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WISEdash for Districts Training - How-To: Navigate the Menus

How-To: Navigate the Menus in WISEdash for Districts


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The following icons are used throughout WISEdash for Districts:

The WISEdash for Districts "dashboards menu" icon is a small icon of a computer monitor with an upward trending line Dashboards Menu (upper left screen). Dashboard menu items appear on the left. Each Dashboard menu item has a corresponding sub-menu that appears on the right. Sub-menus are dynamic, changing with the selected dashboard.
The WISEdash for Districts "utility apps" icon is a small toolbox Utility Apps (upper left screen, below dashboards icon)
The WISEdash for Districts "dashboard tools" icon is a circle with three dots, centered horizontally within the circle Dashboard Tools (mid-right screen in darker gray area)

Screenshot of WISEdash for Districts indicating where hese four navigation buttons appear on any given screen.

WISEdash for Districts terminology - Menu refers to the static menu on the left, submenus are dynamic on the left.

Wen a dashboard is selected in WISEdash Districts, the dashboard name appears in the upper left-hand corner, next to the dashboard menu icon; the submenu dashboard title is indicated in blue text, and dropdown options appear below an expander tool.

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Step-by-Step Instructions - Overview

The WISEdash for Districts Dashboard menu: Welcome, Topics, Advanced Analysis, Early Warning, Snapshots, Tools, Administrator

This introduction gives you the basic steps. Each step will go into more detail below, including screenshots to assist with your navigation.

  1. Log in to WISEdash for Districts via WISEhome.

  2. To view dashboards, click the dashboards icon.     The WISEdash for Districts "dashboards menu" icon is a small icon of a computer monitor with an upward trending line

  3. Click through the left-side Dashboards Menu.

    1. Options for dashboards are dynamic, changing sub-menus and drop-down options within each listing as you click.

  4. Select the dashboard menu item / sub-menu / drop-down you desire.

  5. Use filters to refine desired data.

Step-by-Step Instructions - Detailed Descriptions:

Click the links below to navigate to different steps within this section:

 Step 1: Login to WISEhome

  • Log in to WISEdash for Districts via WISEhome.

WISEhome login screen

Helpful information can be found on the WISEhome and WISEsecure Login Information page.


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Steps 2 & 3: Dashboard Menu and Sub-Menus

  • To view dashboards, click the dashboards icon
    • Welcome

WISEdash Welcome Dashboard and Sub-Menu screenshot

  • Click through the Dashboards Menu (left side). Options for dashboards are dynamic, changing sub-menus and drop-down options within each listing as you click.

    • Topics

WISEdash Topics Dashboard and Sub-Menu screenshot

  • Advanced Analysis

WISEdash Advanced Anlysis Dashboard and Sub-Menu screenshot

  • Early Warning

WISEdash Early Warning Dashboard and Sub-Menu screenshot

  • Snapshots

WISEdash Snapshots Dashboard and Sub-Menu screenshot

  • Tools

WISEdash Tools Dashboard and Sub-Menu screenshot

  • Administrator

WISEdash Administrator Dashboard and Sub-Menu screenshot

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Step 4: Select the Dashboards Menu Item / Sub-Menu / Drop-down You Want

  • Once you have selected the dashboards menu item and sub-menu you want, your screen will display that dashboard.

  • The selected dashboards menu item appears in the top-left corner, adjacent to the dashboard icon.

    Submenu appears horizontally, below the selected dashboards menu item. Filters appear below the sub-menu.

WISEdash Districts view of selected dashboard and submenu on the screen

  • Submenu items that have an expander tool icon next to them will reveal dropdown options.

  • Click the expander tool icon and select the dashboard desired from the dropdown menu.

WISdash Districts drop-down menus and expander tools

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Step 5: Filter Messages and Dashboard Display

  • If a dashboard does not appear, read the information on the screen. You may need to select a required filter or filters. Hover over existing filters to see other information.

Example of a WISEdash Districts "hover" showing a message about a filterWISEdash Districts message of "no data found' based on current selected filters

  • A common required filter is Grade. Select the grade(s) for dashboards to display that data.

WISEdash Districts filter message requiring User to select a grade

Use of Filters drop-down to select a grade

  • If other required filters are needed, messages will continue to notify:

WISEdash Districts example of required filter - Course Enrollment dashboard requires "Course Subject" filter to be selected

  • If you still cannot see your dashboard, scroll down. There may be dashboards outside your current screen view.

    • In this screenshot, the red rectangle reflects the initial screen view.

      The dashboards located below (dark green and light green bar graphs) are only visible after scrolling down.

Some dashboards on WISEdash for Districts require users to scroll down in order to view the dashboard

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More Help and Resources

The “Welcome” screen on WISEdash for Districts links to a shared Google Drive. This Google drive has training materials such as slide decks which are currently being updated to reflect the new WISEdash appearance.

The “Welcome” screen also displays a ‘‘Quick-Start” video, providing you with a brief entry-level introduction of WISEdash.

Additionally, the “Welcome” screen also has a “Resources” submenu with dropdown options.

The “Resources” available on each Dashboard’s submenu are listed here:

Bottom Banner: Returning to WISEhome and Adding Suggestions

The very bottom of WISEdash for Districts provides options to return to WISEhome, or to visit your WISEadmin portal, the DPI homepage, or the WISEdash Public Portal.

You can make suggestions to improve WISEdash for Districts by clicking the green “Suggestions” button in the lower right corner.

WISEdash bottom banner provides buttons to return to WISEhome login screen or to add suggestions

  • Consider joining our WISE Community! A Microsoft Teams environment where you can read up on current topics and post questions.

  • Would you like to ask questions directly to a Customer Services Team member? We also host a recurring WISE User Group Webinar! Join us!

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Didn't Find What You Needed?


We are here to help!

If the question you’ve been trying to answer isn’t showing up on our training or web materials, please open a Help Ticket.

Help Ticket for WISEdash - when the ticket is open, select WISEdash for Districts from the Applications drop-down menu.

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