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WISEdash for Districts Training - How-To: Locate Migrant Data

How-To: Locate Migrant Data in WISEdash for Districts


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NOTE: Restricted Access to Migrant Data Based on User Role

 Currently enrolled migrant student data can be viewed on WISEdash by persons with the user role of “Economic Indicator Analyst role.” If you cannot see the data after following the steps below, it is likely you do not have this role. Contact your local WISEsecure District Security Administrator for details.


The following icons are used throughout WISEdash for Districts:

The WISEdash for Districts "dashboards menu" icon is a small icon of a computer monitor with an upward trending line Dashboards Menu (upper left screen). Dashboards menu (listing) appears on the left, and their corresponding sub-menus appear on the right. Sub-menus are dynamic, changing with the selected dashboard.
The WISEdash for Districts "utility apps" icon is a small toolbox Utility Apps (upper left screen, below dashboards icon)
The WISEdash for Districts "dashboard tools" icon is a circle with three dots, centered horizontally within the circle Dashboard Tools (mid-right screen in darker gray area)

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Step-by-Step Instructions - Overview

These instructions show you how to find migrant data on WISEdash for Districts. Each step will go into more detail below, including screenshots to assist with your navigation.

  1. Log in to WISEdash for Districts via WISEhome.
  2. To view dashboards, click the dashboards icon.
  3. Click “Topics” from the Dashboards Menu items.
  4. Select the Enrollments under the Main category.
  5. Select 'Enrollment by Subgroup.'
  6. Click the 'Filter Data' button, Group by, Migrant Status.
  7. Use other filters to refine data as desired. 

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Step-by-Step Instructions - Detailed Descriptions:

Click the links below to navigate to different steps within this section:

Step 1: Login to WISEhome

  • Log in to WISEdash for Districts via WISEhome.

WISEhome login screen

Helpful information can be found on the WISEhome and WISEsecure Login Information page.

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Step 2: Dashboard Icon

  • To view dashboards, click the dashboards icon      WISEdash for Districts Dashboard icon

Step 3: Dashboard Menu Items

  • Click Topics

Step 4: Dashboards Sub-Menu Items

  • Select the Topics submenu item you want: Enrollment.

WISEdash for Districts Topics Dashboard Menu Item selected and Enrollment submenu items listed

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Step 5: Dashboard Dropdown Items

  • Make sure “Enrollment by Subgroup’ is selected from the dashboard dropdown.

Screenshot of Enrollments by Subgroup

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Step 6 and 7: 'Filter Data' Button

  • Click the Filter Data Button, click ‘Group by’ from the main menu, then click ‘Migrant Status’ from the ‘Group by’ submenu.

  • Use other filters to further refine data based on your needs and preferences.

WISEdash for Districts, Topics, Enrollment, Enrollment by Subgroup, Filter Data, Group By, Migrant Status.

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Viewing Student Specific Data

The first bar graph displayed on this dashboard is “Current Enrollment by Migrant Status.” There will be two categories for bar graph data to display: Not Migrant and Migrant. A total number of students in each category will appear at the top of the bar graph.

NOTE: If the Migrant population is small enough, an actual bar may not be visible on the dashboard. If no bar graph is visible, click the number instead.

Clicking either the bar graph or the total number displayed will change your screen from the dashboard display to a table with student specific data.

Screenshot of migrant data bargraphs, showing 7044 Non-migrant students enrolled with a visib;e bar graph, and 10 migrant student s enrolled with no bar graph.


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Migrant data flows into the WISE systems automatically from the Wisconsin MEP database system, MIS2000. This data from MIS2000 is certified in our Wisconsin snapshots. This automatic flow has been in place since the 2020-21 school year. Prior to this year, migrant data was submitted through SIS vendor tools to WISEdata Portal.

Your SIS vendor tool has the capability to retrieve migrant status student data from WISEdata Portal and store it in your SIS. Contact your vendor to ask questions about how to do this, and to verify that your SIS tool is retrieving data on a regularly updated basis.

NOTE: An alert is present in WISEdata Portal when migrant students have been identified for your district. Students identified on MIS2000 appear in this sub-category because they have:

  • An enrollment record submitted by the LEA and/or
  • A certificate of eligibility submitted by DPI MEP Staff

Compare the student data presented in WISEdata Portal to the student data present in WISEdash for Districts for accurate and consistent reporting.

Screenshot of the Migrant Alert in WISEdata Portal

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Equity Resources for Migrant Students

With migrant students identified and enrolled in the Migrant Education Program (MEP), LEAs should reach out to their School Nutrition Team to ensure that migrant students are obtaining free meals at school. More details can be found on the Economically Disadvantaged data element page, in the FAQ section, Use case #7. If you have other questions about providing access to students in a national school lunch program, please reach out to the DPI School Nutrition Team.

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