now “Add Columns to Report” to dynamically determine which columns they want to include in pivot table report:
    • Hiring Agency
    • Working Agency
    • Working School
    • Position

[WISEstaff] Exclude Additional License Statuses from License Data

  • Information about licenses which have been deleted by DPI has been removed from all locations in WISEstaff.

[WISEstaff] 53-0970 Interns Not Populating Grade Levels in Snapshot

  • We fixed a glitch in WISEstaff where Interns were not getting audited correctly because our snapshot process didn’t populate the grades for the school in which the intern worked.

[WISEstaff] Update to the Staff Collection Checklist - Step 3: Help Content

  • The "Help" content for Step 3 on the WISEstaff Staff Collection Checklist has been updated to reflect the latest changes for that step in the auditing process.



[WISEid] AND [WISEstaff] File Download: Shows a Generic Date as the Transaction Date and No Transaction ID

  • We have fixed an issue with the WISEid Person Upload/Download and the WISEstaff Assignment Upload/Download was populating incorrect date /time information in the transaction ID. The correct date and time are now displaying in the Transaction ID.

[WISEid] Person Upload and Alert Email: Glitch Resolved

  • A recent file upload interrupted the 'Person Upload' file queue, and bypassed our alert system to let us know it was stuck. We have added this scenario into our alert system to prevent this glitch in the future.

[WISEid] Change Request: Most Recent Comments on Top

  • We reversed the sort on the "Change Request Comments" tab the place the most recent comments on top.
  • Thank you to the members who placed this recommendation on our Feedback site! 

[WISEid] Undo Merge: Reset Person's Birth Info Back to Original

  • When the DPI Customer Services Team addresses a Help Ticket to "undo" a previous Merge Request, the birth fields are reverted back to what they were at the time of the merge.

[WISEid] Search, Create and Person Edit: Allow More Birth Date Formats

  • WISEid Person Search, Person Create and Person Edit functions will now automatically convert the date field type entry to mm/dd/yyyy - adding in the "forward slashes" for users so that all they have to enter is the digits, in the order of: mmddyyyy.


WISEstaff 2023-24 System Improvements, Changes Completed Since Opening Last Year (2022-23):

Aggregate Assignment Upload

  • We created a new upload for Aggregate Staff Data with same restrictions as the existing user screen data entry of Aggregate Assignments. This upload is different from our regular uploads in that it uploads instantly and will not show up on the Upload Staff Data page. It has basic format checking and will reject files that are not in the correct format. The value added here is mainly for large districts to save time on data entry.

Audit Report

  • The audit has been relocated so that it reports to a cloud share for improved reliability.

Certify Data

  •  On screen confirmation is now provide when preliminary and final certification have been completed.
  • Preliminary certification can now occur with no licensed assignment-related errors or unacknowledged warnings. Contract data is no longer required for preliminary certification.

Data Quality Dashboard

  • Qualifying licenses have been altered, based on clarification from the DPI  LEAD Team, for the Manage Staff Data License Download. The updated list of qualifying licenses are viewable in the Manage Staff Data License Download, when the "Filter by Background Check Expiration" filter is applied, AND when using the "Data Quality Dashboard - Expiring Background Check" widget.
  • The "Expiring License" widget no longer presents these deleted applications and licenses.

Edit Staff/Person

  • Deleted license applications and license rows have been removed from the "Licensing Information" screen.

License Download

  • Deleted license applications and license rows have also been removed from the "Filter by License Expiration Date" function.


  • FTE Summary Report has been modified report to allow dynamic column inclusion of Hiring Agency, Working Agency, Working School, and Position. The "Position Classification" filter has been replaced with a "Position" filter. The default column display is "Position," but this can be modified by user. This report now allows for greatly improved flexibility, since agencies want to see these breakdowns differently.

Staff Collection Checklist

  • Step 2 on checklist - Contract data is now optional for the preliminary certification. Visual modifications were made to this step on screen for improved clarity.
  • Step 3 on checklist - This step got a title change. We also added Step 3c to “Load or Finalize Contracts”. And we added Step 3d for "Enter Aggregate Assignments." We also updated the "Help information" for these new steps.

System Wide Changes

  • Updated DPI internal reports used in data quality outreach to include CESAs and Independent Charter Schools (ICS).
  • Adjusted the Checklist Progress Preliminary notification to not require the loading of Contract data for the preliminary certification deadline.
  • Adjustments made to assignment 53-0971. An Interns' default grades are set to all grade levels within a school where they are serving. This will allow this assignment to be audited correctly.

Public Staff Reports

  • Public Aggregate Staff Report have added a 'year' filter and column to match format of the rest of our public staff reports.
  • Updated Data Errata link on About the Data pages
  • All Staff Report has linked "Agency" filters to the "Year selected" filter, so that only the active agencies for that year are displayed in the Report.
  • Public Staff FTE by Ethnicity and Gender Report - Added the "Gender X" filter. 
  • Changed the header for pre-2017 archive data to read, “Historical Staff Data: Prior to 2017” and linked this new header to a DPI webpage displaying archived data.

Work in Progress: for Release After the Opening of WISEstaff in 2023-24

Data Quality Dashboard

  • Improve the performance of the "Expiring Background Checks" and "Expiring Staff Licenses" widgets.

Edit Staff/Person

  • Add instructions on the "Split Assignment" screen.
  • Create a way to view detailed assignment data and license requirements when the collection is closed.
  • Update the "Edit Assignment" screen language to make clear that the grades we collect are not always grade level of students. We collect the grade levels of the curriculum taught for this assignment.
  • Update the "Edit Assignment" screen 'subcontracted question' language to be clearer about who is included: 
    • “Is this assignment being performed by a subcontracted / contractor (1099) individual or a teacher of RCC public school student?”


  • All Staff Report and Staff Corrections Form: fix the "Position and School" filters. Improve the download performance of this report. Remove the auto loading of a report before filters are used.
  • New Audit Reports: Create one report with filters to replace the current, separate reports. Remove "legacy clutter" on reports and allow for easier fixes on the audit side.

Staff Collection Checklist

  • Add step 1b to notify a user that they don’t have a WISEid system role. Very often new users don’t realize they need both a WISEid and WISEstaff user role to accomplish all of their work on the Checklist.
  • Update checklist 3h automatically when the snapshot has been completed.

System Wide Changes

  • Ignore the commas in the "Contract Salary and Fringe benefits" uploads. Commas are frequently added when editing the file in Excel.
  • Create a way to mark all "Contracts Final" without having to do a new upload when Contracts get finalized and already have the latest dollar amounts.

Validate Staff Data

  • Add a Filter for “Only Prelim Certification Validations” to focus on the validations for assignments with licenses required for the preliminary certification.
  • Updated error 4610 for assignment 53-0808 to “Assignment code 53-0808 can be used only for grade levels PK and K4. If you select one of those grades on the Edit Assignment page, the system will remove the invalid grade when saving the assignment. If KG is the correct grade level, then 53-0800 may be the correct assignment code.” Very often people use 53-0808 instead of 53-0800 for KG.

Public Staff Reports

  • Add a "Local Assignment Title" to the Public All Staff Report.
Release Notes from 9/5/2023


[WISEstaff] Update Staff Collection Checklist Section 2 and 3

  • The Staff Collection Checklist was updated so that only licensed assignments are required for preliminary certification. Contracts are no longer required for the preliminary certification.

[WISEstaff] Remove Contract Related Validations from Preliminary Certification

  • Since the preliminary certification was changed to no longer include contracts and non-licensed assignments, the corresponding validation messages were also removed as a requirement to certify. This allows for LEAs to focus on validations for the licensed assignments prior to the preliminary audit.

[WISEstaff] Remove Deleted Licenses from Expiring Staff Licenses

  • To avoid confusion, we are omitting licenses that were deleted from the ELO system. We removed all licenses with the status, “Deleted Application & License."
  • However, we found there are other licenses that have a  differently worded license status that are also no longer valid. In a future release we will remove the rest of the deleted licenses.

[WISEstaff] Update Notifications Logic

  • Part of 2023-24 changes to the WISEstaff system allows districts to certify for the preliminary snapshot with only licensed assignments. The logic governing this change will be checked to send out Preliminary Certification Checklist Progress reminder notification emails.

[WISEstaff] Data Quality Dashboard – Some Staff Omitted from Statewide Comparison of Average Teacher Salaries

  • A bug was fixed for staff with multiple assignments that added up to .95 FTE. These staff were being omitted from the both district and statewide Average Teacher Salaries widget, as well as from the Public Staff Report - Public Teacher Salary Report. These staff are now being represented accurately in these reports.

[WISEstaff] Public Staff Reports: Update Link to Archived Data in Public Staff Reports Header

  • We updated the link to archived data on the top of the Public Staff Reports. The link is now named, “Historical Staff Data: Prior to 2017.”


[WISEid] PRIORITY - Removing Unique Student Email Validations

  • The “student unique email” validation was removed entirely from the WISEid system. This change includes the following areas in the WISEid application:
    • Identity API.
    • Person Upload and
    • Person Edit
  • In 2024-25 we plan to remove the collection of student emails from WISEid. This makes updating student emails in WISEid an unnecessary task, so you don’t need to spend any time this year updating student emails in WISEid. One less thing to do!

[WISEid] Match Review Bug Fix

  • Occasionally, valid matches would not display when doing Match Review or person search during early morning hours. We discovered that an early morning reindex process was causing the issue. The bug was fixed.


Release Notes from 7/19/2023


[WISEstaff] Public Aggregate Staff Report Add Year

We have added a 'year' filter on the "Public Aggregate Staff Report - Subcontracted" within the Reports Menu on WISEstaff. This feature was missing on reports and downloads for the public staff report.

[WISEstaff] Archive Contracts and Assignments Job Not Working

For performance reasons, DPI only keeps three years of WISEstaff Contracts and Assignments in the system. This archive job is set to run every year. We discovered, however, that the archive function was broken, and the archive did not occur as expected. This resulted in WISEstaff performance issues because there were too many years of data in the system. This has been resolved. 


[WISEid] Allow Duplicate Email in LEA if the Duplicate Has No Activity

We implemented a change to the "WISEid Uploads". On-screen edits and nightly student 'WISEdata to WISEid' data flow checks to prevents duplicate WISEid emails. Normally, if there was an identically matching email in a LEA , a validation would trigger. This new change to the "WISEid Uploads" screen now only triggers when:

  • For Students - the conflicting WISEid email is a student in the current school year.
  • For Staff - the conflicting WISEid email is a staff with assignments in the current and/or previous school years.


[WISEid] Add WISEid Tracking Page tab on Person Change History

For DPI Only: We have a new a 'WISEid Tracking Page' tab on the "Person Change History" screen in WISEid that allows DPI investigation into possible multi person WISEid issues. This new Tracking Page tab adds the ability for DPI to search by a person's name or WISEid.

[WISEid] Create Investigation of WISEid Tracking Page 3 of 3 basic search

For DPI Only: DPI's new, internal 'Tracking Page' tab also allows DPI investigation into possible multi-person WISEid issues. If there is an investigation involving a WISEid, a tab on the "Person Change History" screen, this tab will show this. The value added of this indicator is that, as DPI looks into potential problems with a WISEid, they can see the past history of findings about that specific WISEid.

Release Notes for 6/16/2023


[WISEstaff] Public Aggregate Staff Report Add Year

We have added a 'year' filter on the "Public Aggregate Staff Report - Subcontracted" within the Reports Menu on WISEstaff. This feature was missing on reports and downloads for the public staff report.

[WISEstaff] Archive Contracts and Assignments Job Not Working

For performance reasons,DPI only keeps three years of WISEstaff Contracts and Assignments in the system. This archive job is set to run every year. We discovered, however, that the archive function was broken, and the archive did not occur as expected. This resulted in WISEstaff performance issues because there were too many years of data in the system. This has been resolved. 


[WISEid] Add Resolve Duplicates Data to Person Change History

DPI can only access 'Resolve Duplicate' incidents for a specific WISEid through the Person Change History screen, so this information has been added to this screen.

[WISEid] Create Change Request for Middle Name Deletion in UI (Testing)

We currently are testing a new function for middle names with Change Requests: If a district user wants to delete a middle name on the user screen, that Change Request is advanced on to DPI Customer Services Team (CST) to review. Previously, when this type of Change Request was completed, a message appeared to the user, asking them to email CST to get this middle name updated. We will keep you informed of when this function goes into production. 

[WISEid] 'Upload Job Stuck' Email Alert

DPI will now get an email alert if the WISEid/WISEstaff upload queue ever gets stuck, allowing us to fix the queue as soon as possible. Previously, we relied on end users to report issues.


Release Notes 3/16/2023


[WISEstaff] Public Staff Reports About the Data data errata link update

Updated the About Data link to go to new page for data errata 


[WISEid] Change Request show birth date warnings to all users for when birth date change is out of range of last enrollment

For all users show Change Request birth date warning when the proposed birth date change doesn’t match what we would expect given the person’s most recent student enrollment. You should verify this is the correct person and the birth date is correct. Previously only DPI could see this.

[WISEid] Change Request show birth date warnings to all users for when birth date change is under 18 years old and has staff assignments

For all users how Change Request birth date warning when the proposed birth date change is under 18 years old and person has staff assignments. In rare cases some staff are under 18 years old. You should verify this is the correct person and person is really under 18 years old. If so ignore warning. Previously only DPI could see this.

[WISEid] Change Request show Enrollments

If you are a user who also has WISEdata Portal access, show Enrollments section with student enrollment history on the Change Request. Helpful to determine if you are updating the correct person’s WISEid. Previously only DPI could see this.

[WISEid] Change Request show Staff Assignments

For all users show Staff Assignments section if the person has any. Helpful to determine if you are updating the correct person’s WISEid. Previously only DPI could see this.

Release Notes for 1/19/2023

[WISEid] Remove Deletion of Other Names for LEAs in UI

Disabled the deletion of Other Names in WISEid by LEAs. If you need any Other Names deleted due to mistakes you will need to submit a support ticket. We need previous legal names to remain in Other Names so the person can be found by more recent enrollment LEAs. Otherwise it will result in duplicate WISEids and likely incorrect counting of drop outs. We had previous said for special circumstance changes to names the Other Names they could be removed but found that will cause the issues above so we can’t allow that. If you incorrectly added an Other Name to the wrong person than please submit a Help Ticket to have it removed. In the future when we have time we will create a Change Request to DPI for this type of change.

[WISEid] Merge Selecting of Local Person IDs to Survive Broken

When DPI processes merges when the a Local Person ID was chosen not to be moved from the deactivated WISEid to the surviving WISEid it was not taking effect. We have fixed this issue.

Release Notes for 12/7/2022

[WISEid] Update Change Request DPI contact link to help ticket

On Change Request screen when dependent agency is DPI open the Help Ticket link instead of showing the incorrect contacts for another agency.

[WISEstaff] Priority info 6404 to stop grades K3,PK,K4 not working

Fixed validation 6404 Info Message "For this special ed assignment the grades of K3, K4, and PK are not allowed. They will be removed during the Clear Non-Required Data process." wasn’t triggering when grade k3, k4 , pk uploaded for assignments codes:

  • 96-0870
  • 53-0800
  • 53-0810
  • 53-0811
  • 53-0818

[WISEstaff] Priority 4610 triggering for school with K4 as valid grade

Fixed issue that was only for Milwaukee Public Schools for the following schools triggering 4610 "53-0808 can be used only for grade levels PK or K4 so the assignment is not allowed for this school. Please either change the assignment or change school to one that has PK or K4." when K4 is a valid grade.

  • 0149 - Starms Early Childhood
  • 0116 - Congress El
  • 0840 - Obama SCTE
  • 0870 - MacDowell

[WISEstaff] Add message after Certify Data save success

Added on Certify Data page when you certify a message to clarify it was saved successfully. Message: "Success! Your certification has been saved successfully."

Release Notes for 11/1/2022

[WISEid] Customize Change Request Alert

Fixed the orange banner for new Change Request comments and Change Requests waiting for your review/approval. Message for each problem only triggers when there is an issue meeting that condition.

[WISEid] Hotfix Fix Search to Prevent Lowering of Scoring for No Matches in Agency on Local Person ID

Fixed issue where new staff/students were not showing all the match results/ potential matches they should have because score was lowered when a Local Person ID was new. Thus leading to accidental creation of more duplicates than there should be. Impacted WISEid Person Upload Match Review, WISEid search results and vendor Identity API Integration.

Release Notes for 9/28/2022

[WISEid] Birthdate Change Request - DPI Approval Adds Warning for Staff Persons Under 18

Added warning on change request if the requested birth date is less than 18 years old and the person has staff assignments. Rarely are staff under 18 years old so usually, an incorrect update or wrong WISEid match chosen.

[WISEid] Priority Search Enrollment Stopped Working

Hotfixed issue where enrollments were not returning doing searches on persons in WISEid and also Ed-Fi Identity API integration

[WISEstaff] Revised Logic for 4600 - required Grades Missing for Assignment 96-0870

We adjusted assignment 96-0870 so that it triggers validation error 4600 when grade levels are missing. This should have been in place from the launch of the system but was a gap that went undetected until now.

[WISEstaff] Updated Validation 4610 - No K3 for 53-0808

Update validation message 4610 to "53-0808 can be only used for grade levels PK or K4 so the assignment is not allowed for this school. Please either change the assignment or change school to one that has PK or K4." We removed allowing grade K3 for this assignment.

Release Notes for 9/27/2022

WISEstaff 2022-2023 System Improvements


Changes completed since opening last year:

  • Data Quality Dashboard

    • Help for Finding Missing Entity IDs - Added an info link to provide help finding missing Entity IDs for licensed staff. The link is near the Missing Entity ID widget on the DQ Dashboard.

    • New Dashboard Widget for Number of District-Wide Teacher Assignments - Created a new widget on the DQ Dashboard that shows the District-wide Teacher Assignments count. If the count is greater than 1 you can click on the count and see the district-wide assignments that have Position = 53 - Teachers and a school of 0000 - District-wide. For more information, refer to this knowledge base article.

    • Made significant improvements to the DQ Dashboard so it works quickly for all districts. We still have performance delays for the Expiring Background Checks and the Expiring Staff License widgets we will address in the future.

  • Staff Collection Checklist

    • Added a Data Quality Flag task: We converted step 3c from Review Data Quality Reports to Verify Data Quality, added a DQ Dashboard task, and added clickable links for items under 3c to their respective pages.

  • License Download

    • Removed NULL (blank) license data from the download when the staff person has BOTH no last background check and no license.

  • Edit Staff/Person and Change Requests

    • Added a filter for notification of New Change Request Comments - The New Change Request Comments notification now takes users to the Change Request page filtered by Change Requests where your agency is the Requesting Agency or Dependent Agency. Filters will show both fields set to the user’s agency.

    • Removed Name Suffix Change Requests: We are no longer creating last name suffix change requests.

    • All Birth Date Change Requests now sent to DPI for review: Previously, only birth date changes with a 3-digit or more difference were routed to DPI CST to review. Now all changes to the birth date will be routed to DPI CST for review. Other agencies will no longer review any birth date change requests. We have done this because we found that changes to birth dates are the biggest indicator that an agency may have picked the wrong WISEid for a person.

    • Entity ID Matching Job Includes Staff Local Person ID: Previously, the job that looks for an exact match between WISEid person info and ELO person info was only run on staff with a current year Licensed Assignment. We have modified the job so it also looks for any person with a staff Local Person ID in your agency. This should speed up how soon Entity IDs are auto-populated and help identify those who need manual review.

    • Change Request Comments Only Required for Certain Changes - On the Edit WISEid page, when editing a person record, the Change Requests comment field will only be required when changing a person's first name, middle name, or birth date, as these are the only fields that generate a Change Request.

    • Message Center - Change Request page: Added a tab on Change Requests called “Person Change History” which has a link to open a new tab with the person’s Change History. This will make it easier to investigate the possibility that multiple people are sharing the same WISEid or the change is for the wrong person.

    • Change Requests - Added a warning on Change Requests if the requested birth date sets a person’s age below 18 and the person has staff assignments. Rarely are staff under 18 years old so those changes usually indicate an incorrect update or the wrong WISEid match was chosen.

    • Change Requests - Added a warning if the person is a current or former student and the proposed birth date change is out of the range we would expect based on the person’s last enrollment grade.

  • Validate Staff Data

    • Knowledge Base Article Links Added for Validation Codes - Added links from Edit Staff and Validate Staff Data pages’ error/warning/info message codes to KBA articles, when available. Please note that some codes don’t have KBAs, but they will be added in the future.

    • Exclude Agencies from Statewide Validation Job if No Assignments or Contracts Exist for the Current School Year - We have modified our nightly validation job to skip districts if there are no contracts and assignments for the hiring agency. This will speed up performance and will eliminate validation messages before an agency starts loading contracts and assignments.

    • We have limited file uploads to these maximum sizes to prevent upload faults:

      • WISEid Person Uploads: 10MB, which is about 100k records

      • Contract and Assignment Uploads: 2MB, which is about 35,000 records

    • Improved Validate Staff Data Comment Box Functionality - Increased comment box on the Validate Staff Data page to 500 characters and added a validation to alert user if they try to exceed 500 characters. Previously, comments over 250 would not be saved and would not alert the user of the issue.

    • Adjusted assignment 96-0870 so that it triggers validation error 4600 when grade levels are missing. This should have been in place from the launch of the system but was a gap that went undetected until now.

    • Updated validation 4610 message to "53-0808 can be only used for grade levels PK or K4 so the assignment is not allowed for this school. Please either change the assignment or change school to one that has PK or K4." We removed allowing grade K3 for this assignment.

    • Updated the Contract Salary maximum to $400,000 (validation 4211).

    • Updated the Contact Fringe maximum to $200,000 (validation 4210).

  • Changes to Data Validations

    • Improved consistency of validations for assignment position and areas.

  • System wide changes

    • Adjusted system to handle Independent Charter School (ICS) coding changes

      Created system notifications to send before preliminary and final certification when Staff Collection Checklist items aren’t completed.

Work in progress for release after the opening of WISEstaff:

  • Certify Data
    • Provide on screen confirmation when preliminary and final certification have been completed.
  • Validate Staff Data navigator
    • Fixing the flow so when a user deletes an assignment from the staff navigator mode it keeps them in the navigator. This currently happens when initiating navigator mode from the Validate Staff Data page or Staff List Report page.
Release Notes for 8/30/2022

[WISEid] Change Requests page

Added to the Message Center - Change Request page on the View expansion a warning for Birth Date change requests if the proposed birth date is outside the expect range for the person given their most recent student enrollment age adjusted to present date. Warning reads “Warning! The proposed birth date change does not fit the expected age range based on their most recent enrollment.”

[WISEstaff] License Download remove null license rows

Remove from the License Download by Staff List staff with both no valid licenses and no background check expiration date.

Release Notes for 8/2/2022

[WISEid] Change request approval add tab and link to Person Change History

Added to the Message Center - Change Request page a tab on the Change Requests called “Person Change History” which has a link to click on to open a new tab with the persons Person Change History. This is will make it easier to investigate the possibility that multiple people are sharing the same WISEid or the change is for the wrong person.

[WISEstaff] Publish 2020-2021 Public Staff Report - Inequitable Distribution of Teacher Report

Publishing the 2020-2021 Public Inequitable Distribution of Teacher Report

Release Notes for 4/12/2022

[WISEid] Report duplicates broken

Fixed the Report Duplicate functionality on the Person Search/Edit screen.

[WISEid/staff] Replace links for user guides 

Updated links under the top menu “Need Help?” for the User Guide to go to the latest user guide location.

[WISEstaff] Hotfix acknowledged warnings get deleted 

Fixed cases where the acknowledged warnings were getting reset.

[WISEstaff] Hotfix Adjust 53-0808 validation rules 

We hotfixed in mid-March to adjust validation for 53-0808 to be clear that 53-0808 can be only used for grade levels K3, PK, and K4. Removed validation 5810 as not needed and modified validation 4610 to “53-0808 can be only used for grade levels K3, PK, K4 so the assignment is not allowed for this school. Please either change the assignment or change school to one that has K3, PK, or K4.”

[WISEstaff] Implement checklist status notifications

Finished work on notifications so the Checklist Progress Alert notification will go out automatically next year if all steps haven’t been completed before preliminary and final certification.

[WISEstaff] Improve Performance on Public Reporting All Staff Report 

Improved performance of the Public Reports including most especially the All Staff Report download.

[WISEstaff] Data Quality Dashboard performance 

Greatly improved the Data Quality Dashboard so it works quickly for all districts including large districts. We still have performance delays for the Expiring Background Checks and the Expiring Staff License widgets we will fix in the future.

Release Notes Prior to 4/12/2022

For release notes prior to 4/12/2022, refer to the historical WISEid and WISEstaff release notes page.

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