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About the Data - Digital Equity

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Schools and LEAs conduct the annual Digital Equity Survey to collect voluntary responses from families regarding questions on access to digital devices and the internet where they live. The goal and purpose of this survey is to better understand the digital equity gap and target initiatives to help get access to those that need it. Closing the digital equity gap is a priority to ensure high-quality learning for all children in Wisconsin through access to robust broadband and digital learning resources, especially in rural areas and other groups lacking internet access.

There will be some minor updates to the Digital Equity survey for the 2023-24 school year so as to provide clearer results of the targeted data elements.

Dashboard Displays

This is the only data within WISEdash that is updated in ‘real time’ and is dynamic.

The Digital Equity dashboard is designed to only display statewide data.

The following graphs are available on the Digital Equity dashboard:

  • Public School Students Who Have Responded (of Students Enrolled)
  • Public School Students with Confirmed Internet Access (of Students Responded)
  • Public School Students with Confirmed Device Access (of Students Responded)
  • Public School Students with Confirmed Internet Performance (of Students Responded who have Access)

Hovering over the colored portion of each bar graph will provide the numbers that correlate to the displayed percentages.

This data can only be filtered by: School Year.


Digital Equity is an optional data collection. Response rates vary and not all schools and LEAs participate in the voluntary data collection.

Using Dashboards to Improve Learning

The Department of Public Instruction continues to support schools as they work to get students access to the internet and devices they need through initiatives including:

  • DPI provides secure reporting tools in the WISE application suite. These tools allow schools to collect, use, and analyze data about internet and device access for students in their district.
  • The Digital Learning Bridge allows schools and libraries to purchase discounted hardware and software, as well as bulk subscriptions for discounted internet through a partnership between the DPI and CESA Purchasing.
  • DPI also provides the Digital Equity Mapping Tool, that Wisconsin residents can use to learn more about the state of digital learning equity for individual school districts.
  • DPI provides information for schools and other partners about replicable models of collaborating and pooling resources for fiber expansion projects.
  • Schools can collaborate with their local broadband task force and use the Digital Equity Data to provide letters of support for broadband expansion grant applications.

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