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WISEdash Help: Certified Data

Certified Data


The data set that appears in the dashboard maintains an “official” static version of the data which provides consistent reporting over time. No data modifications are performed to merge or discard duplicate student reporting after the initial release of the certified results.

Some topics can identify a separate district/school to be accountable for a student’s outcomes that is different from the district/school submitting the data. If a student record separately identifies an accountable district/school, then that accountable district/school is used for reporting purposes in the Certified data. Note that even though the DPI state schools submit their own data the students are ONLY reported in the Certified Data through their accountable district and school.

Data dependencies require that all data sources be in the final “certified” status to publish Certified data. For previous years, this would occur after the ISES CD and YE collections were complete. Starting in 2016-17, demographic, enrollment, attendance and high school completion data now comes from school districts nightly though WISEdata. At certain points in a school year, after school districts have had a chance to finalize their student reporting, a copy (or “snapshot”) of data is taken and certified. For example, once school districts have had a chance to finalize enrollment and demographic information covering both the Third Friday of September and October 1st in a given school year, a “snapshot” of this data is taken and used for the certified reporting of Third Friday of September enrollments.

The Certified data is the DPI- and school district-certified version of data in its final publication state. In the Certified data, students are associated with the district accountable for their performance and progress. All data published in WISEdash is now certified before publication, with the exception of Postgraduation data.  The nature of the postsecondary enrollment data is such that no certification can be made for the data - it is always the most recent data available.

Data Availability Timeline


All data availability and update timelines are approximate based on data dependencies and other considerations.  Assessment data is usually updated in the Fall.  Data collected through WISEdata for current school year (Count Date and Child Count) and prior school year Year End data is usually updated in the Spring.