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Parentally-Placed Private Student Covered by a Service Plan

Parent Placed Private: WISEdata

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Parentally-Placed Private (PPP) indicates a student placed by a parent or guardian in a private school, who receives special education or related services from a public school/district (the submitting district) that meets Federal standards under a service plan (34 CFR 300.132 – 300.144).

‘Submitting district’ refers to the public school/district in which the private school is located. This public school/district is responsible for providing the special education and related services as outlined in the PPP student’s Individual Service Plan (ISP). For example, a PPP student attends Holy Cross school in Madison, WI which makes Madison Metropolitan School District the submitting district. The district in which the student resides is of no consequence to PPP data reporting.

USES: The information submitted under Parentally-Placed Private is used to complete Wisconsin's Annual Report on the Implementation of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) required under section 618 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004. WISEdata October 1 Child Count records are required for Parentally-Placed Private school students covered under a service plan when the service plan is in effect on the October 1 count date.


FAQs, Details, and Points to Note


1. Defining PPP: Parentally-placed private school children with disabilities are children with disabilities enrolled by their parents in private schools

  • Disability Requirement: Only students with disabilities may be submitted as parentally-placed private students. The students will have a sSEPA record with a reported disability.

  • Service Plan Requirement: A parentally-placed private student is covered by an Individual Service Plan (ISP), not an Individualized Education Program (IEP). For clarification regarding the definition of an Individual Service Plan, refer to the Special Education Information Update Bulletin 06.03.

2. Defining ‘private school’ for PPP scenarios: Definition of Private School: A school is a "private school" if it meets the definition at section 118.165(1), Wis. Stats. A directory of private schools may be found in the School Directory. The provisions do not apply to children placed in a private school by a school district or other public agency. In a parentally placed private school situation, the private school is the attending school. This private school may include religious elementary schools or secondary schools. This private school may be a Choice school, but it does not have to be a Choice school.

  • Choice Vs non-Choice Private Schools: Choice students are private school students that receive public funding to attend a private school. Since the state pays their tuition, their student data is required to be reported in WISEdata, much like a public school student. A Choice school can provide service to Choice and non-Choice (tuition paying) students. However, reporting depends on whether or not the school has chosen to opt in or opt out of the All Students Report Card. If the Choice school has opted in, they will report all of their students, regardless of choice status. If the Choice school has opted out, they will report only their Choice students.

3. Submitting PPP Students in WISEdata: Only report parentally-placed private school children with disabilities receiving special education and related services pursuant to a Service Plan that meets Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regulations in WISEdata.

4. Submitting District: The submitting district is the district in which the private school is located. This district is responsible for the development and implementation of the Service Plan. The resident district of the student is not relevant if the private school attended by the PPP student is outside of the student’s resident district.

5. PPP Grade Level Submissions: The IDEA provisions relating to parentally-placed private school students with disabilities apply to all parentally-placed children with disabilities attending private elementary and secondary schools, including religious schools. Wisconsin Statutes section 115.01(2) defines the elementary grades to include four- and five-year-old kindergarten; the elementary grades do not include grade PK or 3K. The secondary grades do not include any education beyond grade 12. The elementary or secondary school may be a day or residential school.

  • Ages 3 through 5: If a student is not parentally-placed in a four- or five-year old kindergarten private elementary school program, the child continues to have an individual entitlement to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) from their school district of residence. Grade 3K or PK is not a valid grade for a child who is parentally-placed in a private school.

6. PPP Exit Dates: For parentally-placed private students the exit date should be the date the student last received services under the service plan. For non-primary enrollments, such as PPP, exit dates should match the exit date of primary enrollment.

7. Other Reporting: Parentally-placed private students are included in EDFacts and OSEP Reporting, but not included in ESSA and School Performance Reporting (i.e., PPP students are not included in the May student demographic snapshot). For these students a limited set of data elements are required, but if the non-required data elements are submitted, business validation rules will still be applied to the data.

8. PPP Historical Use: Parentally-Placed Private status was not included in WSLS or ISES prior to 2006-07 for Year End records and 2007-08 for Count Date records.


Private School Reporting Requirements

The private school, whether it is a Choice school or not, may have unique reporting responsibilities.The following data elements are required to be reported for Parentally-Placed Private students receiving services in a public school. 

Private schools do not report children with disabilities placed in a private school or facility who are:

  • placed by a public agency (i.e., a court) as a means of providing special education and related services.
  • not receiving special education and related services pursuant to an Individual Service Plan.

sSEPA Program Information:

PPP school is a Non-Choice Private school:

Non-Choice private schools do not report to WISEdata.

PPP school is Choice with Opt-out to All Students Report Card:

Enrollment type is Primary (*not* viewable in WISEdata portal)

PPP school is Choice with Opt-in to All Students report card:

Follow the WISEdata and WISEid reporting requirements listed below:

WISEdata Requirements for Choice School, Opt-In for All Students Report Card:

'Opt-In' means that all students at the Choice school, including SNSP pupils, will be included in the Private School-All Students Report Card. Data related to SNSP pupils will be required and will be reflected in the non-Choice section of the report card. SNSP students should be reported the same as any other non-Choice student/PPP school student. SNSP students do not need to be identified as SNSP students in WISEdata.

  • Actual Days of Attendance: The Choice school is responsible for submitting attendance for students with a primary enrollment. See the Attendance data element page for further details.

  • Count Date Collection: Oct 1 Child Count - No.

    • October 1 Count Date Inclusion denotes whether a student is enrolled and receiving services to be eligible for credit on the count date. Only public schools report Oct 1 Child Count.

    • For Oct. 1 Child Count, no Choice school students are IDEA eligible, so Choice schools cannot take accountability for Oct. 1 counts.

  • Count Date Collection: TFS - Yes.

    TFS Count Date Inclusion denotes whether a student is enrolled and receiving services to be eligible for credit on the count date.

  • English Language Proficiency: Submit appropriate English Language Proficiency (ELP) code as required. Students with English language proficiency classifications of codes 1-5 are considered Limited English Proficient (LEP). For students in grade levels KG to 12, the value reported is expected to correspond to the results from the most recent administration of the ACCESS for ELLs exam.

  • Demographic information: Submit all general demographic data elements for PPP students as applicable:

  • Enrollment Type: Primary (viewable in WISEdata portal)

    • WISEdata logic will review inclusion based on parentally-placed private (PPP) calculations, whether or not the school provides the primary educational services, and whether or not the student's enrollment is active.

  • Xello - Course Transcripts: ONLY APPLIES to LEAs utilizing the Xello SIS: Only send course transcripts for Primary enrollments. Course transcripts are not expected from non-primary enrollments (i.e. coursework and PPP).

WISEid Requirements:

The Choice School is responsible for getting the WISEid and reporting student data to WISEdata for all Choice participants. Some Choice schools choose to also report their non-Choice participants. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction shall assign each student and educator a WISEid, a unique, permanent, and unduplicated identifier. This 10-digit numeric field is required for all reported students and for educators.


Public School Reporting Requirements

The public school/district, as the submitting agency, has responsibilities to report the following information:

sSEPA Program Information:

Student Special Education Program Association (sSEPA) records apply to all students with disabilities attending private elementary and secondary schools.

  • Grade level PK is NOT permitted for PPP students, but ages 3, 4, & 5 are permissible, as long as they do not correlate with a grade level of PK.

  • The educational environment for a PPP student age 5 in KG through age 21 is “T” – Parentally Placed in Private School.

    • There is no separate educational environment code for a PPP student age 3, age 4, or age 5 not in KG.

    • The Preschool Educational Environment Decision Tree should be used when determining the educational environment code for a PPP student age 3, age 4, or age 5 not in KG

  • Change in Status: Whenever there is a change to the PPP flag, new ISP date(s) are triggered. WISEdata expects a new enrollment record (sSA) and a new special education record (sSEPA).Therefore, a new sSEPA record is submitted with these changes. DPI should receive:

    • an IEP End Date on the previous record, and

    • an ISP Begin Date on the new sSEPA record when the student changes from not PPP to being PPP

WISEdata Requirements for Public Schools:

  • Actual Days of Attendance: Send as (0) zero. Choice schools submits attendance. DPI does not collect attendance data for PPP students, but if it's submitted it will be subject to validation rules.
  • Completed School Term: For parentally-placed private (PPP) students, both the public school and the Choice school should report that the student completed the school term. You may still receive a warning, such as 6567 - Completed School Term is 'Yes', in multiple enrollment records for multiple districts or agencies. The warning displays because the information may or may not be correct but requires review to decide. If the data is correct, as in both schools submitting the PPP student as completing the school term, the warning can be acknowledged and will require no further action.

  • Count Date Collection: Oct 1 Child Count - Yes.

    • October 1 Count Date Inclusion denotes whether a student is enrolled and receiving services to be eligible for credit on the count date. Only public schools report Oct 1 Child Count.

    • If the student is PPP, and the student’s primary enrollment is in a Choice school, and the Choice student receives special education services in a public school, then the public school district gets to count the student for the October 1 Child Count.

  • Count Date Collection: TFS - No.

    • TFS Count Date Inclusion denotes whether a student is enrolled and receiving services to be eligible for credit on the count date.

    • If the student is PPP, and the private school holds the primary enrollment, the student is included in the Third Friday of September count for the private school.

  • Demographic information: Submit all general demographic data elements for PPP students as applicable:

  • English Language Proficiency: Submit appropriate English Language Proficiency (ELP) code as required. Students with English language proficiency classifications of codes 1-5 are considered Limited English Proficient (LEP). For students in grade levels KG to 12, the value reported is expected to correspond to the results from the most recent administration of the ACCESS for ELLs exam.

  • Enrollment Type: PPP (viewable in WISEdata portal). Check with your vendor to see how to designate a student as PPP.
    • This is a non-primary enrollment type, which disallows the public school from counting the PPP student on the TFS count.

    • PPP is a non-primary enrollment type for the public, resident school/LEA because it denotes that the student, while being a resident within the boundaries of a public school system, nor does the student attend/obtain primary educational services from that public school district/LEA.

    • The public school/district providing services pursuant to a Service Plan for a PPP student is the public school/district in which the private school that the student is attending is located.

      • Use PPP Enrollment Type whether the private school being attended by the PPP student is a Choice (opt-in or opt-out) or a non-Choice school.

      • Use PPP Enrollment Type whether the PPP student is obtaining services pursuant to a Service Plan within a public school/district, or within the private school as provided by a teacher sent to the private school location by the public district to provide services. More details about this scenario and other scenarios can be found on the Special Education Information Update Bulletin 06.03.

    • WISEdata logic will also review inclusion based on parentally-placed private (PPP) calculations, whether or not the school provides the primary educational services, and whether or not the student's enrollment is active.

  • Possible Days of Attendance: Submit as (0) zero days. (Choice schools submit).

  • Resident District: Enter the Submitting District for this data element.

  • Roster data: DO NOT SUBMIT Roster data on PPP students because they are only obtaining services pursuant to an ISP.

Non-Required Data Elements for PPP Students in a Public School:

The following data elements are NOT required - AND - should not be sent to WISEdata. However, if they exist as characteristics submitted by another school/district, then they should remain. Do NOT delete them. ​

WISEid Requirements:

The Choice School is responsible for getting the WISEid and reporting student data to WISEdata for all Choice participants. Some Choice schools choose to also report their non-Choice participants. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction shall assign each student and educator a WISEid, a unique, permanent, and unduplicated identifier. This 10-digit numeric field is required for all reported students and for educators.



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