WISEdash for Districts: Snapshot Dashboards - Spring Demographics
About the Data | Definitions of Crosstab Filters | FAQ | Resource Links
About the Data
The Spring Demographics snapshot dashboard allows districts to validate the demographics associated with students before the Assessment Snapshot. The demographics in the snapshot are -eventually- used to build certified state assessment data which is ultimately used in the assessment areas in WISEdash Public and used in Report Cards.
Students who appear in the counts on the WISEdash Spring Demographics Snapshot dashboard are (1) students who are currently enrolled and (2) students who have been exited, but have not enrolled in another school reported by WISEdata. Students who have transferred to another school covered by WISE do not appear in the WISEdash dashboard, but do appear in WISEdata. This dashboard allows WISE to tie those students to assessments. If the student is enrolled elsewhere, then those assessments are linked with the other school districts. The spring dashboard for assessments is December - June.
Definitions of Applicable Crosstab Data Filters
The most commonly occurring filters are defined in detail on the WISEdash for Districts Snapshot Dashboard page. These include:
Acctbl Sch/ool
Att Sch/ool Name
ELP Code
In addition to some or all of the above listed filters, ‘available data’ filters that specifically apply to the Spring Demographic dashboard are:
Parent in Military - A yes/no indicator denoting whether a student has a parent/guardian who is a member of the armed forces (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Navy or Marine Corps) on active duty, full-time National Guard or Reserves, or as a traditional member of the National guard or reserves(yes) or not (no).
Visit the Parent in Military data element page for more information.
SPED Asmt - Indicates whether a child has an IEP (SwD) or does not have an IEP (SwoD) at any point during the assessment administration window (December to June).
Visit the Students with Disabilities and Statewide Assessment page for more information.
Dynamic Crosstabs Tips:
There is only one available measure for these charts (Count of Students).
Refer to the Using the Dynamic Crosstab User Guide for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions about Spring Demographic Snapshot Data
- What assessments are used for the Spring Demographics dashboard? Refer to the Assessments in Wisconsin page to get more information on all assessment data included in this dynamic crosstabs dashboard, including assessment schedules.
- What is the SPED Asmt? The special education assessment (SPED asmt) is a demographic category that captures students in a special ed status over a range of time instead of at a point in time. Most of the demographic categories that are available for use in the crosstab display student counts as of the present moment. ‘SPED Assmt’ displays any student with a valid IEP within the date range, even if their IEP has expired. This is valuable when compiling data related to assessments. This is a calculation performed within WISEdash, not a data element submitted by a district.
- The SPED Asmt is determined based on the presence of any IEP for the student between December 1 and the end of the school year. All other demographic values are those currently assigned to the student (or assigned at the time of the snapshot). This is the disability status that will be used for assessment accountability reporting.
Will a student who transferred out continue to show in the WISEdash dashboard?
Whether or not a student shows in the dashboard depends on where the student went after leaving your district. If the student transferred to another reporting agency, such as another public district, all reporting accountability follows to the new agency. If the student transferred out of state, homeschool, or to a non-choice private school, your district is still accountable for the student's data as the last reporting agency in WISE for the current school year.
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