WISEdash Public Portal Quick Links
- WISEdash Public Portal
- HELP home page with user guides
- A to Z Index
- WISEdash Public Portal home page
- About the Data
- Statewide Download Files
WISEdash for Districts Quick Links
- WISEdash for Districts login (school staff only):
WISEhome login
- WISEdash for Districts home page
Information for Public LEAs Using WISEdash
Overall, the WISEdash Public Portal and WISEdash for Districts are meant to be used as companion tools.
We suggest using the public version of WISEdash (http://wisedash.dpi.wi.gov) as your landing page and the first stop for data and information made available by DPI. The public portal uses "dashboards," or visual collections of graphs and tables, to provide multi-year educational data about Wisconsin schools. As a public reporting tool, WISEdash will be used by districts, schools, parents, researchers, media, and other community members to view data published by DPI. Data is summarized and redacted to protect student privacy.
WISEdash for Districts should be used if you are in a public school district, school, or DPI staff and have a legitimate educational need to access non-redacted summary and/or student-level data for data retreats, or if you will be analyzing the data to improve student outcomes. When you are ready to do more analysis at the cohort or student level, jump to WISEhome icon in the footer to log into the secure district data. To request access to WISEdash for Districts go to the WISEhome and WISEsecure Information page.
You may find it beneficial to use both tools however, you should not expect the counts and percentages to exactly match up.
Here are a few reasons why.
- Since it is a public reporting tool, data in the WISEdash Public Portal is redacted to protect the privacy of students. More information on redaction can be found on the WISEdash Redaction Information page.
- The WISEdash Public Portal only reports Certified snapshot data taken at a point in time while the secure portal reports both current data that is updated nightly from WISEdata and certified snapshot data.
- The WISEdash Public Portal removes certain student records for public reporting purposes that are not removed from the data displayed in WISEdash for Districts. These students include those students parentally placed in a private school receiving services at the district and students that have “aged out”.
How Do I Link to WISEdash?
- Link directly to WISEdash. Use the short address: http://wisedash.dpi.wi.gov
- Link directly to your district's data. Your district can link directly to its own data in WISEdash Public by using the Copy Link icon behind the Card Tools icon at the top right of any WISEdash dashboard.
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