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WISEdash for Districts: Snapshot Dashboards - Year End Completion

WISEdash for Districts: Snapshot Dashboards - Year End Completion


About the Data | Definitions of Crosstab Filters | FAQ | Resource Links

NOTE: There is a new dashboard dedicated to Special Education Year-End data! If you are looking for Data Quality Indicators that used to be on this dashboard and you no longer see them here, they have moved to a new dashboard, Please visit the SpEd Year End Completion, About the Data webpage for more details.


About the Data


The Year End (YE) completion data presented on WISEdash reveals key performance indicators that serve as a ‘year in review’ for important completion data.  The six indicators on this dashboard also give you a quick glance at your overall data for the selected district or school and also point out possible issues with your data that you should investigate further. Drill into the indicators to see the students or details that make up the count or rate in the indicator.

The Year End Completion Snapshot Dashboard includes the following Data Quality Indicators based on the current view of the data:

Year End Completion Snapshot Dashboard Data Quality Indicators

  1.  4 Year High School Graduation Rate: This indicator displays the four-year Adjusted Cohort High School Graduation Rate for the indicated school year. The Data Quality Indicator does not apply the Grad Cohort filter, so it will always show the four-year rate. None of the student-level filters above are applied. Results appear as a percentage. Filter the student list by the column Completion Status as a way to see which students are included in the percentage as completed/graduates.
  2. Schools with No High School Completion:This indicator displays the number of schools that offer grade 12 that do not have any high school completers reported. A value of zero may be correct, but you should drill in to the Data Quality Indicator to see which schools they are, and verify there are indeed no completers at those schools. None of the student-level or cohort filters above are applied.
  3. Grades with Low Completed Term: This indicator displays the number of school and grade level combinations that have a percentage of students with a Completed School Term flag set to Yes that is less than 75%. Correctly reporting students as having completed the school term means that your dropout rates will be lower. None of the student-level or cohort filters above are applied. After the year end roll over, this DQI will show you per grade level how many students are completers and non completers by determining if no exit dates and exit types were entered. This is a great screen in WISEdash to review in the fall leading up to the snapshot when looking at your year end data, to make sure exit dates and exit types are appropriately entered.
  4. Dropout Rate: This indicator displays the Dropout Rate for your school if the school offers grades 7-12. When you click this percentage, it will show you a table of students in grades 7-12 who have the potential to be dropouts - not actual dropouts. The column header "Dropout Indicator" can be used a s a filter by clicking the three horizontal lines, and typing in 'Yes'. This will reveal a table of all students who are actual dropouts. Dropouts can be either full-term dropouts that missed an entire school year or mid-term dropouts that dropped out during the school year. In both cases, the students did not return by the Third Friday of September following the end of the school year. None of the student-level demographics filters above are applied. Results appear as a percentage. Filter the student list by the column Completion Status as a way to see which students are included in the percentage as completed/graduates. This same information can be viewed on the Dropout Crosstabs. 
    • There may be times when this DQI does not display the number 'zero' but displays a "--" instead. The "--" means that no students have been identified as dropouts. If you drill into the -- and then sort on the column "Dropout Indicator", you can see if any students are marked "Yes". In this case, they are all "No". 
  5. Schools with No Enrollments: This indicator displays the number of schools that have not reported any enrollment for the entire year. This may be correct, but you should click the Data Quality Indicator to see which schools they are and verify there are no students at those schools. None of the student-level or cohort filters above are applied.
  6. TFS Students No Longer Found: This indicator displays the number of students that were enrolled according to the TFS snapshot but no enrollment record of the student is currently found in any public school district.

Definitions of Applicable Crosstab Data Filters

Four Different Dynamic Crosstabs Available for Year End Completion Dashboard

The Year End Completion dashboard is unique in that there are three separate dynamic crosstabs available for users.

Keep scrolling down on WISEdash to view the following dashboards:

Exit and Retention Crosstabs

(Current view and Snapshot view)

HS Completion for Grad Cohort

(Current view and Snapshot view)

Dropout Crosstab (same info as DQI 'Dropout Rate')

(Current view and Snapshot view)

The most commonly occurring filters are defined in detail on the WISEdash for Districts Snapshot Dashboard page. These include:

  • Acctbl Sch/ool

  • Att Sch/ool Name

  • Disability

  • EL/status

  • ELP Code

  • Gender

  • Grade

  • Homeless

  • Race

  • SPED

Exit and Retention Crosstab

In addition to the most commonly occurring crosstab filters, ‘available data’ filters that specifically apply to the Year End Completion - Exit and Retention Crosstab dashboard are:

  • Comp Sch Term / Completed Term - {Completed School Term} - A yes/no indicator identifies whether or not a student completed the most recent school term (year). 'Yes' would typically be expected only in the most recent enrollment record for the school term. A student should be marked Yes, Completed School Term, so long as the student completes all the required course and school requirements. Even if a student leaves early for a summer trip or graduates early, if the student met all the requirements, mark that the student completed the school term.

  • Econ - Economically disadvantaged or non-economically disadvantaged status is determined by many indicators. Economically disadvantaged status is reported separately from a student’s food services eligibility.

  • Exit Type / Enroll Exit Type - A multi-letter code (i.e. HSC) representing an Exit Description and describing the circumstances under which the student exited from a school. Exit type is required any time there is an exit date.

    • Exit Desc / Enroll Exit Desc - {Exit Description} - A short explanatory narrative describing each Exit Type (i.e., HSC → High School Completion).

    • Visit the Exit Types data element page for more information.

  • Pri Night Res - {Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence type} - A code entry indicator describing the type of impermanent housing, or lack of housing, where a homeless student stays the night.

  • Repeat Grade Indicator - A yes/no indicator indicating whether or not a student has completed a grade (‘no’ - i.e., no, the student does not need to repeat the grade) or needs to repeat the previous year’s grade (‘yes’ - i.e., yes, the student does need to repeat the previous year’s grade) .

  • SpEd EDFacts Federal Exiting Category - A checkbox indicator, similar to Exit Reason, using indicators as determined by EdFacts. This data element annotates in more detail how a special education completed high school from the reporting agency.

  • SpEd Exit Diploma Type / Diploma Type - A checkbox indicator annotating whether a special education student earned a regular high school diploma or not.
  • SpEd Exit Reason / Reason Exit Special Ed - A code entry indicator describing why a student’s special education record (sSEPA) has an end date.

    • SpEd Exit Reason codes

      • Continuing in Special Education

      • Exited District Due To Enrollment Exit Code

      • Revoked Consent for Special Education Services

      • Transferred to Regular Education Services

    • Visit the Reason Exited Special Education data element page for more information.

  • Unaccomp Youth - A yes/no/unknown/NA indicator indicating whether or not a homeless student is in the custody of a parent or legal guardian. In WISEdata, this is a true/false indicator. When viewed on WISEdash, Yes = True and No = False. Unknown would display if WISEdash had a problem matching to WISEdata or some other data related error, such as a critical WISEdata Portal error preventing the info from going to WISEdash. NA would display if a school/district indicated homeless status, but didn't submit the Unaccompanied value to WISEdata.

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HS Completion for Grad Cohort (4 Years or Less) Crosstab

In addition to the most commonly occurring crosstab filters, ‘available data’ filters that specifically apply to the Year End Completion - HS Completion for Grad Cohort Crosstab dashboard are:

  • Completion Status - A checkbox indicator indicating how/if a student has completed high school:

    • Completed - Regular High School Diploma

    • Not Completed - Continuing Towards Completion

    • Not Completed - Not Known to be Continuing Towards Completion

  • Econ - Economically disadvantaged or non-economically disadvantaged status is determined by many indicators. Economically disadvantaged status is reported separately from a student’s food services eligibility.

  • HS Completion Year - This filter allows you to select the year of the graduating cohort. Presented as a YYYY-YY format, for example: 2021-22.

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Dropout Crosstab

Of the most commonly occurring crosstab filters, the Dropout Crosstab only lists Disability, EL, Gender, Homeless, Race and SPED . Other ‘available data’ filters that specifically apply to the Year End Completion - Dropout Crosstab dashboard are:

  • Completed Term - A yes/no indicator describing whether or not the student/s competed the full school term.
  • Dropout Type - A checkbox indicator describing when/if a student has dropped out:
    • Not dropout

    • Full Term (dropout)

    • Mid Term (dropout)

  • Econ - Economically disadvantaged or non-economically disadvantaged status is determined by many indicators. Economically disadvantaged status is reported separately from a student’s food services eligibility.

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Dynamic Crosstabs Tips:

Frequently Asked Questions about Snapshot Year End Completion Data

  1. What do the Exit and Retention dashboard show? All counts shown in the Exit and Retention dashboard are for student records reported as enrolled in the selected district/school during the selected school year as of their latest or last enrollment for that year. All counts shown in the HS Completion dashboard are for students in the selected grad cohort identified to be included in the selected year of reporting, whether or not they have actually completed HS. The demographic values are those currently assigned to the student (or assigned at the time of the snapshot).
  2. Why are SwD ages 14-21 data displayed? The SwD Ages 14-21 Exiting Special Education chart is used for federal reporting purposes to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. All counts shown are for students with disabilities ages 14 through 21 who were in special education on July 1, the start of the reporting period, and were not in special education on June 30, the end of the reporting period. A student’s age is determined as of the most recent October 1 Child Count prior to the student exiting special education. The Federal Reporting Exit Category is determined by using the Reason Exited Special Ed and Enroll Exit Type/Desc data reported for a student. The APR Exit Inclusion indicator can be used to identify those students included in calculating Indicator 1 (exiting with a regular high school diploma) and Indicator 2 (exiting as a dropout) for the Annual Performance Report (APR).
  3. Are there any other dashboards on WISEdash that could give me more information about Year End data? Yes! The following Topic dashboards may come in handy:
    • High School Completion Rates dashboard: View 4-, 5-, 6- and 7-year rates to view trends over time. Locate this dashboard under Topics > Graduation > HS Completion > High School Completion Rates.
      • View HS Completion Rate Cohorts - especially future cohorts - to review grade level placement accuracy.
    • Dropout Rate by Subgroup: Verify the ‘Dropout Rate by [Demographic] and Year [Selected Schools]’ metric for anomalies. Also compare to Statewide Rate (the following metric).Locate this dashboard under Topics > Main > Attendance-Dropouts > Dropout Rate by Subgroup.
    • Attendance Rate by Subgroup: Verify the last metric - ‘Attendance Rate by Year and [Demographic] [Selected Schools]’’ metric for anomalies for all students or by the demographic selected in the Group By. Locate this dashboard under Topics > Main > Attendance-Dropouts > Attendance Rate by Subgroup.
  4. Will a student who transferred out continue to show in the WISEdash dashboard?

    Whether or not a student shows in the dashboard depends on where the student went after leaving your district. If the student transferred to another reporting agency, such as another public district, all reporting accountability follows to the new agency. If the student transferred out of state, homeschool, or to a non-choice private school, your district is still accountable for the student's data as the last reporting agency in WISE for the current school year.

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