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WISE Application Security Basics Mini Tutorial

Accessing WISE Applications: Security Basics


Signing In With a District Email Address

All DPI WISEhome applications allow for a single sign-on using Google. You will find a Log in with Google button when logging in to an application. In order to use the single sign-on feature, you must have a district email address that uses the Google domain. NOTE: A Google domain email is not the same as a Gmail account,  and does not necessarily mean that the email address ends with "" This district, Google domain email address must be associated with your WAMs account. Signing in via the Log in with Google button will allow you to work within any application for which you have access.

Obtaining a WAMS Account

In order to use any WISE application, you must create a WAMS account. If you already have access to other DPI applications, you may continue to use the same WAMS account and may skip the steps immediately below.

Setting up a WAMS account:

1. Go to the WAMS homepage.

2. Select Self Registration.

3. Provide the required information.

4. When you receive a confirmation email from the WAMS system, follow the link given to log in and verify your account.

For more detailed information and instructions, please see the WAMS User Guide.

Please note that you should use your work email address when creating your WAMS account, since access to DPI applications will be used for work purposes. Do not reuse a WAMS account created for ELO (Educator Licensing Online), which is for your personal use and would use your personal, non-work email account. It is acceptable to have more than one WAMS ID.

WAMS ID Updates and Password Resets

If the information associated with your WAMS ID needs to be updated, for example, if you have a new email address, please visit the WAMS website and click the Profile Management link.

DPI does not have the ability to reset passwords. If you cannot remember your WAMS ID or password, or if your account is locked, please visit the WAMS website and click the Account Recovery link. You will be sent an email containing a verification link. Click the link, answer your secret question, and then choose a new password.

Log in through WISEhome

Enter your WAMS ID and password or click Sign in with Google button to log in to WISEhome. You can also access WISEhome by clicking the WISEhome link in the first paragraph of the WISEhome and WISEsecure Information page (feel free to bookmark the WISEhome landing page; however do not bookmark the login page or links within applications). Once you are logged in to WISEhome, the application to which you have been granted access will appear as clickable links.

All DPI WISEhome applications allow for a single sign-on using Google. You will find a Log in with Google button when logging in to an application. In order to use the single sign-on feature, you must have a district email address that uses the Google domain. This district email address must be associated with your WAMs account and entered in the WISEid application Email Address field. Signing in via the Log in with Google button will allow you to work within any application for which you have access.

If you do not see a certain application listed, you do not currently have a user role for that application. You can request access through WISEhome. For instructions on requesting application access, refer to the refer to the WISEsecure and WISEhome Information page.

WISEsecure allows District Security Administrators and Application Administrators to securely assign or revoke user access to all DPI secure applications accessed through WISEhome. For detailed information about WISEhome and district security roles and responsibilities, refer to the WISEsecure and WISEhome Information page.

WISEdata Ed-Fi Credentialing Application

A SIS vendor must obtain approval from your school district/Choice school before the local SIS can transmit data to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI). The Ed-Fi Credential system provides a method for the school district/Choice school and SIS vendor to authorize transmission of the data.

The Ed-Fi Credentialing application generates encryption keys and secrets that are used to establish a secure connection between the local SIS and DPI. These keys and secrets are sensitive information that should be kept confidential. You must not send copies of credentials via email. Your vendor is able to access these items through the Ed-Fi Credential application. Access to the Ed-Fi Credentialing application should be limited to very few people, most likely your Chief/Lead Student Information System Administrator and/or State reporting leaders.

Manage API Keys & Secrets

After granting authorization to a SIS vendor, an automatic message will be sent from DPI to the SIS vendor indicating that the vendor’s API secret and key were generated.

  • If your SIS is "cloud based," you will typically submit a support request to your vendor. They may schedule a time to walk you through the configuration to securely send data to WISEdata.

  • If you are a self-hosted SIS, you will need to submit a support request to your vendor to contact you with instructions on how to establish the secure WISEdata connection.


Manage Your Student Information System(s) (SIS)

  1. Add your SIS vendor to the list of authorized systems that can submit data on your behalf. (See Figure below.)

    1. Click Add SIS.

    2. Select your vendor from the list.

    3. Click Update.

  2. Remove SIS vendors

  • Please consult with the DPI before removing a SIS vendor.


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