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WISEdash for Districts Training - How-To: Locate Snapshot Data

How-To: Locate Snapshot Data in WISEdash for Districts


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The following icons are used throughout WISEdash for Districts:

The WISEdash for Districts "dashboards menu" icon is a small icon of a computer monitor with an upward trending line Dashboards Menu (upper left screen). Dashboards menu (listing) appears on the left, and their corresponding sub-menus appear on the right. Sub-menus are dynamic, changing with the selected dashboard.
The WISEdash for Districts "utility apps" icon is a small toolbox Utility Apps (upper left screen, below dashboards icon)
The WISEdash for Districts "dashboard tools" icon is a circle with three dots, centered horizontally within the circle Dashboard Tools (mid-right screen in darker gray area)
The WISEdash for Districts "help button" icon is a white circle with a dark blue question mark centered inside the circle. Help Button (upper right screen, next to User login)

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Step-by-Step Instructions - Overview

These instructions show you how to find snapshot data on WISEdash for Districts. Each step will go into more detail below, including screenshots to assist with your navigation.

  1. Log in to WISEdash for Districts via WISEhome.
  2. To view dashboards, click the dashboards icon.
  3. Click “Snapshots” from the Dashboards Menu items.
  4. Select the Snapshots dashboard sub-menu item you desire:
    1. TFS Count Date
    2. Oct 1 Child Count
    3. Spring Demographics
    4. Attendance
    5. Discipline
    6. Year End Completion
    7. Career Education and Coursework
    8. Perkins
    9. Snapshot Resources
  5. Use filters to refine desired data

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Step-by-Step Instructions - Detailed Descriptions:

Click the links below to navigate to different steps within this section:

Step 1        Step 2        Step 3        Step 4        Step 5


 Step 1: Login to WISEhome

  • Log in to WISEdash for Districts via WISEhome.

WISEhome login screen

Helpful information can be found on the WISEhome and WISEsecure Login Information page.


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Step 2: Dashboard Icon

  • To view dashboards, click the dashboards icon WISEdash for Districts Dashboard icon

Step 3: Dashboard Menu Items

  • Click Snapshots

Step 4: Dashboards Sub-Menu Items

  • Select the Snapshots submenu item you want:

WISEdash for Districts Snapshot Dashboard Menu Item selected and Snapshots submenu items listed

The entire Snapshots submenu appears as a horizontal row at the top of the screen. Depending on the size of your screen, you may need to adjust the slider to see all of the options. The dashboard on display is indicated by blue text and a blue underline. Other options are gray.

Snapshot submenu appears as a horizontal row on top of the screen.

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Step 4a: Dashboard Sub-Menu: TFS Count Date

Step 4b: Dashboard Sub-Menu: October 1 Child Count

Step 4c: Dashboard Sub-Menu: Spring Demographics

Step 4d: Dashboard Sub-Menu: Attendance

Step 4e: Dashboard Sub-Menu: Discipline

Step 4f: Dashboard Sub-Menu: Year End Completion

Step 4g: Dashboard Sub-Menu: Career Education and Coursework

Step 4h: Dashboard Sub-Menu: Perkins


Step 5: Use Filters to Refine Data

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