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Evaluation Complete Indicator

Evaluation Complete Indicator: Special Education


Evaluation Complete Indicator: This is a ‘True’ or ‘False’ value entered into your SIS or Special Ed Web Portal. ‘True’ indicates that the evaluation has been completed and should be accompanied by the date on which the evaluation was completed. ‘False’ indicates that the evaluation has not been completed. The LEA will need to provide either an Evaluation Delay Reason OR an Evaluation Late Reason. Do not enter both.

If both an Evaluation Delay Reason and an Evaluation Late reason are provided, LEAs will receive an L2 notification 7180.

Data Submission Details

DPI is requiring Timely Initial Evaluations (Indicator 11) data to be reported through WISE to better support our local educational agencies (LEAs) and will be captured annually in the December snapshot’s Year End data collection. This will save you time and effort by minimizing the number of applications accessed to report required data, allowing the Indicator 11 application to focus on LEAs responding to notifications of noncompliance.

Beginning immediately, with data from the 2023-24 school year and onward, all districts must ensure:

  • All LEAs will report Indicator 11 data annually through WISE. In the past, only LEAs “in cycle” were required to submit data in any given year.
  • All special education data related to Indicator 11 is submitted by LEAs to DPI via WISEdata Portal through their local SIS/special education vendors, AND
  • All Indicator 11 data element fields contain valid data or the data will be flagged as in error.
  • Districts that evaluated students without a WISEid, especially if these were children referred by the Birth to 3 programs, must go back and create WISEids for all children who were evaluated in 2023-2024, even if those children were determined not to be eligible for SPED.

The first instance of Indicator 11 data being collected as part of the 23-24 Year-End collection in a snapshot will be December 10, 2024, during the 2024-25 school year.

NOTE: In order to ensure that the data is valid and reliable, please note the following:

  • The SEORA record cannot be submitted to WISEdata without a WISEid.
  • If the student is referred, whether they get evaluated or not, whether they qualify for services or not, a WISEid is assigned. For greater details on WISEids as related to Indicator 11 evaluations, please visit the SEORA data element page.
  • NOTE: Data cannot flow to DPI unless it is entered in your SIS. To resolve issues around data that is entered into the SIS that isn’t flowing to DPI, LEAs need to work with their vendor support staff to resolve data flow issues.
  • For districts using a special education vendor:
    • A student enrollment record (student School Association, or sSA) or a responsibility record (student Education Organization Responsibility Association, or SEORA) must be submitted via the primary SIS product.
    • Without one of these records, the special education vendor will be unable to send the data required for Indicator 11 (student Special Education Program Eligibility Associations, or sSEPA).
    • Once the SEORA record is in WISEdata Portal, Indicator 11 data elements are pushed to WISEdata Portal via your primary SIS or SpEd vendor SIS, as applicable.

For more information refer to the Timely Special Ed Evaluation, the Evaluation Delay Reason, and the Evaluation Late Reason data element pages.

To contact the DPI Special Education Team, submit a Special Education Team Help Ticket, or call: 1 (608) 266-1781

If you need assistance from the Customer Services Team, please submit a WISE Help Ticket.
To provide feedback, click the "Submit Feedback" button.

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