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WISEdash for Districts Student Search Dashboard

About the Data | Dashboards

About the Data


The Student Search dashboard provides a direct method to locate a specific student or group of students with similar demographics. The domain for the search is all students currently or most recently enrolled in school(s) for which the WISEdash user is authorized based on the WISEdata enrollment. The search includes students that are both attending or accountable to those schools.  The user must have a security role permitting access to student details for these school(s).



The user must first make a district selection. If the student’s WISEid is known, the number can be entered directly in the WSN box followed by clicking GO. If the student’s name is known, enter the first one or more letters of the last name and/or the first name and click GO.

Student lists can be retrieved based on demographics alone if a specific school or list of schools is selected. The student list can be the entire school(s) or can be filtered by one or more demographics such as Race/Ethnicity and Disability Status. The names and WSN filters remain active as well. Leave those boxes empty if you wish to select by demographics only.

Once the list is displayed, details for each student can be displayed by clicking the students icon next to the student’s name. The Student Profile dashboard will display. Other options such as printing or exporting the student list are available by clicking the down arrow (triangle) in the upper right corner of the student list.