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WISEdash for Districts - Training and User Guides

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Welcome to the WISEdash for Districts Training and User Guides page


This page provides users of all levels with 'How-To' guides, tutorial videos, and other resources to better help you navigate, analyze and make use of the WISEdash for Districts dashboard systems.

Materials are organized by topics, as listed below.

Click each topic bar to expand and view details.

artifactNOTE on Transition of Training Materials:

The training materials located on this page are going through an ‘upgrade process’ to align with the release of the new WISEdash for Districts dashboard design. We anticipate that all training materials will be revised and ready by the end of September for the 2023-24 school year.

A screenshot of the shared Google Drive linked on WISEdash for Districts.

Webpages to Replace Google Drive and Google Slides

In order to meet a number of improvements (such as better Accessibility, quicker turn-around time on updates, and providing content in a unified format), training materials are now going to be created as webpages. Formerly all training materials were created as Google Slides that can be located on the Shared Google Drive. This shared Google Drive is linked on the Welcome screen on WISEdash for Districts. This Shared Google Drive will remain in place until all training materials have been updated.

  • Google Slides training materials that ARE UPDATED: will be listed and hyperlinked on a Google Doc titled, "UPDATED for New WISEdash Design!"
  • Google Slides training materials that have not yet been updated will remain linked to those slides until they are replaced by their webpage equivalent.
  • When all Slides have transitioned to webpages, the Shared Google Drive will no longer be linked.
  • Materials that were available on the Shared Google Drive will still all be posted on this webpage. Scroll down to the 'accordion' widget. Expanding each section of the widget will display training materials within that section.

WISEdash for Districts Introduction Video


WISEdash & WISEdata Overview

artifact Overview Guides and Descriptions

WISEdash Information - UPDATED for New WISEdash Design!

WISEdata Information - UPDATED for New WISEdash Design!

  • The WISEdata Flyer provides a high-level overview describing how WISEdata has improved our data collection process, data quality, and system integration.
  • The Summary Guides for Administrators provide an overview for District Administrators on the WISEdata and WISEdash tools.

Data Teams Information

  • The Data Team Flyer provides a high-level overview of data teams including the benefits of creating them and DPI's recommendation.
Getting Started

artifactResources to Help You Get Started

Advanced Topic Navigation

Economic Status Data

  • Economic Status Data During the Pandemic: Google Slides user guides focusing on how economic demographic data in WISEdash for Districts and WISEdash Public was impacted by the pandemic.

Migrant Status

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Digital Equity

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Achievement Gap

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Attendance and Absenteeism

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Career Education and Coursework

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Data Inquiry Journal

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Discipline Data

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Special Education

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Student Profile

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Continuous Improvement and Decision Support
Guide Description
Redefining Ready Google Slides guide on creating a college and career readiness school report card with data found in WISEdash.
Early Warning
Guide Description
User guide on how to navigate the early warning dashboard in WISEdash for Districts.
User guide on how to view absenteeism early warning data in WISEdash for Districts.
Snapshot Preparation

artifactSnapshot Preparation


Training Opportunities
Guide Description
WISEdash 101 Update from Fall 2021

Workshop presented by WISExplore.

WISEdash 101 Update July 2020

Workshop presented by WISExplore.


WISEdash for Districts Snapshot Dashboards & Preparation (1 of 4) (8.13.19)

WISE workshop presented by the Customer Services Team to help prepare districts for the 2019-20 school year.


WISEdash 101 Webinar Series:  Using WISEdash to Support Continuous Improvement WISEdash 101 is a free webinar series designed to provide entry-level navigation and functionality of the tool;
participants should experiment on their own or seek support from a CESA Data Specialist to advance their
understanding of the data inquiry process. Activities are included for independent practice.
WISEdash 101 Webinar-Session #1 (7.30.19)


WISEdash 101 Webinar-Session #2 (8.15.19)


WISEdash 101 Webinar-Session #3 (9.4.19)


WISEdash 101 Webinar-Session #4 (9.4.19)


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