Overview | Cautions | Calculating Rates | Data Sources | Useful Links | Glossary | FAQ| Data Privacy | Data Errata | Data @ DPI
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires each state to develop an annual performance report (APR) based on the 17 indicators listed below. The purpose of the APR is to improve educational results and functional outcomes of students with disabilities while ensuring the requirements of IDEA are met. As such, some of the indicators are compliance indicators meaning the annual target has been set at 100% or, for those focusing on disproportionate representation, 0%. Other indicators are improvement indicators for which annual targets have been set through a stakeholder process. Each year the state submits its APR documenting the state’s progress in relation to the target for each indicator.
Indicator 1 | Individualized Education Program (IEP) Diploma Exiters |
Indicator 2 | IEP Dropout Exiters |
Indicator 3 | Assessment |
Indicator 4A Indicator 4B |
Suspensions/Expulsions Greater than 10 Days Suspension/Expulsion >10 Days Race/Ethnicity Significant Discrepancy |
Indicator 5 | School-age Educational Environment |
Indicator 6 | Preschool Educational Environment |
Indicator 7 | Preschool Outcomes |
Indicator 8 | Family Engagement |
Indicator 9 | Race/Ethnicity Disproportionate Representation |
Indicator 10 | Race/Ethnicity Disproportionate Representation – Disability Categories |
Indicator 11 | Timely Initial Evaluations |
Indicator 12 | Preschool Transition Part C to Part B |
Indicator 13 | Transition Goals, Age 16 and Above |
Indicator 14 | Post High School Outcomes |
Indicator 15 | Resolution Sessions |
Indicator 16 | Mediation |
Indicator 17 | State Systemic Improvement Plan |
As part of the APR requirement, each state must publicly report a local educational agency’s (LEA’s) performance for Indicators 1-14 in relation to the target for the indicator.
Federal Fiscal Years (FFY) | WISEdash | Special Education District Profile |
Beginning with FFY 2020-21 | X | -- |
FFY 2015-16 through 2019-20 | -- | X |
- The Special Education Indicators include both an Overview and a Graph that identifies the Local and State data for an indicator as well the expected target.
- The Data Year is indicated on the Special Education Indicators Overview. Note: Indicator 1, Indicator 2, and Indicator 4 are ‘lag year’ indicators meaning the data is for the year prior to the federal fiscal year (FFY).
- The Special Education Indicators Overview will display no data (--) if there were no students included for the LEA for the indicator for the reporting year. This may be because the LEA had no students to report for the reporting year or that the indicator focuses on an age range that does not apply to the LEA. Additionally, Indicator 8, Indicator 11, and Indicator 14 are cyclical indicators meaning a LEA only completes the indicator once every five years. In viewing the Special Education Indicators Overview, no data (--) will be displayed if it is a non-cycle year for these indicators for the LEA.
- The Special Education Indicators Overview will display the Local data as an asterisk (*) if the data has been redacted to protect small cell size.
- For FFY 2020, the target for many indicators is indicated as baseline. FFY 2020 begins a new six-year APR cycle. For Indicators 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, the measurement was changed resulting in the need for the state to establish new baseline data. Additionally for Indicator 7, the state changed its data collection method resulting in the state establishing new baseline data.
- No graphs are included for Indicator 4B, Indicator 9, and Indicator 10 as the Local data is a yes/no indicator.
- The graph for Indicator 3 requires a subject, English Language Arts or Mathematics, be selected using the Filter Data. For all other indicators, the Filter Data only needs to be used to select the district and the Annual Performance Report Year (FFY).
Definitions of Key Terms
For definitions, see the WISEdash Glossary .
Calculating Rates
The table below summarizes the current calculation for each indicator.
Indicator 1 | Percent = Number of youth with IEPs (ages 14-21) who exited special education due to graduating with a regular high school diploma divided by number of youth with IEPs (ages 14-21) who exited special education due to graduating with a regular high school diploma, received a certificate, reached maximum age, or dropped out multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 2 | Percent = Number of youth with IEPs (ages 14-21) who exited special education due to dropping out divided by number of youth with IEPs (ages 14-21) who exited special education due to graduating with a regular high school diploma, received a certificate, reached maximum age, or dropped out multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 3A | Percent = Number of children with IEPs participating in an assessment divided by total number of children with IEPs enrolled during the testing window multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 3B | Percent = Number of children with IEPs scoring proficient or advanced on the standard statewide assessment divided by number of children with IEPs who received a valid score and for whom a proficiency level was assigned for the standard assessment multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 3C | Percent = Number of children with IEPs scoring proficient or advanced on the alternate statewide assessment divided by number of children with IEPs who received a valid score and for whom a proficiency level was assigned for the alternate statewide assessment multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 3D | Gap = Proficiency rate for students with IEPs scoring proficient or advanced on the standard statewide assessment minus the proficiency rate for all students (including those with IEPs) scoring proficient or advanced on the standard statewide assessment. |
Indicator 4A | Percent = Number of children with IEPs suspended or expelled greater than 10 days divided by the October 1 Child Count of children with IEPs multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 5A | Percent = Number of children with IEPs aged 5 who are enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day divided by total number of children with IEPs aged 5 who are enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 with IEPs multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 5B | Percent = Number of children with IEPs aged 5 who are enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day divided by total number of children with IEPs aged 5 who are enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 with IEPs multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 5C | Percent = Number of children with IEPs aged 5 who are enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements by total number of children aged 5 who are enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 with IEPs multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 6A | Percent = Number of children with IEPs aged 3, 4, and aged 5 not enrolled in kindergarten attending a regular early childhood program and receiving the majority of special education and related services in the regular early childhood program divided by total number of children aged 3, 4, and aged 5 not enrolled in kindergarten multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 6B | Percent = Number of children with IEPs aged 3, 4, and aged 5 not enrolled in kindergarten attending a separate special education class, separate school, or residential facility divided by total number of children aged 3, 4, and aged 5 not enrolled in kindergarten multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 6C | Percent = Number of children with IEPs aged 3, 4, and aged 5 not enrolled in kindergarten receiving special education and related services in the home divided by total number of children aged 3, 4, and aged 5 not enrolled in kindergarten multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 7A1, B1, C1 | Percent = Number of children who entered the preschool program below age expectations for the outcome area who substantially increased their rate of growth by the time they exited the program divided by number of children who entered the preschool program below age expectations multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 7A2, B2, C2 | Percent = Number of children who were functioning within age expectation for the outcome area by the time they exited the program divided by number of children who exited the program multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 8 | Percent = Number of respondent parents who report schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving services and results for children with disabilities divided by total number of respondent parents of children with disabilities multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 11 | Percent = Number of children for whom parental consent to evaluate was received divided by total number of children whose evaluations were completed within 60 days multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 12 | Percent = Number of children found eligible who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthday divided by the total number of children served in Part C and referred to Part B for Part B eligibility minus those children determined to be NOT eligible and whose eligibility was determined prior to their third birthdays, for whom parent refusal to provide consent caused delays in evaluation or initial services, or eligibility for early intervention services under Part C was less than 90 days before their third birthdays multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 13 | Percent = Number of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including courses of study, that will reasonably enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs divided by total number of youth with an IEP age 16b and above multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 14A | Percent = Number of respondent youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school and were enrolled in higher education within one year of leaving high school divided by total number of respondent youth who are no longer in secondary school and had IEPs in effect at the time they left school multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 14B | Percent = Number of respondent youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school and were enrolled in higher education or were competitively employed within one year of leaving high school divided by total number of respondent youth who are no longer in secondary school and had IEPs in effect at the time they left school multiplied by 100. |
Indicator 14C | Percent = Number of respondent youth who are no longer in secondary school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left school and were enrolled in higher education, some other postsecondary education or training program, or competitively employed within one year of leaving high school divided by total number of respondent youth who are no longer in secondary school and had IEPs in effect at the time they left school multiplied by 100. |
Data Sources
Indicator 1 | WISEdata Year End |
Indicator 2 | WISEdata Year End |
Indicator 3 | Statewide Student Assessment System |
Indicator 4 | WISEdata Discipline, WISEdata October 1 Child Count |
Indicator 5 | WISEdata October 1 Child Count |
Indicator 6 | WISEdata October 1 Child Count |
Indicator 7 | Child Outcomes Application |
Indicator 8 | WISEdata Enrollment, Family Engagement Survey |
Indicator 9 | WISEdata October 1 Child Count, WISEdata Enrollment |
Indicator 10 | WISEdata October 1 Child Count, WISEdata Enrollment |
Indicator 11 | Timely Initial Evaluations Application |
Indicator 12 | Preschool Transition Application |
Indicator 13 | Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) Application |
Indicator 14 | WISEdata Year End, Post School Follow-up Survey |
Useful Links
- For more information related to the indicators, go to Wisconsin's State Performance Plan and click the specific indicator.
- To view the state's APR, go to Annual Performance Reports
- To view the Special Education Indicators for years prior to FFY 2020-21, go to Special Education District Profile
- IDEA Part B FFY 2020-2025 Measurement Table: Part B State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR)
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