WISEdash for Districts: Snapshot Dashboards - October 1 Child Count
About the Data | Definitions of Crosstab Filters | FAQ | Resource Links
About the Data
October 1 Child Count is an inclusion count date for public schools only, marked by a Yes/No (or ‘NULL’ - blank) indicator in WISEdata. This indicator displays the number of students that will be included in the certified October 1 Child Count of students with disabilities if the snapshot were taken today. This count looks for students who meet all of the Count Inclusion criteria for the October 1 Child Count which can be found on the Count Inclusion: October 1 Child Count data element page.
The October 1 Child Count (CC) Snapshot Dashboard includes the following Data Quality Indicators based on the current view of the data. None of the student-level or cohort filters are applied to these indicators.
1. Count Inclusion Oct 1 = Yes
This indicator displays the number of students that will be included in the certified October 1 Child Count of students with disabilities if the snapshot were taken today. This count looks for students who meet all of the Count Inclusion criteria for the October 1 Child Count which can be found on the Count Inclusion: October 1 Child Count data element page.
2. SPED w/ Count Inclusion Oct 1 = No
This indicator displays the number of students who are enrolled on October 1 and had an IEP/Student Special Education Program Association (sSEPA) at some point during the year, but the IEP was not effective on October 1. See the Student Special Education Program Begin and End Date and the Enrollment Effective Begin and End Dates data element pages for more information. Drill into the indicator to review the list of students. Ensure that the list of students is correct and that none of the students should be included in the October 1 Child Count, since their IEP was not effective as of Oct 1.
3. Parentally Placed Private = Yes
This indicator displays the number of Parentally-Placed Private students covered by a service plan that will be included in the certified October 1 Child Count of students with disabilities if the snapshot were taken today. Ensure the count of students is correct. Drill into the indicator to ensure that these students age 5 and in five-year-old kindergarten (grade KG) or aged 6-21 on October 1 have an Education Environment set to 'T - School Age6-21: Parentally Placed in Private Schools'.
4. Count Inclusion Oct 1 = Yes w/o Ed Env
This indicator displays the number of students that will be included in the October 1 Child Count of students with disabilities that do not have an Education Environment set. Drill into the indicator to review the list of students and ensure that the Education Environment is set and is one of the appropriate codes for the student's age on October 1.
5. Schools w/ No Count Incl Oct 1 = Yes
This indicator displays the number of schools that have zero students with the October 1 Count Inclusion flag set to yes (i.e., all students’ Oct 1 CC Inclusion flags are either set to No or are ‘NULL’ - blank). Drill into the indicator to view the schools and determine if there should be students with disabilities reported at that school for October 1.
Definitions of Applicable Crosstab Data Filters
The most commonly occurring filters are defined in detail on the WISEdash for Districts Snapshot Dashboard page. These include:
Acctbl Sch/ool
Att Sch/ool Name
ELP Code
In addition to some or all of the above listed filters, ‘available data’ filters that specifically apply to the October 1 Child Count dashboard are:
Age Oct 1 - A checklist of ages calculated as of October 1 based on the data submitted.
- Visit the Special Education Data Reporting FAQ page for more information on October 1 Child Count and IDEA Maintenance of Effort.
Count Inclusion Oct 1 - A yes/no indicator, denoting whether a child is included in the October 1 Child Count (yes) or not (no).
- Visit the Count Inclusion: October 1 Child Count data element page for more information.
Ed Env (Educational Environment) - Indicates the extent to which a student with disabilities attends educational programming with their peers without disabilities (i.e., what percentage of the day does a Student with a Disability (SwD) spend in the mainstream classroom). For students who do not attend a program with a majority of peers without disabilities, the educational environment is the setting in which they receive special education and related services. Educational environment does not reflect the amount of special education or related services a student receives. Checklist possibilities for En Env include:
School-aged codes include students with IEPs age 5 in KG and students ages 6-21.
A - Regular Class at Least 80% - for students aged 5 in KG, and ages 6-21 attending school in a regular school building.
B - Regular Class 40-79% - for students aged 5 in KG, and ages 6-21 attending school in a regular school building.
C - Regular Class Less Than 40% - for students aged 5 in KG, and ages 6-21 attending school in a regular school building.
D - Public Separate School - for students aged 5 in KG, and ages 6-21 attending school in a facility other than a regular school building.
E - Private Separate School - for students aged 5 in KG, and ages 6-21 attending school in a facility other than a regular school building.
F - Public Residential Facility - for students aged 5 in KG, and ages 6-21 attending school in a facility other than a regular school building.
G - Private Residential Facility - for students aged 5 in KG, and ages 6-21 attending school in a facility other than a regular school building.
I - Hospital - for students aged 5 in KG, and ages 6-21 attending school in a facility other than a regular school building.
J - Homebound - for students aged 5 in KG, and ages 6-21 attending school in a facility other than a regular school building.
S - Correctional Facility - for students aged 5 in KG, and ages 6-21 attending school in a facility other than a regular school building.
Not Reported
T - Parentally Placed in Private Schools - for students aged 5 in KG, and ages 6-21 attending school in a facility other than a regular school building.
Pre-school codes include students with IEPs ages 3-4 and age 5 who are not enrolled in KG.
B# Codes - for students age 3, 4, and 5-not in KG who attend a special education early childhood program. SpEd EC program is defined as a program including less than 50% nondisabled students. Location is codes below denotes where the student receives special education related services.
B1 - Separate Special Education Classroom
B2 - Separate School
B3 - Residential Facility
B4 - Home
B5 - Service Provider
R# Codes - for students age 3, 4, and 5-not in KG who attend a regular early childhood program (hours per week).
R1 - Regular class at least 10 hours, Majority SpEd in Regular Class
R2 - Regular class at least 10 hours, Majority SpEd in Other Location
R3 - Regular class less than 10 hours, Majority SpEd in Regular Class
R4 - Regular class less than 10 hours, Majority SpEd in Other Location
Visit the Education Environment data element page for more information.
PP Private - A yes/no indicator, denoting whether a child is parentally placed in a private school (yes) or not (no). PPP indicates a student placed by a parent or guardian in a private school, who receives special education or related services from the submitting district that meet Federal standards under a service plan (34 CFR 300.132 – 300.144).
Visit the Parentally Placed Private Student Covered by a Service Plan Uncommon WISE data situations page for more information.
Dynamic Crosstabs Tips:
- These charts show the data content of the district's current IDEA eligibility and the Oct. 1 Child Count snapshot content as determined by the year filters selected.
- There is only one available measure for this chart (Count of Students). Refer to the Using the Dynamic Crosstab User Guide for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions about Snapshot October 1 Child Count Data
1. How do I count students for the Oct 1 Child Count? The October 1 Child Count has specific inclusion criteria. The October 1 Child Count is directly related to IDEA Maintenance of Effort reporting. Failure to meet MOE compliance will result in the LEA having to repay local funds (not IDEA funds) back to the U.S. Department of Education (through DPI). For more information visit the IDEA Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Requirement page. Refer to the Count Inclusion: October 1 Child Count data element page for more details.
2. What does the October 1 Child Count snapshot dashboard show me? In general, public and federal reporting includes only those Child Count records for students that WISEdata has calculated to qualify as Count Inclusion Oct1 = Yes based on the data elements listed in the Count Inclusion: October 1 Child Count data element page.
3. Are special ed (SPED) and disability data shown on the Oct 1 CC dashboard? SPED, Ed Env, and Disability are the values specifically reported for October 1. Prior to 2019-2020, the remainder of the demographic values were those currently assigned to the student (or assigned at the time of the snapshot). Beginning in 2019-2020, the other demographic values are those reported by the school in which the student was enrolled on October 1. Note this does not mean they are the actual values on October 1.
Resource Links
Parentally-Placed Private students covered by a service plan Uncommon WISEdata Situations page
Student Special Education Program Begin and End Date data element page
Special Education Data Reporting FAQ page
- Using the Dynamic Crosstab User Guide